Gender Bent (Part 3)

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-Marko's POV-
I look at the time on my phone... Anytime now would be nice...
"Alright... Class dismissed" the teacher says as everyone gets up to go.
"Yes!" I smile as I look over at Jackie but then I remember she still has one more class in a few hours though.
"Got anything in particular that you're excited to do?" She asks me as we stand up and walk out the door and down the hall.
"No... Just excited to get out of there" I say as my phone buzzes signaling that I have a message.

Hey you guys are done with class now right?

I am but Jackie has class in a couple hours again

Ok well wanna hang out somewhere? Me and Ken we're gonna go to his house to play some video games wanna join?

I do but I'll ask Jackie and maybe Dotty?

Yeah sure... He say he doesn't care... Bring as many friends as you have

Alright.. Hold on I'll ask


I look up from my phone to see Jackie up ahead waiting for me.
"Oh sorry" I say as I run up and grab her hand "wanna go hang out with Ken, Felicia and maybe Dotty at Kens place?"
"Umm... Sure.. Does he have video games?" Jackie smiles.. I nod then she starts pulling me along till we see Ken and Felicia waiting by Ken's car.. We smile at them as we reach the car.
"Jackie can you ask Dotty? You're more aquatinted with her" I laugh as she pulls out her phone.. She texts her.. I glance at the messages but their in Irish so I have no idea what they say.
"You should teach me Irish" I suggest with a grin.
"That would be so difficult to do.. But I guess I could teach you some" she smiles and looks as though she's thinking "the best part is I can talk to people right to their faces and they don't know what I'm saying unless they know Irish... I could talk about those people rudely and they would give a fuck" we all laugh as she looks down at her phone.
"I can do that with Swedish.. I'm Swedish if you didn't know.. I swear in Swedish a lot" Felicia giggles.
"Oh really? I knew you had an accent but I didn't know what" I say.
"Dotty's in!" Jackie yells as he turns to see her running at us.
-Jackie's POV-
"Hey what up?!" I say as Dotty runs up to us.
"Let's go play video games!" She shouts with her arms in the air as she runs into me "oops couldn't stop... Sorry"
"Nah it's okay... This is fun because they have no idea what we're saying unless we create obvious actions" I laugh as I see them roll their eyes at us.
-Marko's POV-
"Ok let's go!" Ken says as I peel my eyes away from Jackie and Dotty talking to the car... We all get in and barely fit everyone in... Jackie is in the middle because I refuse to sit beside Dotty but nobody knows that.. Am I letting my jealousy take over? Am I too harsh? She did say Dotty isn't Into girls right? But I can't help seeing her laughing and smiling with someone else... That sounds selfish... God! Don't cry! Not here not now! I hold back the tears that threaten to fall... She's just a friend Jackie even said she doesn't like her... Why am I so upset about this... Maybe because it's my first relationship with someone guy or girl.. I sigh at the thought.
"That may be true" I whisper to myself.
"What was that?" Jackie asks leaning closer to me.
"Nothing... Just talking to myself"
"Are you okay? You seem quieter than before" she points out.
"I'm fine.. I just have stuff on my mind" I shake my head and look into her eyes... She looks at me as if she's searching for an answer in my eyes.
"You sure?" She asks me with concern.. I smile and nod.
"Yes.. If there was I would tell you... I promise" I say as I press a kiss to Jackie's lips only to get held there by her hands on the back of my head. Our kiss gets broken because I hear Ken say that we're here... I look out the window to see a decent size house that would hold a family of 4 easily. We all get out then head into the house.
"Make yourself at home.. You can explore go anywhere you like there is a computer in the living room..."
"Mine!" Jackie cuts him off as she darts to the computer.
"Okay that's taken there's also one up in my room"
"Gotte!" Dotty yells as she runs upstairs and searches for his room.
"Alright... Then there's a Ps4 right there hooked to the tv" Ken and Felicia look at me since I'm the only one left.
"Oh uh... I'm okay.. I'm more a computer person myself... My dad introduced me to computers at a very young age and I've even built my own..." I smile as I look around "I might just explore this place"
"Alright cool with me... Well if you change your mind we'll be using it" I smile I head downstairs into the basement... I sigh as I round a corner. What's wrong with me? Why am I so.. Antisocial right now? I look around then I find a bookshelf and I look through the books there is a book that looks like someone wrote it... It's called the real Romeo and Juliet... I laugh at the picture on the front... It's Juliet slapping Romeo. I take it out then sit down on the couch I start reading it and I immediately start laughing and giggling because there are already jokes and funny parts.
-Jackie's POV-
I am Playing Gta online with Dotty upstairs in Ken's room... We are laughing and talking then I realize something.
".... Right Jackie?" I only hear part of what she was saying.
"What? Oh... Uhh sorry hold on a sec.. Be right back" I say as I take off the headphones then I look around to see Ken and Felicia playing a game on the tv but.. Where's Mark?
"Where's Mark?" I ask out loud as I stand beside Felicia.
"She said she was gonna explore but I don't know where she went" Felicia looks up at me "that was like two hours ago"
"Wait! We've been here for two hours?" I look at the time... 3:00 "fuck! I have class in half an hour"
"I can drive you... Don't worry you'll get there" Ken says to me.. I nod to him but then I look around. I see a flight of stairs going down... I'll start there I guess... I head down and look around only to see her laying on the couch asleep with a book in her hand but her arm hanging off the couch touching the floor... I smile at her as I think. Should I just leave her here to sleep then come back after I'm done... Hmm maybe I should... I don't wanna disrupt her only to put her back in her bed and sleep.
"I'll be back" I whisper as I plant a kiss on her forehead then I head up the stairs to see Ken at the door along with Dotty.
"Did you find her?" Felicia asks... I nod.
"She's asleep... I'll just let her rest till after then I can come back to get her" I say as I put my shoes on.
"You guys can always stay the night if you'd like... Depending on when your first class is" Ken suggests.
"I can't... Mines early" Dotty sighs.
"My only one for tomorrow is at 12:00 and Mark's only one is at 1:00" I say "so maybe"
"Ok cool... Let's go or you'll miss your class" Ken says as the three of us head out to the car then he drives us back to campus where me and Dotty split to go to our separate classes.
-Mark's POV-
I open my eyes to see a man sitting at the end of a couch... But... Where am I... I look at the man he has brown hair that has been dyed bright green on the top... Like Jackie's hair!
"Mark? You ok babe?" He asks in a definite Irish accent... Those same blue eyes looking at me with concern.
"Uhh... Yeah.. I..." My eyes widen at the deep voice that comes out of my mouth "hold on" I say as I get up then I find my way to a bathroom to look in the mirror. I gasp as I look at the figure in the mirror... A man in his twenties with black hair that has been dyed red on the top... My brown eyes are the only part that I can recognize as mine. I have big muscles and toned abs... I'm definitely a guy... But what?! Why?
"Mark? What's wrong? You look like you don't know where you are.." Ja... Jack ,I'm assuming, says as he looks at me with worry.
"Uhh" I swallow "J-Jack... I'm fine.. Just a nightmare"
"You sure?"
"Yeah... I was just freaked... I'm fine" I reassure as I actually start to calm... I walk over to him then I hug him burying my face in his neck... This feels so right.
"Okay... I'm assuming you don't want to talk about it" Jack says.
"No... Never" I let go of him then I take a deep breath.
"Are you still gonna do that livestream you said you were gonna do?" Jack asks me... I think for a moment.
"I-I dunno... I don't feel very well anymore" I say truthfully because I do feel like I'm gonna throw up... from all this confusing information that's been thrown at me.
"Well I'm sure they'd understand if you can't do it" Jack says "just go back to sleep then... It's probably best if you don't feel well"
"Yeah.. I'll go to bed... Might help" I say as I head upstairs to wear I assume is the bedroom... Once I lay down everything goes black. My eyes fly open to see I'm still laying on the couch downstairs of Ken's place... The book I was reading is now on the floor and everything is quiet unlike before I fell asleep. I get up and put the book back then I head up the stairs to see Felicia talking on the phone.... She's talking in Swedish.. I look around to see nobody else here I then pull out my own phone then I go over and sit beside Felicia on the couch she smiles at me but doesn't say anything to me... I look at my phone.

