Reality? Or dream?

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-Mark's POV-
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today of course you all know I'm here with Jacksepticeye" I say as I throw my arm around Jack.
"I'm staying for two more days" Jack says as he fake cries "I don't wanna leave"
"I know you love me but we would get annoyed of each other pretty quick" I say.
"True" Jack says "plus I don't think I wanna live with you forever"
"What a good friend you are" I say as I give him a look of disgust.. Jokingly "Ok so today we are doing a challenge"
"It's a five nights at Freddy's challenge" Jack says with a devious smile.
"Yes and as you know I am the king of five nights at Freddy's... So Imma kick your butt" I say "you wanna explain?"
"Ok so we each start on the fourth night and the first one to finish the fourth and the fifth nights wins" Jack explains.
"Yes, so we start at the same time.... I'm not sure how I'm gonna have this set up for the video" I say as I look at Jack.
"I don't know... It's your video" he says.
"I was looking for some help but thanks" I say as I laugh "let's go" we both start the fourth night. We play for about half an hour before I finish first.
"I did it! Ha! I win!" I yell with my hands in the air.
"And I just finished.... Ahhhhhhh.... Fuck you game!" Jack yells as he bangs his fist off the desk "ow"
"Awe did Jack hurt himself in rage" I say.
"I wasn't mad.... I don't know what your talking about" he says in denial.
"Sure you weren't" I say then I look back at my camera "ok so I am the winner.." Jack cuts me off.
"More like the wiener" he says with a smile.
"Don't interrupt my outro!" I yell at him "ok so thank you everybody and I-"
"Will see you in the next video" Jack interrupts me again.
"Shut up!" I yell "bye bye" me and Jack both start laughing. While we are laughing all the lights and the computers shut off.
"What happened?" Jack asks as he goes to look out the window.
"I don't know.. I didn't touch anything" I say as I open the door to see all of the lights have gone out.
"It's not storming out.... It's a perfectly still LA night" Jack says as he heads downstairs and looks out the front door.
"What the hell happened!?" I hear Ryan yell from his room. Matt and Ryan both come out of their rooms and look at us.
"I don't know... The streetlights are fine so it must just be us" I say as I grab a flashlight "let's go down stairs to look" I start heading down the stairs with Jack, Matt and Ryan on my tail. I find the fuse panel and I shine the light at it... There is a paper on it.
"It's Me" I read it out loud. We then hear a familiar deep laugh come from upstairs.
"Freddy?" Jack asks nobody in particular. We then hear Dum dum de dum dum dum.
"Foxy?" I say as we turn to look behind us.
"What the hell is going on?!" Matt says sounding panicked.
"We were playing five nights at Freddy's right before the power went out" I say. I look over into a dark spot in the basement behind the stairs... I see two big glowing eyes.
"Guys what the fuck is that?!" I scream as I point at the stairs "the flashlight doesn't work"
"Fuckin ballon boy is here!" Jack yells.
"Wait... Calm down.... I don't know about you but I see... 1, 2, 3 ...... 21 pairs of eyes here" Ryan says. I look around... He's right.
"It must be every animatronic from every game" I say.
"I hear mangle.... Oh wait there she is" Jack says pointing to a spot on the ceiling. We just stand there looking at all the eyes that are watching our every move.... All of a sudden all eyes except one pair go dark... Then the Toreador March music box song starts playing.
"We're dead... We're dead so dead" Matt says as he breaks down.
"Well it fits.... The power is out so.." I say as we just stand there.
"What can we do?" Jack asks.
"Nothing... Let's just see what happens" I say feeling only a little scared for some reason.
"They're gonna stuff us into animatronic suits that's what's gonna happen" Ryan says as he start getting pissed at me "Mark why are you not scared?"
"I have no idea... Maybe because my brain thinks this is just fake... Which I kinda agree" I say as I step forward closer to the eyes "hey if it is you why don't you let us see you!" Just then the flashlight that I'm holding turns on... I point it at the eyes and at that exact moment whatever it is jumps at us... With it's annoying scream it does.... Then everything goes black. I wake up on the floor... I look around to see Jack Ryan and Matt on the floor around me as well. I get up so I can clearly see around me then I realize where we are.
