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I just get home from school/work so I head to my room where I sit down at my computer.. I go onto YouTube the go to Mark's channel to see a new video. Jack's in it! I new Jack was in LA staying at Mark's place last week so they said something about doing videos together but this is the first video they put up of the many Mark said was coming. I slip on my headphones then I click on the video. Mark is standing alone in the new office he has.
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today I have a very special guest with me" he smiles.
"Jacksepticoiii!" Jack yells as he runs into view.
"Yeah that guy" Mark says so calmly after that outburst "anyway so to get right into what we have planned we asked you guys on Twitter to give us a movie genre then we have to act something out on the spot"
"Oh great... this is going to end badly" Jack sighs chuckling.
"Nah.. it's fine.. Everything will be a-okay" Mark waves it off as he grabs a small bag "you pick first"
"Oh ok.." Jack puts his hand in the bag the blindly grabs one "this one!" Mark grabs it then unfolds it.
"Action-Comedy" he reads aloud "Oh by the way we basically summarize what our movie is about so we go until when we feel the whole story is told.. or at least most of it"
"So even if things turn into a shit show we keep going" Jack smiles then Mark sighs.
"Yes.. we are committed to this"
"Okay! Let's go!" Jack yells.. Mark looks taken aback then he shakes it off and they begin. The plot of this one is that they are clumsy superheroes and that yes they may be clumsy but they can still fight crime. Next they have just comedy and it's about two guys doing a stand up comedy tour thinking they're so great when they are in fact not. They also do fantasy which is about unicorns.
"Oh man! I'm getting tired so.. We're going to bring it down a notch.. I picked out some of the more calm ones and put them into another bag" Mark says breathing heavily.. he then puts his hand in and pulls out a paper.. he unfolds it and sighs.
"Fucking great!"
"Ok Tony the tiger.." Mark smiles "so.. let's begin?" Mark ducks out of frame for a second. "Knock Knock Knock"
"Oh that must be Jared!" Jack says in an actual convincing female voice.. he pretends to open a door then Mark steps into frame as if it's the house.. you can see a fake flower behind his back.
"Hey Jamie" he grins then he hugs Jack "I'm so glad you said yes to this date"
"I think it will be fun!"
"I brought you something" Mark hands Jack the rose.. Jack stands there looking at it as if he's shaken.
"It's real" He says silently.
"Of course it's real.. why would I get you a fake one?" Mark looks like he's trying to play it off as a part of the improve.
"Of course you would.. I'm sorry I was just.. reminded of my ex" he starts from a smile then it fades. I can't help but feel worried for Jack.
"Don't worry.. You'll forget all about him by the end of the night"
"I believe you" Jack smiles again.
"Good now let's go eat" he holds Jack's hand as they walk out of frame. Then the video cuts to them sitting at an actual table on chairs.
"My food was delicious.. how about yours?" Mark asks.
"It was amazing.. thank you for bringing me here" Jack smiles.
"Don't thank me yet.. the night isn't over.. would you like to dance" He asks as he gestures to a non existing dance floor of people.. Jack nods.
"Of course" he then takes Mark's hand then they get up and move closer to the camera in front of the table. They get into a slow dance pose and they proceed to slowly move in a circle.
"This night has been lovey so far.. it is probably the best night I've had ever since my breakup" Jack looks at the floor "I'm sorry for constantly bringing the mood down with my stupid breakup" it genuinely looks like Jack is about to cry.
"Hey" they stop moving and Mark uses his fingers to lift Jack's chin "It's alright.. everything will be fine.. you're still sore from what happened but it will heal soon" he says in a deep voice "don't keep it in.. you need to talk about it.. it will help lessen the pain"
"Okay" Jack gives a forced smile then looks away.
"Jack.. look at me" they both seem to forget about the camera.. Jack looks up into Mark's eyes "please stop pretending you're okay... please talk to me.. I know it's hard at first but you'll get through it.. we both will. Together"
"I'm sorry.. it just hurts.. so much" he starts to cry.. Mark engulfs him in a hug.
"I know.. but it will be better soon" they hug for a few minutes before Jack calms down.. he looks up at Mark.
"I love you" their lips meet in a passionate kiss.
"I love you too" the video then ends and you sit there is shock. What just happened? I should be squealing for joy right now yet I'm not.. I just feel sad. I open the description then I read what is says.

So, I know some of you are freaking out and some of you are sad from the end but we decided to leave it in so that for one you know about us and two, you know why Jack has been sad in his videos for the past 2 months. That's all I'm going to go into it but I hope this helps slightly.

-The End-

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