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This may be confusing or weird but just.... idk try and enjoy?
-Jack's POV-
"Ok... Anti... behave yourself on the plane okay?" I say with my ear buds in so I don't look crazy.
"Of course" he smiles at me.
"You can't hide anything from me... remember?" I say as I pick up my bag and pull my ear buds out.. I put my phone to my ear to make it look like I'm talking on the phone.
"Yeah.. yeah.. I remember.. but who says that's what I'm gonna do" he follows close behind me... I look around to see everyone else's shadows either standing there bored or staring at me and mine having a conversation.
"Your fucking lucky I can see and hear you or you'd look like that" I nod towards one shadow laying on the ground bored as all hell.
"Yeah well your lucky you can live with me because most people who go insane are because they can see and/or hear us.. then their shadow just dies because the person neither has a good or bad side.. they're just insane" he grins as I hand my ticket to the lady.. she points me down a hall and I proceed that way.
"Good to know" I roll my eyes as I then smirk at a thought that is in Anti's head "you excited that we'll get to meet Dark?" I ask.
"Wha... no.. I wasn't...." he blushes then I grin as him "Fuck off" he growls.
"How come I haven't seen Dark any other times I've seen Mark?"
"I don't know... maybe he can hide inside of Mark himself...." Anti thinks hard about it.
"Or?" I ask seeing there's another thought in his head.
"Or Dark can somehow wander away from Mark for an extended period of time... I mean I can but I'd need to come back to gain energy after about 5 hours or I'll die" he explains.
"That's sounds more plausible... I know I felt his presence but I've never actually seen him... so maybe he just came back when we weren't looking or around Mark" I nod as I remember Dark's presence... it felt intimidating, heavy and I felt like he was always watching me.. or Anti. We get onto the plane and I put my phone away... down the whole isle I am forced to go through some people's shadows... it feels weird walking through things I can see. You can tell which the shadows are since they're slightly transparent while people are not.
"Ok I'm just gonna sleep.. wake me up when we're there" I whisper as I settle into my seat with my carry-on bag.. I'm in an isle seat with someone else in the window seat next to me.
'Okay fine.. I'll just chat with others' he thinks as I watch him move down the isle away from me quite a ways. I close my eyes and since I'm tired I almost immediately fall asleep. I wake up to what feels like a fist in my gut.. my eyes fly open to see Anti straddling my lap facing me and his fist pressing into my gut hard. I refrain from pushing him off and yelling at him because the lady beside me is awake so I send him a mental message.
'Get the fuck off me Anti!'
"You told me to wake you up did you not?" He says since he can and nobody but the other shadows will hear him. So the rules for shadows making physical contact is... your shadow can touch you and only you... nobody else's can touch you nor can you touch there's but I can touch Anti.. shadows can touch each other and touch or pick up in animate objects... if they want to that is. Anti laughs at a terrible memory that popped into my head... a couple years ago I was so God damn horny and so Anti offered to help... let's just say I fucked my own shadow.. I frown and close my eyes.
"You enjoyed it" he whispers then breaks out laughing... he falls off my lap and I adjust myself before I look out the window to see were landing. I hear the flight attendant over the PA system then in almost no time we hit the ground and come to a stop. I pull out my phone as we get off the plane... I find Mark's contact.

I'm here I just need to find my luggage

Ok I'm omw

See ya!

I put it away then I see Anti run ahead of me and point at my bag like a dog who's found something exciting... I grab it then look at him strangely.
"So what did you do on the flight?" I ask quietly as I look at him and continue walking towards the front of the airport.
"Was chattin up some ladies... and maybe got a blow job from one" he smiles widely... I roll my eyes.
"Glad I wasn't awake to witness that" I mumble as we reach outside... I just find a spot to stand and wait for Mark.
"Well... it was either her or you..." he grins.
"What about Dark?" I chuckle quietly.
"Well if he looks like Mark the sure I'd love to fuck that... just like you want to with Mark?" He teases as feel someone watching me. I turn around to see... Dark? His eyes Pitch black, his skin grey and his clothes are all black.. I almost feel like I'm gonna be sick then he smiles and breaks his stare.. I shake my head as I see Anti laying on the ground.. Oh that's why I feel sick... when Anti passes out I always feel sick. Normally if you can't see your shadow it doesn't bother you but it does for me.
"Don't worry I got him" Dark says as he picks Anti up.
"Where's Mark?" I ask as I look around.
