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-Jack's POV-
"Mcloughlin... Get over here now" I hear my boss, Johnson say. I look up and raise an eyebrow when I see him standing with a dark haired man... He looks quite handsome. I set my papers down on my desk then I get up and head over to them.
"Mcloughlin, I want you to know you are getting a partner" Johnson says.
"Why do I need a partner? I'm perfectly fine without one" I argue.
"You need to make friends instead of hiding in your office doing cases on your own" he says, I roll my eyes "this is agent Fishbach, he has been transferred to the F.B.I. From the police force... I guess he was just to good for the police"
"Ok.. So.... Why did you assign him to ME? He could go work on his own for all I care... I just wanna do this on my own" I say as I turn around and walk away.
"He's still your partner no matter what... Learn to live with him!" Johnson yells at me. I just close the door to my office and I get back to work. I then hear a knock at my door.
"Fishbach... Is that you?" I ask with a sigh.
"Yeah" I hear his deep voice for the first time.
"Come in" I say. He comes in and closes the door behind him.. He sits at the chair in front of my desk.
"Why do you hate me?" He asks with a slight smile.
"I don't hate you.. I just hate people in general" I say as I organize stuff on my desk.
"Come on... We can be friends.. You just have to be willing to get to know me and let me get to know you" he says "let's start off with.... I'm Mark Fishbach, I grew up in Cincinnati, America and I know live in L.A."
"Ok fine... I'm Sean McLaughlin, most people call me Jack, I was born in Co. Westmeath, Ireland, I moved here two years ago because of this job" I say.
"Cool see your getting the hang of it" Fishbach says with an upbeat attitude.
"Wow.... Your treating me like a two year old... This is my partner?" I say with a laugh.
I sigh and I roll my eyes at him, then I raise an eyebrow at him.
"You gonna leave?" I ask.
"Fine... If you want to get rid of me so badly... I'll go see if there is a case that we can get assigned to" he says flatly as he leaves my office.
"Thank the lord" I say as I continue cleaning up my desk. I get done cleaning my desk when the door opens... Johnson and Fishbach walk in.
"You two have a case... It's a big one too... I'm giving this to you because Mcloughlin... I know your really good and I've heard some good this about you, Fishbach" Johnson says as he hands me a folder "that's all that we've got... I have to go but look it over and I'll talk to you later"
"Ok... Thanks" I say as I open the folder.
"What is it?" Fishbach asks me. I read over a few things then I know what it is.
"Agent Kjellberg is dead?" I say with shock.
"One of us?" He asks me.
"Yeah... One of the best too" I say as I look at the pictures and notes "he was found in his bed.. His face smashed in and his throat slit"
"Alright now I see why this is serious" he says "They found nothing so far?"
"This is a clean slate for us... So anything goes at this point" I say as I get up "let's start off by checking out the crime scene" we head out and I drive to Kjellberg's apartment to look around.
"Ok so the forensic team said that all they did was write down what they saw without touching anything... So here take these" I say as I hand him gloves and some plastic bags.
"Ok so we have tones more to find" he says as we enter the apartment.
"You have a look in the living room while I look in the bedroom... We'll switch after a few because maybe someone will see something that the other missed" I say as we split up. We look for an hour each then switch.... We then just look around he whole apartment for 5 more hours.. It's now 10:00.
"Ok I think we're done for tonight... I'm tired and I can't look at this place for any longer" I say as we head out to the hall "we'll let someone else come and document what we found"
"Alright... Sounds good" Fishbach says as we get into the car and drive back to the H.Q. When we get there... Me and Fishbach go back to our homes.
-1 year later-
We have since moved on from that case... We know who it is but we just can't track him down. Right now we are just doing a case about a murder, suicide.... It's pretty easy... The guy was drunk.. He murdered his wife then he killed himself. We just spent all day working on a case that's already solved because they want more evidence to close the case.
"Alright well goodnight Mcloughlin" Fishbach says as he gets into his car.
"Yeah you too" I say as I get in my car. Me and Fishbach have become really close friends... I didn't think it would happen but it did. I get home then I eat something and I go watch tv... Then I get a call.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hey Jack" I hear Fishbach's voice on the other end.
"Hey Fishbach" I say.
"Please call me Mark... We're not at work" he says.
"I'm always at work" I say with a laugh.
"True.. But call me Mark... That's my name" he says.
"Ok..." I stop because I hear a thud coming from my room.
"Hello? Jack what's wrong?" Mark says.
"Shhh.... I heard something" I whisper into the phone. I get up the phone still in my hand... I grab my gun from the table then I head into my room.
"Hello?" I call out "come out with your hands up" I step in and I look around... No one. I then lower my gun and I turn around to see Aaron Ash, the guy who murdered Agent Kjellberg one year ago. He runs at me, kicks the gun from my hand, pushes me back onto my bed.
"Mark! Get backup to my place now!" I yell into the phone then Aaron takes it from me and ends the call. He places the gun to my shoulder... Then without hesitation.. He fires... I scream as I feel blood start pouring out of my shoulder. I kick him off of me and I lay a few punches to his face before he pushes me to the ground and starts kicking the shit out of me. He finally walks away then grabs the gun... He points it to my head... I just lay there emotionless staring at him. He pulls back on the trigger. BANG! It hits my leg because I put it up in front of my face... Then I kick the gun away from him... It goes flying above me and hits the wall. I crawl back to get it... I grab it then I turn quickly and point it at Aaron... I don't hesitate.. I just fire the gun. His body falls lifeless to the ground... I hit him in the head. I lay there for about 10 minutes before I hear a knock on the door... I crawl all the way to the door and I unlock it but I collapse to the floor once it's unlocked.
"Jack... What happened?" Mark asks.
"In... My room" I say as I point to my room.
"We need paramedics now!" Mark yells "you gonna be ok.. Don't worry"
"I think you should be telling yourself that" I say as I see a tear run down his face.
"I know... I'm sorry.. I just don't wanna lose you... You become a really close friend.. I've also come to really like you" he whispers in my ear.
"Wait... What?" I say as he gets pushed aside by the medics. At some point on the ambulance ride I go unconscious. I wake up in the hospital... I look to my left to see Mark asleep in a chair beside me. Then it hits me again... What did he mean by he likes me.. As a friend or.. More? It has to be just as a friend... He's not gay... Is he? Am I? I don't care right now.. I hurt too much so I'll just rest for now. I move around in the bed so that I'm on my side facing away from Mark.
"How are you feeling?" I hear Mark say.
"Oh.. Did I wake you?" I ask as I roll onto my back again.
"No.. It wasn't you" he says as he stands up and stretches.
"Umm... I'm feeling better" I say.
"That's good and um... I know your still confused about what I told you at your place... So... Let me clarify for you" Mark says then he leans down to me... He presses his lips to mine. I don't push him away I just kiss back.. He has to be the one to pull away.
"Umm.... Will you... Be mine?" I ask hesitantly.
"Are... You asking me to be... Your boyfriend?" He asks me looking shocked.
"Yeah?" I say but I question myself at the same time.
"Then yes" he says as he leans down and kisses me again.  That was the happiest day of my life... For one we killed a wanted criminal and I got a boyfriend that day!
-The End-

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