Just Lucky.... I Guess?

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-Mark's POV-
"Yes Babe... I'll see you soon" I say with a smile as I hang up and walk towards my gate. I eventually get on the plane and settle down in my seat.... I have a window seat next to some girl that looks my age.
"What's your name?" She asks me as we both get settled into our seats.
"Mark" I reply as I shift uncomfortably in my seat "you?"
"Jannet... Nice to meet you" she smiles as she bites her lip then looks me up and down "I know this is really quick but just so I know... Are you single?"
"No so please don't bother me" I ask calmly as I look out the window.
"Okay sorry... I wonder who the lucky girl is.." I hear her say the last comment quietly as for me to not hear... But I did. It takes a few minutes for everyone to get in and settled before we take off... I just relax for about 10 minutes then I am interrupted.
"Hey excuse me... Sir?" I hear a young man ask from in front of me. I open my eyes to see a teen boy about 16 with a smile on his face and a GoPro on his head.... Must be a fan.
"Are you Markiplier?" He asks... I smile "I mean of course you are... I just didn't want to make the mistake of thinking its you then to find out it's not"
"I understand... It's perfectly fine" I smile.
"This is so cool... You're so amazing" he states as he turns around and sits back in his seat. I then close my eyes to try and sleep... I succeed and I sleep for 5 hours before I get woken up by a baby crying. I look around to see other annoyed passengers about ready to kill someone from the baby's cries.... I just try to block it out when all of a sudden I hear something strange... Something you don't want to hear. I hear a light ticking noise coming from above... I look up in the small luggage compartment... I don't see anything... until I move stuff out of the way that is.
"B-bomb!" I yell as I look around "get to the other side of the plane!" Everyone gets up and moves quickly to the other side only to have the plane wobble and tilt.
"What's going on!?" An attendant asks as she moves over to me.
"There's a bomb up there" I point at the compartment.
"Okay.... We need to get to the airport as quickly as we can since we're almost there" she says as she walks quickly back to the cab.
"How much time do we have?" The young man from earlier asks me... Only to get silenced by his mother. I look at the timer.... It's in a weird formation... They're dots? I look closer trying to read it... I finally make out a number.
"One?!" I yell in confusion as I lunge to the other side of the plane. The next thing I know there is a huge explosion that blows the whole side of the plane open and removes that wing... I get up and look around.
"Try to grab anything... Hold on!" I yell over the wind as I slowly move into the cab.
"Mayday! Mayday! were going down" I hear the one pilot say through the mic he has... He's letting the airport know we're in trouble.
"Aim for the water! Not land! We have a better chance of surviving in water then in flames on land!" I yell over top of the wind. The head pilot nods then tries to aim the plane at the ocean. Not far ahead is Ireland so it's possible that we could go into the island instead of the water.... I look back to the pilots having trouble trying to push the plane down and hold it straight.
"It's to strong!" The one guy yells. I push the co pilot out of his seat then I grab hold of the steering wheel and push down as hard as I can while holding it straight.... I hold it for what feels like forever as I see the water and land coming closer.
"Ask if anyone is missing back there!" I yell through my gritted teeth from struggling to hold the wheel still. The attendant leaves then comes back and nods to me signaling that we have everyone still... Thank god. I hold onto the wheel tight as we fly straight at the water... It's a scary feeling and I'm using every ounce of energy to not get up and run away.... We approach the water fast. I look just past the water to see the airport... I hope we don't hit land... But we will at some point... Just as I think that, the plane kicks up, making me lose grip on the wheel as it starts to spin. I grab the wheel eventually and push down but by then we're over land so we're gonna crash... Maybe not burn but it's a possibility.... I yell back at everyone to brace for impact as the landing strip comes closer faster and faster. I think we have about a 10 seconds till we hit the ground but just then we hit the ground hard... A piece of metal from the front breaks off then comes back and hits me in the face... I roll back into the passenger area... Or what's left of it anyway. I land on a piece of floor that is tipped on an angle... I look up to see the passengers all safe at the very back part that's surprisingly still intact... We hit another bump then I get thrown off onto the Tarmac but I go under the rest of the heavy plane... I go unconscious. I then wake up to see paramedics carrying me on a stretcher... I look around slowly to see others getting their small wounds tended to.... I breathe a sigh of relief.
"Mark! Let me through! He's my boyfriend! Please!" I hear a familiar Irish accent.
"Jack.... Is that Jack.... Let me see him" I breathe as I try and sit up. I look over to see a brown haired, smol bean that I call my love running towards me in tears... It's a heartbreaking sight to see... I jump off the stretcher and limp towards him.. We meet in a tight hug and a passionate kiss.
"Mark... I'm so glad you're alive" Jack whispers through his tears "I thought I lost you"
"I'm okay... I'm here" I whisper back "I'm not leaving anytime soon..... But... I should probably go to the hospital now just so I don't leave you"
"Okay... You're right... I love you"
"I love you too"
'We just got news of a bombing on a flight to Ireland from L.A. earlier this morning... The plane lost a wing and half the siding about half an hour till the flight had to land. With the help of a passenger by the name of Mark Fishbach ,or more commonly known as Markiplier from his online alias, they managed to land the plane with nobody injured badly except for Fishbach himself as he got thrown off and tumbled under the plane whilst on the airstrip. Fishbach is being rewarded for his bravery and actions to get everyone to safety.... He is in hospital now and is said to be extremely lucky to survive with this few injuries. I Guess we can say it's the luck of the Irish'
It's the luck of my Irish boyfriend... If I had not wanted to live so badly to see him and continue doing YouTube I would have not known what to do like the rest of the passengers. I look to my left as Jack smiles at me... This is what I live for.
-The End-

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