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-Jack's POV-
"Lift you ungrateful Fuck!" I hear my trainer, Michael, yell at me as I lift the 140 pound rock over my head slowly.
"I'm trying!" I yell as I straighten my arms up over my head "I did it!"
"God job.... You lifted it once" Michael says sarcastically "19 more times"
"Yeah yeah" I say as I continue to lift it 19 more times.
-19 lifts later-
"I'm done can I take a break now?" I ask as I collapse to the ground out of exhaustion.
"Fine, fine.... You deserve it" Michael says "only one other to be gladiator can lift that much weight without getting crushed"
"Who is that?" I ask knowing the answer but wanting him to say the name.
"Mark Fishbach" he says with a sigh... I smile not hiding my happiness or excitement.
"Of course" I say to him "so I can go now?"
"Go ahead" he says as I get up and run out of the training hall past the other to be gladiators that are training. All of my muscles hurt and are just begging for rest but I keep going and ignore all of my pain since where I'm going is where I want to be oh so badly... I keep running my bare feet stepping on sand and stones. I am wearing only a leather speedo type thing, (I am imagining like from the movie 300) with a bracelet that I made and a necklace with a tooth on the end of it. My thoughts get cut short by sudden and fast movement in front of me.... I come into focus only to see the person I want to see right now running at me.
"Mark!" I yell happily as we meet in a hug.
"Let's go back to my place" he says as he takes my hand and leads me to his little house. As soon as Mark shuts the door to his house and we're alone... I get pushed back against the wall with Mark's mouth fit to mine and his hands trailing up and down my body... My hands go to the back of his head and in his hair. He grabs my hands then walks backwards to his bed where he lays on his back and pulls me so I'm straddling his waist.... We never broke the kiss once. Mark is just about to pull off the only item of clothing I'm wearing but we are interrupted.
"Fishbach!" We hear someone yell as the door swings open fast. We break the kiss and look towards the door to see Mark's trainer with a pissed off look on his face.
"Leo what are you doing here?" Mark asks as he sits up and pushes me off of him.
"Michael is looking for you Mcloughlin" Leo says to me as he steps forward.
"Why? He just told me that I could go" I state.
"Yes but we just got news of something you're obviously gonna hate.... Since you're closer than we thought" Leo points out.
"Yeah yeah..... What did you interrupt me for?" Mark asks obviously... annoyed by the tone of his voice.
"McLoughlin.... You better go find Michael.... He should tell you.... Not me" Leo demands as he points at the door.
"What is so important? Why do I have to leave? We get every fours days for free time and it's now taken by some supposed bad news!" I yell angrily as I get up and stomp out of the door.
"Jack wait!" I hear Mark call as I feel an arm wrap around my waist "something tells me you're not mad... You're scared" I turn around and look at him in the eyes... I nod as I let tears form in my eyes then fall.
"I'm scared that it's time to fight" I whisper.
"I'm sure you'll win with whom ever it is" Mark says as he wipes my tears away.
"I'm not so sure... I might not die because of weakness but because I don't want to" I say as I stop crying as much "Mark.... We are the only ones of this equal strength... And we are the strongest ones.... They're gonna make us fight each other"
"W-Why would they?"
"Because they know others wouldn't be much of a fight for us" I state as I see worry form in his eyes.
"If it is you... Just kill me... I won't fight back" Mark says to me.
"I-I....... I ca..." I get cut off.
"Let's go Mcloughlin!" I hear Michael yell as he grabs my arms then pulls me away. I just walk with him since I want to know what's actually going on... We get back to the training hall then he sits me down beside the rock I lifted not long ago.
"What did Leo tell you?" Michael asks.
"Not much except that you just got news that me and Mark are gonna hate" I reply.
"Probably yes.... But I'll tell you in detail" Michael says as he begins the horrid conversation we have next "you have a fight tomorrow morning at 9:00"
"Ok.... W-who am I f-fighting?"
"You know already don't you?"
"I have an idea but I don't know for sure" I infrom Michael as I hug my knees.