Where are you, Ken and Dotty?

You're awake! Ken drove me and Dotty to class about an hour ago but rn he's driving me back there... He says we can stay over night if we'd like.. Dotty can't so she won't be there..

I silently cheer about the last part... What!? That's so mean! I'm not mean! Shut up! I sigh... I have serious talking to myself problems.. Whatever... Maybe I should be a YouTuber... That dream gave me a sign of our future! Nah... Probably just a weird dream... We were guys so how is that our future? Anyway... I shake my head then I get back to the conversation.

Okay... Yeah I'd like to stay.. Actually play games this time..

Sorry... I kinda was neglecting you the whole time... But I promise I won't this time since Dotty's not gonna be with us...

It's okay... I was just reading something funny downstairs... Then I fell asleep... I also had a really weird dream about us..

Did you... Well we're almost there you can tell me about if you like

See ya soon :*

See ya :*

I put my phone away then I look at Felicia she is just sitting there looking at me... Smiling?
"Is something on your mind?" I ask.
"Well... Isn't there always but... I'm just thinking about you and Jackie... You're cute together" she says... I roll my eyes at her then I just get up and head out the front door to the porch... I sit on the steps... The light of the sunset shining past trees and onto me... The light cool breeze blowing my hair it feels so nice... This has been the best two days of my life so far... Sure it had its ups and downs but for the most part ever since meeting Jackie I've been so happy. I look up to see a car in the driveway and Jackie standing at the bottom of the stairs in front of me... She's smiling at me... I smile back at her then I pull her towards me.... Our lips meet as she straddles my lap. In that moment everything is a blur around us... I can taste, smell, see and feel her only... Nothing else matters in the moment when we break we keep our foreheads pressed.
"I love you so much and I am so glad you were chosen to be my roommate cuz we may not have met otherwise and if so we wouldn't have been so close after only one day" I whisper.
"Me too... You made my life so much better and I'm glad I get to call you mine... I love you too"
-The End-

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