"We're in Five Nights at Freddy's 1.... In the office" I say as I go to the desk. I open the laptop then I get startled by the phone ringing.
"Phone guy" Jack says "hey by the way I don't know if you notice but we're all computer animated"
"What the fuck!" Ryan yells as he looks at himself.
"I don't know about you but I'm kinda excited for this" I say as I feel adrenaline pump through me.
"Me too" Jack says as he looks down the hall to the left.
"Ok well since we have four people this should be too hard right? Matt and Ryan since you are big babys you can watch the lap top but remember it uses battery so when your not looking at it shut it" I say as I move to the right door.
"Where can we see how much battery we have?" Matt asks.
"On the clock... Right above the time" I say as I point to it.
"How come you know so much right now... We just go here" Jack asks me.
"I've been learning at the desk the whole time you were looking out the doors and they were panicking" I say with a laugh.
"They moved but their not close yet" Ryan says as he looks through the cameras.
"This night shouldn't be hard" I say.
"Neither should I but I am" Jack says... We both start laughing.
"Have an adrenaline boner do ya?" I ask.
"Hell yeah brother" Jack says in a deeper voice.
"Ring ring, ring ring" I say pretending it's a phone ring.
"You've reached the boner cast, what is your boner question?" Jack says in a deeper voice still.
"Guys no time for this... Bonnie is close... One more move and he's gonna be on Jack's side" Ryan says breaking our fun. I lean back against the wall and I just watch Jack's door.
"How is this gonna work? Are you actually gonna get to see him walk or does he just appear there?" I say curiously.
"I don't know.. Normally there isn't a person watching it all the time" Jack says as he looks at me. I see nothing one moment but after I blink... Bonnie's there.
"Um Jack behind you" I say calmly because I wanna see his reaction. Jack turns and looks up at Bonnie.
"Oh hey Bonnie I'm just gonna close the door if you don't mined" he says as he presses the door... It closes with a loud screech then a clang of metal on metal.
"Press the light several times" I say as I look down the hall on my side... Into the darkness. Just then the alarm goes off.
"We made it!" Ryan says.
"Ready for night two?" I say in a deep sinister voice.... Matt jumps.
"Don't do that!" He says to me as he runs over and punches my arm.
"Geez sorry" I laugh. I look down the hall and I notice something... The hall is bright.. I can see all the way down it... I decide to explore.
"Jack" I say loud enough that only Jack can hear me... I wave for him to follow me. We head down the now bright hallway... I start to hear voices and... Laughter?
"What is this?" Jack asks quietly.
"The pizzeria in the day?" I guess as we step into a well lighted room. There are a ton of little kids running around, there are a few parents and there are the animatronics on stage singing.
"Do you think they can see us?" I ask Jack as we wander closer to the stage.
"Mommy, Mommy look it's foxy" a little girl says as she wanders over to pirate cove. I get a bad feeling about it... Then all of a sudden foxy's jaws snaps down on the girls head... I feel really ill and I feel like I could cry.
"Let's go" I say as I start running back with Jack not far behind me.
"Where were you guys?" Ryan asks as we get in.
"Your glad you weren't there" I say as I feel tears come to my eyes.
"It's so much worse when you actually see it" Jack says as he sits in a ball with his hands over his face.
"What did you see?" Matt asks.
"The bite of '89" I say as I wipe my eyes.
"The next night is starting" Jack says as he gets up and looks at the clock. I look down the hall... The lights aren't off though.. So it can't be starting.
"We're we supposed to stay there?" I ask.
"Why?" Jack asks as he walks over to me.
"The lights are still on" I say as I start walking "Ryan, Matt let's go" we all head down the hallway and into the party room. The room is empty except for the little girl's headless body on the ground in a pool of blood.
"Hello?" I call out breaking the silence. The lights go out leaving us standing in the darkness... I then hear clangs of metal to the floor... It sounds like the animatronics walking but there is so many.
"All 21" Ryan says. I look around us to see the glowing eyes again... Then the lights turn back on.
"Woah" I say as I see every animatronic ever created in all four fnaf games standing in a circle around us.
"Now This.... is kinda scary" Jack says.