"You'll be fighting... Mark Fishbach" Michael sighs. I get a lump in my throat as I hear his name being said over and over in my head.... It bounces around like its a cave.... I feel like I want to throw up or faint but all I do try and hold back my tears.... I fail terribly. For the next hour I lay in my house ignoring everyone and everything while crying as hard as I can, non stop.... Michael tries to break me but he can't all he can do is leave me alone so he leaves. About 7 hours later I hear the door open... I ignore it thinking it's just Michael again to tell me to eat or something but I don't want to do anything.
"Jack..... It's me, Mark" I hear his voice that breaks me from my concrete cell of a brain, blocking out everything. I uncurl myself from the ball I formed in the corner of the room... I look up at Mark with my eyes still full of water and my face burning from the tears that dried there.
"Mark?" I ask, my voice croaky from the crying.
"Yeah it's me babe" Mark says with a smile as he closes the door to my place. I immediately get up and run over to him... I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist while I burry my face into his neck.... I continue to cry.
"Awe Jackaboy... I can't stand to see you like this.... I've tried all I could to stop this but they won't take no for an answer" Mark says as he brushes his hand through my hair.
"Why? Why did they breed us for this? Train us? Feed us? All so we can die young" I point out.
"Jack just calm down..... we might get through this alive... We have a chance" Mark says softly as I calm down then I let go and stand up looking into his eyes.
"Do you think so?"
"I know so" Mark replies as he lifts me up and puts me into bed "now... Let's get some sleep"
"Don't leave... Please"
"I'm not.... I'll sleep with you tonight" Mark says as he climbs into bed beside me.
"Yay" I say like a little kid as I snuggle up next to him... Mark wraps his arms around me "goodnight Mark... I love you" I drift off to sleep only barely catching Mark's words.
"I love you too"
Knock! Knock! Knock!
"Wake up Mcloughlin! We've gotta go now!" I get woken up by someone yelling at me from outside.
"Come in" I say just loud enough. The door opens and in walks Michael with what looks like a couple weapons and some armour... Oh no.
"Thank fuck you're awake..... You battle in an hour" Michael says as I sit up. I look around to see Mark is gone.... He must have left already Earlier but why rush if neither of us want to fight?
"Let's go! Now!" Michael yells at me.
"Okay!" I yell back as I get up and get ready. I put on sandals, shin plates, forearm plates, a chest plate and a helmet.... I have a belt with a dagger in it but I carry an axe. Michael rushes me over to the arena quickly.... I take a deep breath as I stand behind the door and try to mentally prepare myself but I'm cut short by the doors opening to reveal a stadium full of people waiting for a show full of blood with at least one person dead at the end. I start walking out to the middle where I meet Mark... He's giving me a sad look as I give him the same..... We nod then the bell rings. We just circle each other for what feels like forever until Mark lunges at me only to have me dodge then kick him to the ground.
"What do we do? Have you thought of anything we can do?" I ask him quietly as he gets up and swings at me again.
"I don't know if there's anything we can do" Mark sighs as I dodge. Just then a small arrow sticks into Mark's arm making him twitch then swing fast and hard at me... His sword digs into the side of my neck... I scream then fall to the ground.
"Jack!" Mark yells as he drops his weapon then kneels beside me. Just then our conversation from last night pops into my head..... 'We might get through this alive... We have a chance'......'you think so?'......... 'I know so'....... Liar.... He's a liar.... I mean I know he can't predict what's going to happen... But he got my hopes up! I then grab hold of my axe... I stand up quickly then I swing my arm up... And bring it down on the side of Mark's neck.
"This is the only way" I say as Mark falls to the ground in pain "we both die"
"Okay" Mark nods as he stands up as quickly as he can. My vision starts going blurry.... I know it's my end.... I reach out and hug Mark.
"M-Mark... I can't see... I think this is it... Kiss me? One more time... Please?" I ask as I feel Mark press his lips to mine. I then feel something unexpected... Mark goes limp then drags me up the ground.... I know that as only one thing... He's dead. I start crying Mark's name but I'm cut short as my body gets paralyzed then a few seconds later everything fades black..... I'm dead.
-The End-

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