"He's just up the street" Dark nods as I see Mark in his car.. he pulls over.. I pick up my bag then I head over to him.
"Hey Jack" he smiles as he gets out and takes my suitcase and my backpack "How are you?"
"I'm good.. I'm kinda tired though" I say as I get in the passenger side.
"Yeah me too... you can sleep once we get to my place" he suggests as he gets in and starts the car.
"Maybe" I say as I feel the nausea disappear... Anti must be awake.
"Good morning sunshine... you feeling better?" Dark asks... great I'll be able to hear their conversation.
"Oh.. um.. sorry I..." omg Anti is so fucking nervous it's adorable "Fuck you too" he directs at me.. I almost laugh out loud.
'Keep it PG back there' I can almost hear the way Anti uncomfortably shifts and blushes.. Dark chuckles.
"How are you a shadow?" He asks "you look like trouble but when was the last time you've done anything bad?"
"Everytime we go out I create a car crash and I trip people all the time.. so go fuck yourself" Anti growls "because I don't need you to fuck me when  I have Jack for that"
"Have you actually?!" Dark sounds shocked.. I can only guess Anti nods "I wish I could get some of that action"
"You, Me.... in this back seat.. right now" Anti suggests.
"Definitely" Dark answers... I don't need to see what's going on to know. The rest of the ride back to Mark is silent but to me is filled with loud ass moans from Anti and low growls from Dark which I hate to admit sound kinda sexy. From the thoughts going through Anti's head I can gather that Dark is Dom and Anti is one sex driven mother fucker.
"We're here" Mark pulls into the driveway... when we get out of glance into the back seat.. holy fuck! If that's what Mark looks like underneath those clothes... I push the thought away before I get a boner which I'm half way there already.
"Alright so let's get you set up in the guest bedroom then you can choose what you wanna do" Mark says as he grabs my stuff then we head to the front door.. he unlocks it. As we step inside I feel a slight pressure on my head... it's almost like I'm attached to something and I'm stretching the bonds... I then remember. Anti is getting to far away from me... I've never not had him by my side.. is very different. I close the door and it's almost as if the string just broke... it feels like a weight has been lifted off of me... I literally feel so much lighter. Is this what normal people who aren't aware of their shadow feel? But then it hits me... separation anxiety... like a mother who can't keep an eye on her child 24/7... I actually feel sick now too. I look at Mark and realize that he's been talking the whole time.
"Jack are you okay? You look worried.." he says.. I smile and nod.
"I just have some stupid things on my mind.. I worry over nothing so much" I am telling the truth.
"Wanna talk about it?" He asks.
"So you know how I broke up with Signe a month ago?" He nods "Well... our last conversation didn't end to well and I'm worried that she's telling her parents lies or just the over exaggerated truth... I don't want them to think of me badly" I also am telling the truth... just not the right truth.
"I'm sure they know you had your reasons and that you wouldn't do or say anything to hurt her or them... You'll be fine" he places a hand on my shoulder "now... how about we go out to eat something"
"Hmm... I kinda wanted to just stay here for the night" I hesitantly say.. trying not to be a party pooper.
"Well I could order pizza" he suggests.
"Yeah sure... I'll go put my stuff upstairs" I grab my bags then head up to the guest bedroom. I step inside and close the door before I sit down on the edge of the bed.. my face in my hands. I'm actually feeling better about Anti not being here.. it's better than having him snoop in on my privacy and I won't have to ignore him constantly. I feel that weight return then I look up to see him and Dark standing there.
"Have fun?" I ask.. Anti looks at Dark and he leaves us.
"Was that as hard for you as it was for me?" He asks with a sigh.
"What the separation anxiety?"
"Yeah... I had it too... Although when it felt like our connection broke that truly scared me.. because sometimes if a shadow leaves their person they might not be able to reattach" he explains.
"Yes but because I'm aware of you I don't think that would happen" I stand up "and I think you and Dark should go do what you please this week... I feel so much lighter when the connection is broken and I don't have to constantly hear your thoughts.. I can actually relax"
"Same here" he smiles "I'll have to come back after 5 hours though"
"For how long do you have to build energy?" I ask.
"Dark says when he first started leaving Mark it took half an hour to charge but overtime he got more used to being away so he can be out for 10 hours now and only have to wait 5 minutes before he can leave for another 10 hours" Anti explains.
"So thats why we never saw him" I point out. There is a knock at the door... I pull out my phone "Hold on.. I'm on the phone" I call.