"I can agree" I say as I start shaking a little. Then in sync the four animatronics from fnaf 1 take a step out of line. I decide to see what happens when I get closer.... I take a few steps closer then I put my hand out and I touch Freddy's nose... Bad idea. They all start screaming... They stay in one place but the screaming is so loud and sharp that all of our ears start bleeding.
"Ahhhhhhhhh" I scream as I sit in a ball with my hands over my ears.. My eyes closed. They finally stop but we're all so drained of energy that I just sit there motionless... Until the four start slowly walking closer. We all scramble to our feet fast then we get on the one table.
"What do we do?" Ryan asks.
"I don't...." I get cut off because I feel a pain in my neck. I turn around to see the puppet standing there.... I go unconscious.
"Mark wake up!" I hear Jack yelling. I open my eyes to see Jack, Ryan and Matt tied to the wall by chains.... But... I'm on the opposite wall.
"What happened? Where are we?" I ask them feeling a little light headed.
"No one knows... We all got knocked out after you did" Ryan says. I am about to say something but I hear metal footsteps getting closer to us... I stay quiet. The message 'who's first' flashes across my vision... This must be how they talk to us.
"Me!" I yell at him "you big furry son of a bitch... Yeah you Freddy fuckbear!"
"Mark what are you doing?" Jack asks with a look of concern.
"The alternative is to breakdown, cry and scream... What would you rather me do?" I say as Freddy steps closer to me.
"No I mean why did you volunteer?" Jack says.
"Oh because if we're all gonna die I don't want to watch my friends die" I say "that sounded selfish... I'm sorry"
"Kinda... But we understand" Ryan says. Freddy does his scream.
"I think he wants us to stop talking" I say as I start to laugh... The others join in.
"Even Freddy thinks we're annoying" Jack says as he laughs.
"Hey fuckbear! Wanna suck dick!" I yell as I thrust my hips at him. We all continue to laugh... Trying to annoy him even more.
"Hey where's Foxy Fuck?" Jack asks Freddy.
"Oh and don't forget Freaka Chica" I say as we still continue to laugh... Even if it is fake... Mine is real because the look on his face is priceless.
"What about Bonnie Bastard?" Ryan says joining in on the fun. Then Freddy screams and his metal fist hits my chest at full force... I struggle to breathe.... So much pain... I look at my chest it's literally punched in.
"Mark!" All three of them scream at once. I feel blood running out of my mouth... Why am I still alive... Why can I still feel the pain? I start laughing but the laugh sounds sinister and like I'm a crazy.
"Congrats... You failed to kill me... Although I can't breathe... I'm still alive" I say, my voice sounds deeper and hoarse because my chest is literally a hole.
"Mark? Why aren't you dead?" Jack asks looking worried. I look at Freddy... He's even confused... Nice.. I've defied death.
"Freddy's even confused" I say as I start laughing but I cringe because it hurts. Then more words flash across my vision... 'What did you do?'.
"You know Freddy.. I have no idea what I did.. I don't remember doing anything" I say looking at him.
"What did he ask you?" Matt asks me.
"Hold on I'm trying to read stuff" I say as I focus on a bunch of writing that's in my vision.
Freddy: 'Are you by any chance Mark Edward Fishbach Aka Markiplier?'
"Why yes I am... Is it because I'm the king of fnaf?" I ask him.
Freddy: 'Probably.. Unless you can find another reason'
"Oh ok good to know.... Did we just have a friendly conversation?" I ask feeling confused at myself.
Freddy: 'Apparently'
"Woah there Freddy.. Getting sassy are we?" I say as I start laughing.
Freddy: 'Fuck you'
"Well fuck you too... Freddy fuckbear" I say as I look at him and laugh.
"What the hell is going on?" Jack asks.
"Oh nothing were just having a nice conversation" I say I can't help but laugh.
'Stop laughing you idiot'
"Wow... Freddy's being mean" I say as I look at the others.
Freddy: 'Wow I'm done with you... The Fnaf 2 crew can take you idiots'
That's my limit I just start laughing so hard that I start crying.... Then I'm out of it.
I wake up in what looks like the Fnaf 2 office.
"Ok... First night?" I stay as I get up and look at the cameras.
"Mark... Your chest is normal" Jack says as he gets up and looks at me.
"This is gonna be fun" I say reminding myself why Freddy gave us up... I start laughing again.
