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-Mark's POV-
"Let's go!" I yell excitedly up the stairs to Jack.
"Okay.. Calm down"
"I'm excited!"
"I know but like I said I'm not promising anything... We're just looking" Jack points out for the thousandth time.
"Yeah I know... I'm still excited though!" I say as I practically bounce to the front door with Jack behind me.
"Am I driving?" Jack asks as we step out the door.
"If you want"
"I don't think I trust you driving while you're pumped on adrenaline" Jack laughs at me as I am literally bouncing up and down on my toes.
"Fair enough" I agree as I get in the passenger seat. Jack gets in then turns on the car... We pull out of the driveway then we're on the road... The place we're going is about half an hour away so it's not too long but it's longer than I'd like since I'm excited.... 10 minutes later.
"Mark! Quiet! We've been driving 10 minutes and you're already driving me insane!" Jack snaps at me... I don't get upset because I know he's just pissed right now so I shut my mouth then I look out the window.
"Listen.. I'm sorry for snapping at you I just... Am kinda getting a headache right now okay... I'm sorry" Jack apologizes when he doesn't need to.
"It's okay... You don't need to apologize I know I'm being a pain right now... And I really need to learn to shut up" I laugh at myself.
"Okay... I just didn't want you to be upset" he says as he places his other hand on mine "my head really hurts though"
"We can go back if you want" I suggest in a worried tone... But Jack never gets to answer. I only hear a car horn, a crash and screams before I open my eyes to see Jack unconscious beside me... Blood pouring from an open wound on his head and from his noes, mouth and ears... I start to panic because I don't see him breathing.
"Jack, Jack please wake up!" I start crying "HELP! PLEASE HELP ME!" I scream as loud as I can... I feel myself slipping from consciousness. I wake up screaming and crying.. I try to kick but it hurts... I think my legs are broken... I calm when I see I'm in a hospital.. But I start panicking when I remember Jack. The doctor and a nurse comes in because I'm screaming and crying.
"What's wrong?" The doctor asks.
"Where's Jack? Is he okay? The man that I was in the car with!" I yell through tears. The doctor looks down and I can only assume the worst.
"He died on sight" I hear those words then I just feel myself slip sanity... I start balling my eyes out... I scream forever. The only reason I stop screaming is because I lose my voice... I am still crying though... I hear a knock at the door... I look up to see Bob and Wade with Molly and Mandy.
"Mark.... We heard... I'm so sorry" Bob says as I turn away from them... I just continue to cry... It's silent though because I can't talk whatsoever.
"Mark. Please don't ignore us... I know it's hard but we're here to help" Wade says as they come closer. I feel a hand on my shoulder... I turn to see Wade... I hug him tightly as I cry into his shoulder.
"Why? Why did this happen?" I whisper because that's all I can do.
-One week later-
Today is Jack's funeral... I am not at all ready for this but I have to try... Wade has been living with me for the past week and probably longer because both my legs are broken and without him I probably wouldn't eat or do anything.. It's difficult but I somehow get by. I wheel myself up to the casket that Jack's body is in... I get up out of my chair... I can stand on my right one if I'm not moving but I can't walk. I look at Jack's body... I find it strange... His body doesn't look like he was in a crash... In fact he looks just as if he is sleeping... He's not pale at all and.... Wait... I place my hand on his chest... A heartbeat!?
"Mark come on... Others want they're turn to see him" Wade says as he sits me back in my chair.
"Wade... I want to know if I'm crazy... Feel his chest... Do you feel a heartbeat?" I ask quietly so no one else hears it. Wade places his hand on Jack's chest but shakes his head... I sigh then brush it off as imagination.... I feel tears running down my face like they have only a thousand times before in one week.
-Jack's POV-
I feel myself slipping back to consciousness... I... I'm alive? Then I remember something... I'm immortal... Well except it's different... I live a normal human life but I can't die... If I get hurt it heals quickly. I open my eyes to see its dark.... I'm in... A casket! That's it... I'm at my own funeral.... Oh god... Mark.... I can't imagine the pain you're in right now. How should I play this... Should I just open it up or should I wait.... No I can't wait... I need to see Mark... If he's alive... I never thought about that part... He could be dead. I then realize something... I haven't been breathing... I mean I don't need to but my chest hurts if I don't... I need fresh air... I need air! I push open the casket then I take a deep breath... I cough as I hear a gasp from the people in the room.
-Mark's POV-
I look up at Jack to see him gasping for air... He then looks down at us... I get up out of chair but I fall because of my ankle... I find myself crawling up the isle to Jack.
"Jack!" I yell as I smile genuinely for the first time in a week.
"Mark!" Jack smiles at me as he climbs out and down to me.. I stand up on my right foot as Jack presses his lips to mine.
"How?" I hear Jack's mom ask as she walks up to us.
"I... Uh... I'm immortal" Jack grins in embarrassment "it takes a while to come back from being dead but it happens... That's why when I was younger my cuts would heal fast"
"Mark... Sit" I hear Wade from behind me.. I sit down in my wheelchair but I pull Jack down on top of me.. He giggles at me.
"I'm never letting you go... Never again" I say as I bury my face in his shoulder.
"I'm sorry I scared you Moo.... And I'm sorry for not telling you about my immortality" Jack says as he presses a kiss to my forehead. The next hour is spent with Jack talking with people and others hugging Jack telling him how happy they are he's alive. Later that night... Wade has gone home because he's not needed... Jack is here to help me move around... Me and him are currently sitting on the couch together watching a movie.
"Now if only I was immortal... I wouldn't have broken legs still and you wouldn't have to worry about me being killed" I sigh as I look at Jack.
"Yeah...hmm.... Y'know... I might be able to figure something out" Jack says as he gets up and heads down to the basement. A couple minutes later he comes up with a bottle of red fluid... I look at him questioningly.
"Here... Drink this" he says as he hands me a small cup.
"What is it?"
"I'll tell you after you drink it" he teases... I raise an eyebrow but I drink it.
"It tastes like blood and water" I say as give a look of disgust.
"That's because it is... It's my blood mixed with water so it's less thick" he says with a giggle.
"Ew... But will it work?" I ask.
"If not then you might get aids" Jack laughs... I just punch him "I'm kidding! Geez!" Then a thought pops into my head... I grin at him.
"So... You're immortal huh? That means I can do whatever I want to you and you won't get seriously hurt" I say deviously.
"You wouldn't have the guts to hurt me"
"Who says I would hurt you on purpose? I just mean.... Rough... Hard... Sex" I practically hiss in his ear. I see Jack get uncomfortable then his eyes widen... He looks at me like he's flustered.
"Are you better yet?" He asks quickly... I push myself up to stand... It doesn't hurt so I assume I'm better.
"I think so" I say as I take off my casts.
"Good cuz I'm gonna wreck you" Jack purrs in my ear. I laugh as I get dragged up stairs... Wow crazy ride of emotions right? In one week too! But in the end best week of my life!
-The End-

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