"Ok well I'm gonna go... I'll be back in 5 hours.. Probably less just to be safe" Anti says... his voice coming through the phone.. he's learned to do this for my sake.
"Ok... just.. please be careful... I don't want anything to happen to you"
"Yes I know... man I think Dark was right... us being able to talk has made me go soft" he sighs... I laugh.
"It's not that bad... it just means I can trust you and actually enjoy talking with you" I mention.
"Ok well I got to go... bye" he smiles.
"Talk to ya later" I watch him leave the room.. then moments later.. I almost feel sick from the bond tugging on my head.. it breaks and I feel happy. I get it now... since he's my bad side when he leaves so does all of the thoughts that make me mad, sad, scared or depressed... maybe this is a good thing... I can relax and enjoy my time with Mark. I get up and head to the door... I open it with a smile.
"What's up?"
"I was just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie? You can pick..." Mark asks.
"Yeah sure! I'd love to.." I smile as I follow him down the stairs into the living room.
"There's Netflix or some DVDs in those drawers under the TV" he says as he heads into the kitchen.. I drop to the floor and look through the DVDs he has.
Knock Knock Knock
I turn and spot Mark heading for the door.
"That can't be the pizza guy already" he throws a puzzled look then opens the door... I turn back to the movies.
"Yeah.. heh.. awe thank you..... umm.. no sorry... yeah it was nice meeting you too" I only catch his half of the conversation but I gather it's a fan who unknowingly came to his door... maybe selling something. I look back only to see hands grab the side of his face and I want to throw up... she presses her lips to his.. he looks shocked first but then calm and.. kisses back?! The next thing I know the weight's back on me again and something fairly small makes me spiral into a dark state of depression and suicidal thoughts... also anger and fear... I look up to see Anti beside me.
'Go away' I think as he himself looks pissed.. I turn and see Mark is now heading into the kitchen again.
"He's turned on" Dark chuckles "from a fucking kiss?!"
"When was the last time that fucker had sex?" Anti asks.
"Shut up" I whisper as I glare at them "You're not helping this situation.. I'm having and anxiety attack and you being here is worsening the thoughts in my head"
"Sorry" he says as if he's forced to. I wish I was as naive as most people.. not knowing we have these shadows.. I wish I could forget all of them! Anti and me never met! I'm just crazy! They don't exist!
"Jack? What are you thinking?" Anti gawks at me and looks upset... good!
"Fine! You want me to go and never return?! I'll go!" He angrily yells as he turns and leaves... Dark looks sadly at the ground then goes after Anti. The weight gets lifted so I just feel regret and sadness now... why now am I effected by him? Before I was fine and I had my own emotions... well so I thought.
"Mark?" I call... my voice shaky.
"Yeah?" He moves into sight... I stand and wipe my eyes "you okay?"
"Do I seem crazy?" I ask as he moves closer.
"Wha...? No of course not" he shakes his head.
"I feel like I'm going insane..." I sigh then explain everything about the shadows and Anti.. even Dark "... and just now when that girl.. kissed you... I felt only a little.. sad but when Anti came in it turned into almost crippling depression"
"What are you saying?" He asks moving even closer.
"I'm saying I love you and... Dark said you liked the kiss... so... it broke me" I cry as I avoid eye contact. I hear nothing from him for a minute or two.. I look up then he closes the gap. I stand there in shock for only a moment before my hands find the back of his neck... his hands on my hips.. pulling me closer.. my crying has stopped. When Mark pulls back he presses his forehead to mine and his hands go to the sides of my face.. I sniffle.
"Don't cry baby boy... I've loved you for quite a while now... I just didn't know you felt the same" he says in a low soothing voice "now... is Anti here?"
"No... but I feel bad that I basically told him to fuck off and I don't know how I'll find him again" I turn then sit down on the couch.
"If it's true they have to come back I'm sure he would... maybe Dark will persuade him" Mark suggests.
"I've tried" I look over beside Mark to see Dark looking upset "he wants to either let you cool or if you really mean it he's prepared to die"
"I don't want him to die... I just wish my emotions wouldn't be effected by him... he's my closet friend since he is me.." I sigh as I look at the ground.
"Is... uh... Dark here?" Mark asks.
"He's on your left... if you stick your hand out you'll feel him" I nod as I put my face in my hands.
"Woah" I hear Mark... I look up then I laugh... Mark is hugging Dark.