"What happened why did he let us go?" Ryan asks.
"Because we're idiots" I say with a huge grin "oh wait... I lived because I'm an idiot not because I'm the king of fnaf... So we all can live"
"What?" Jack says feeling confused.
"Hear that Freddy!? I lived because I'm such an idiot I wouldn't stop talking long enough to let myself die!" I yell out.
Freddy: 'Good to know'
"Woah he heard me" I say as I laugh.
Freddy: 'All of us can hear you'
"Ok....Kinda creepy... He guys why don't you just come down here and have a conversation with me or us" I say as I look around.
Freddy: 'I don't think anyone wants to talk to you... It's enough torture me talking to you'
"Wow rude much! Fuck you too Freddy!" I yell as I pretend to cry "hey I got a good idea.... Follow my lead"
"Are we gonna annoy them?" Jack asks.
"Hell yeah! Oh by the way anyone that wants to to all of us not just me... Ok? Ok." I say as I get ready "la la la la la la sing a happy song la la la la la la sing it all day long!" I Baisically yell at the top of my lungs... Jack, Ryan and Matt join in.
Freddy: 'Please shut up'
We continue to sing the same thing over and over again.
Freddy: 'Hey maybe I can punch your mouth out... Then you will stop talking'
"I doubt that because I could probably just think messages to you like you do!" I yell at him as the others continue to sing.
'This is not why I brought you hear'
"Why did you?! Huh... You could have let us be and you would still have your sanity!" I yell.
'You know what... Springtrap can take you because no one else will'
"Get ready for a black..." I fall to the ground unconscious. When I wake up I'm tied up with my mouth duck taped... I start laughing even though it's muffled by the tape. The others wake up and they also have their mouths taped... They start laughing as well.
"Mmmm mmmm mmmm" I decide to just be annoying by making any noise I still can make. Jack nods to me and we start humming the smurf song... Ryan and Matt join in.
Springtrap: 'How the hell are you still so annoying?'
I try and think really hard.
Mark: 'I don't know I guess it's a gift'
Jack: 'what the fuck how can we do this?'
Mark: 'oh yeah it's a little thing called our imagination'
Ryan: 'you mean this is all in our heads?'
Mark: 'probably'
Matt: 'that's why you wouldn't die... Because we didn't want you too.. Neither did you so you lived'
Mark: 'true so we can do anything we want right now'
I think really hard and I break my hands free... Then I rip the tape off my mouth.
"Ha! Suck on Deez nuts!" I yell as the others break free.
"Hell yeah!" Jack yells
"By the way this is all in our heads because we either went unconscious in the basement or we went to sleep and none of this day was real" I say to them.
"Would have been nice to know earlier so we wouldn't have had to be scared" Matt says.
"Well I just figured it out" I say as I manifest a bomb.
"What is that?" Ryan asks.
"A bomb" I say then I put it in my mouth.
"Uhh.. Mark your gonna kill yourself in real life if you do stuff as stupid as that all the time" Jack says as he manifests a cake. The bomb explodes in my mouth... It hurt but I'm fine... I look over at Jack who just shoved his face into the cake he manifested.
"You know what..... I'm done with this place" I say.. I snap then we are in a open grass field.
Freddy: 'good riddance'
"I can still see your messages.... So can you still hear us!?" I yell into the sky "no answer... I guess they blocked us out"
"Probably because we are really annoying... I can't blame them" Jack says with his mouth full of cake. I look at Jack... Holy fuck I can't help it right now... Why is he so cute and sexy... Did I just think that? What's gotten into me?
Freddy: 'I can read your thoughts'
What the fuck get out of my mind you fucker!
Freddy: 'make me'
You want me to? I will!
Freddy: 'no I didn't mean that... Ok, ok I'll get out of your mind'
Thank you.......Freddy Fuckbear.
"Mark... What are you doing?" Jack asks me as he sits beside me on the grass.
"Oh nothing just having a conversation with fuckbear... He said he can read thoughts... So I was just telling him to get out... I threatened then he left... Or so I think" I say as I look into the sky.
"Hey fuckbear! You better not be in my mind or we will be annoying as fuck!" Jack yells. I look back I don't see Ryan or Matt.
"Where did they go?" I ask.
