Where are we? (Part 2)

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-Mark's POV-
"Jack! We need to help! They won't be able to get rid of them all especially with Sango and Kagome not helping" I say to him as we let the others run off into the forest.
"But.. You can't fight... You're injured... Plus he can use the wind scar" Jack points out.
"Yes but they're surrounding him and they're so big! I'm gonna try.... If Inuyasha can, We can" I say as we start running back towards them.
"Mark throw me!" Jack says as we get close... I nod then I lean down with my hands out... He steps on them then I throw him with all my strength. I watch as Jack takes down one of the demons by slicing his head off then I run up and kick the dead one into the crowd of others knocking them all over. I look behind me to see Inuyasha in the middle of a dog pile of demons.... I throw Jack again but this time he holds onto my hand so we both fly over the pile then fall into the center where we push them all off Inuyasha.
"Thanks" he says as we get back to fighting them off.
"Jack behind you!" I yell as I destroy one demon after another. Jack turns around just in time to punch a hole through the demons face... He nods to me and I smile back at him... I look up at a demon above me... Jack runs at me as I squat down then throw him up at the demon.
"We're a great team" Jack says as Inuyasha kills the last demon.
"You guys are pretty good... I'm glad you didn't take that cut down your chest like a bitch and fought like I would" Inuyasha says pointing at me.
"Yeah... It doesn't... Hurt" I say feeling pain come back into it "because my mind was off of it I didn't feel the pain... Why'd you have to remind me"
"At least we can heal faster than mortals" Jack says as he moves closer to me.
"Yeah... You can say that again... I would have been dead along time ago if that wasn't the case" Inuyasha says.
"Hey I wanna ask you something..... Have you mastered break barriers yet?" I ask curiously.
"No... But how do you know I was trying?"
"Oh... Ummm no reason" I say as I look at Jack. He falls to the ground in fits of laughter... I only smirk.
"What's so funny?" Kagome asks as the others come back over to us.
"Oh nothing.... Hey where's Miroku?" I ask as I look around.
"Yeah last time I saw him is before you told Sango to protect us and get us away" Jack says as he thinks back "come to think of it we didn't even see him once when we were fighting the demons... Where'd he go?"
"Uh oh...." I say as I spot Sango running into the forest "there goes Sango"
"Should we split up?" Shippo asks.
"I don't think that's a good idea" Kagome says "if those demons were sent by someone whoever it is could be near by"
"Yeah... Plus this place reeks of demons" Inuyasha says as we start running after Sango. After we catch up to Sango we run through the forest looking around for any sign or sent of Miroku.... I then notice a strange sent that coming from behind us.
"Inuyasha do you smell that?" I ask as I slow down and turn around.
"Yes" he says as we look around us "its surrounding us"
"So we can't tell where it's coming from" Jack says as the three of us hear something to the left of us. In the flash of a second something pops out and grabs Jack... It takes him to the edge of the path where I grab him but I get knocked to the ground then he's gone.
"JJJJAAAACCCCKKKK!!!!" I scream as I get up and sprint into the forest after them.
"Mark!" I hear my name being called as I finally fall to the ground in tears. They finally catch up to me and by then I'm laying on the ground with my head in my hands wanting nothing more than to wake up from this bad dream.
"Mark calm down we'll find Jack" Kagome says as she kneels next to me.
"Yeah we'll find him but he might be dead" I mumble through my tears.
"We'll find him before that happens now you just have to pull yourself together and breathe!" Inuyasha says.
"What about Miroku?" Sango asks worriedly.
"Let's split up" Kagome says "Sango, Shippo and Kilala go find Miroku.... We'll look for Jack" the others nod then run off.
I take a deep breath, I wipe my tears then I stand up and I'm ready to go.... I nod at Inuyasha then we both start running... Kagome is on Inuyasha's back. I know Jack's sent very well so I can track every bump or bush they go over... I am running and sniffing until I don't smell anything anymore... I stop only to have Inuyasha run into me.
"What the hell was that for?!" Inuyasha yells at me.
"I don't have his scent anymore" I say as I start sniffing around to find it.
"Where did you lose it?" Inuyasha asks me.
"Umm.... Hmmm...." I mumble as I search back more "right here!" I find the end of the scent but it ends there and doesn't go anywhere else but the way we came from.