"Having fun Dark?" I laugh as he shakes his head and frowns.
"Why'd you have to tell him?" He growls as he rolls his eyes then shoves Mark off of him.
"Will you please go tell Anti I want to talk?" I ask as I move closer to Dark.
"Fine..." he rolls his eyes then vanishes.. I turn back to Mark.
"Why don't we pick out a movie now" I suggest... I feel that weight again then I see Anti lunge at me and punch me.. I fall to the ground.
"What the fuck Anti!? What was that for!?" I get up and glare at him "I was gonna apologize... but now I'm not so sure" I shake my head and clear it of thoughts "No.... fight the weight... these are MY emotions! Anti I'm sorry for what I was thinking and what I said... I just wish you could learn to lift that weight so my emotions don't get effected"
"I wish I knew how to... but I don't.."
"I could go do some research?" Dark interrupts.
"Go for it" Anti snaps the turns back to me "You're not the only one effected... I bet if I get rid of it or make it lighter then I wouldn't be so dark anymore"
"Aren't you suppose to be..?" I ask.
"Well I guess I'll always be dark but I might just choose appropriate times to make you unhappy" he explains.
"Anyway... I'm sorry... is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" I ask... immediately regretting it.
"Hmm.. well... either let me fuck you or you give me a blow job.."
"Don't you have Dark for that?" I smile.
"Oh go fuck yourself" he curses.
"That's what I'm trying to avoid" I laugh as he pushes me... he rolls his eyes.
"I'm going to find Dark... have fun" he grins as he disappears.
"They're gone" I sigh with a smile.. there's a knock on the door.. then I run to the door before Mark gets there. I open to see the pizza guy standing there.. I look over at Mark then he comes over and pulls out his wallet.. I take the pizza as Mark pays. I sit down on the couch and grab the remote... I look through Netflix for some movies then I find Deadpool and I immediately click play just as Mark joins me.
"What are we watching?" He grabs a piece of pizza. I grin then I snuggle up next to him.. he picks me up and places me in between his legs.. I press my back to his chest as the movie starts. We watch the movie and eat the pizza so by the time it's over I'm half asleep and the pizza is gone. Me and Mark are spooning.. lengthwise if the couch so I just close my eyes completely.
"Be quiet!.... yeah I know... they're asleep... upstairs... in Jack's room!" I hear who I think is Anti scolding Dark... but because of the weight I am pushed to sleep and I can't even try to stay awake. When I wake up I think I'm on the floor but I hear laughing.. I sit up then I realize I'm naked.. I turn to look behind me... Dark and Anti are laughing hysterically.
"Might wanna check on Mark.." Dark points with a smirk... he is facing away from me... is he awake?
"Mark you awake?" I ask as I cover myself.
"Yes but can you please put some clothes on" his voice sounds strained... like he's in pain... I look over at Dark. He points to his crotch then I get the picture... I blush and get up... I rush past them and up to my room. I grab some clothes that I slip on.. some pjs and a sweater.
"Oh you scaredy cat... we set it up and you lost your chance" Anti groans "I know you wanted to so don't deny"
"Yes but it's wrong... and clearly he didn't want to" I point out.
"Actually he wanted to bang you like a desperate bitch" Dark says calmly... I glare at him "he was contemplating on weather he should rape you or not"
"You're lying... he wouldn't rape me" I say in a low voice.
"Nice... Mark's jerking it in the bathroom now... you coward" Dark shakes his head at me. I head out of the room then down the hall to the bathroom door... I knock on it.
"Mark..." I speak softly "the only way you're gonna cum when I'm here is if it's because of me... so get the fuck out here and fuck me already" I kinda order. After a second the door opens and Mark looks at me.. blush on his cheeks.. he nods.
"But first... will you be my boyfriend?" He asks.
"Hell yes!" I wrap my arms around his neck as he picks me up then starts moving to his bedroom.. I giggle as he throws me on the bed.
"You can thank me later" Anti grins.
"Anti... go fuck yourself" I growl as Mark undresses me.
"Umm actually Dark is gonna do that and I think we'll take your bed..." he smiles.
"Go ahead... just get the fuck outta here" I roll my eyes as I watch him go through the wall to the other bedroom.
"Just focus on me now" Mark whispers in my ear.
"Yes daddy" I moan as he presses kisses up and down my neck and chest... I sigh as that weight that Anti gives.. lifts for some reason.
"You ready?" Mark asks.
"I've been ready for 2 years..."
-The End-

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