"Where does it go?" Inuyasha asks.
"Down?" Kagome suggests "maybe they went into the ground?"
"But this ground doesn't look disturbed one bit" I say as me and Inuyasha start to dig. As we dig further and further down I smell something that makes me sick to my stomach and scared at the same time.... My eyes widen then I stop digging and I step back before we go further down.
"Mark? What's wrong?" Kagome asks.
"I smell that too..... That can't be good... Does it smell like Jack?" Inuyasha says. I nod with my eyes full of water and I don't want to speak because all that will come out is sobs.
"What? What's there?" Kagome asks confused.
"I'm gonna continue digging... Mark you can stay back if you want" Inuyasha says with a sigh. He continues digging but I don't see anything so all I hear is digging then a gasp from Kagome... No this can't be... Please no... I turn around for a quick glance only to see Jack's lifeless body half uncovered from the dirt. I drop to my knees as I can't hold back my tears any longer.
"Mark! Wake up!" I hear a voice... It's Jack?! I open my eyes to see we're still in the little hut Jack is sitting on my lap and everyone is staring at me... I feel tears run down my face.
"Jack" I whisper as I hug him tightly "I'm so glad that was just a nightmare"
"I'm here... Don't worry"
"I thought I had lost you"
"I'm not going anywhere... I'm okay" Jack places a kiss on my forehead. It takes me a few minutes before I calm down and accept that everything is fine... I look up at everyone that is now calmed and minding their business.
"So... What happened?" I ask as I let go of Jack "I'm having a hard time determining what was real and what was in my nightmare"
"Well after you fought the demons off you collapsed.... Of exhaustion maybe?" Kagome says.
"Ok.. Thank god everyone is safe... In my nightmare, Miroku went off on his own so went into the forest to look for him but Jack got snatched by something so we split up into two groups one goes after Jack and one goes to look for Miroku. I was following his scent but it ended in a weird place and......" I take a deep breath "we found him buried in the ground... D-dead" I start choking up again.
"That's when you woke up?" Jack asks. I nod as he pulls me close and hugs me again... I breathe in his scent and I immediately start to calm down again... I get up then I limp out of the hut.. Jack on my heels.
"I think we should go home" I sigh as I grab his hand.
"What? Why? This is fun though"
"Yes but it dangerous and our viewers are probably getting worried because neither of us have posted a video today and we haven't said anything" I point out.
"Yes...." Jack sighs. I can help but feel guilty for taking this away from Jack so I decide to make a deal... I sigh.
"Ok... We can come back every once in a while but we need to train more when we're here because I want to be able to protect ourselves better... That nightmare made me realize how easy it is to get hurt or... Killed" I say as I look Jack in the eyes.
"Yeah... Ok I guess that's a deal" Jack smiles as he pressed a quick kiss to my lips as we head back to the hut.
"Hey you feeling better?" Shippo asks me... I nod with a smile.
"So we've decided we're gonna go back to our home... We will come and visit every few days but I think it's just too dangerous... As my nightmare has pointed to me" I say as I look at them.
"Ok... So kinda like me... But less?" Kagome says.
"Yeah... We do have other people that are probably worrying about us right now" Jack says.
"We understand if you need to go... We will see you later or whenever you come back?" Sango says with a smile as she nods.
"Thank you" I smile "we will probably be back in a couple days"
"Ok... So you leaving now?" Kagome asks.
"Yeah we probably will... So I guess see ya?" Jack says as we say goodbye to them.
"Let's go then" I say as we start running back to where the well is... Jack knows.. since I was knocked out as I was taken to the hut... he leads me there. We finally reach the well then we both jump down... We go through the portal then we hit the ground the same as we did the first time. I look up to see that there is a roof over the well... We're back.... I also then feel a pain through me... Where the tetseuiga struck me.
"Mark were back" Jack smiles at me. I smile weakly as I groan through my teeth at the pain... He looks at me worriedly.
"I'm fine... I think it's just my tolerance for pain went back down to human level and it hit me" I say as I try to push it to the back of my mind. I'm so glad there's a latter in the well that we can climb... We both go up until we're out... I look around.
"I'm so glad we're home" I say as we walk out of the shed. We're gonna have an interesting life that's for sure.
-The End-

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