"They have alarm clocks... Can you believe that?" He says.
"Pfft... I know what a bunch of losers" I say "this is way better than reality... I'm gonna come here every night if I can"
Freddy: 'you can't unless we bring you here... And I'm not bringing you'
"Freddy... I told you to go away!" I yell.
Freddy: 'no you just said to get out of your mind so I did.. Plus I thought you would like to know that you can't come here unless I bring you'
"Fine... And why won't you... We won't bother you we will just come here and mess around... And oh my god you should gather all of our YouTube friends" I say becoming excited.
"Woah could you do that?" Jack asks.
Freddy: 'if I wanted too but I don't know if I want to... That would be too much annoying'
"Fuckbear... You can't grammar right" I say making fun of him.
Freddy: 'by the way once your in you can't get out unless you wake up'
"That's cool.... So... Will you bring us hear?" Jack asks.
Freddy: 'will you stop bothering me?'
"Define bothering" I say to him.
Freddy: 'calling me fuckbear and being annoying'
"We're always gonna be annoying to each other so.... How does that work?" Jack says.
Freddy: 'you know what.... Fine I'll bring you... I don't care just... I'm gone stop talking to me... I won't listen to your conversations just leave me alone!'
"Ok thank you" I say as I grin.
"That only took forever" Jack says rolling his eyes.
"I know... Hey umm... This is gonna be kinda awkward right now and in reality but..." I take a deep breath then I lean forward and I fit my mouth to his.
Freddy: 'ohhhhh..... Septiplier Away!'
"Oh fuck off you fucking Freddy fuckbear fucker!" I yell.
Freddy: 'who's annoying now?'
I give Jack a devious smile then we both start singing the smurf song again... Really loud too.
"Had enough yet!?" I yell as Jack keeps singing.
Freddy: 'ok ok I'm gone... You win'
"Thank you.... That's all you had to do" I say as Jack puts his hands to the back of my neck "what are y.." I get cut off my Jack's lips pressing to mine. He pulls me so that I am now laying on top of him... My hands on the grass beside his head... Jack's hands are on the back of my head, in my hair. Then everything starts to fade... Jack looks at me.
"Oh I think someone is waking you" he says.
"Fuckin Ryan!" I yell in anger as I feel myself wake back up in reality. I open my eyes to see Ryan standing over me... I look at him then I sit up in my bed.
"What do you want?" I ask as I run my hands through my hair.
"It's almost 12:00... I thought you would want to get up to y'know make videos" Ryan says.
"Aww... But I didn't wanna leave that place" I say as I smile... Remembering the kiss.
"What? What place?" Ryan asks looking confused.
"The dream world.... Remember pissing Freddy off" I say as I continue to smile.
"Mark.... I think it was just a dream that you had because I don't remember anything like that and Matt didn't mention anything" Ryan says.
"Ask Jack he would know" I say as I stand up out of my bed.
"What are you talking about... When have you talked to Jack recently?" He asks.
"He's staying here for two more days... He came four days ago" I say as I walk downstairs into the living room.
"Mark.... Are you ok?" He asks as he follows me.
"Yeah I'm fine" I say as I look at the couch then come to a realization.
"You must have really been into the dream" he says as he goes to the kitchen.
"Yeah.... I... Guess" I say quietly as I sit down on the couch and sorta pout "I was just... Really excited to wake up and have Jack to mess around and be stupid with"
"Wow... Mark... This isn't normal for you... Are you that close with him... Or is there something more?" Ryan says as he looks at me with worry.
"No.... I guess I just haven't seen him in a while" I say as I snap myself out of it "I'm good... I'll go record stuff... I guess" I go back upstairs to my recording room.
-later that night-
"Ok well I'm gonna go to bed because I'm tired" I say as I walk up the stairs "goodnight"
"Night" they both say at the same time. I go upstairs and I get into bed... It only takes me a few minutes then I fall asleep. I open my eyes... I'm in a dark room... Then I see two glowing eyes.
"Freddy? Is that you? It's me Markimoo" I say as I step closer.
Freddy: 'yeah it's me'
"Aww... Did you miss me?" I ask as the lights turn on. I can actually see Freddy... Then I see the other 20 animatronics.
Freddy: 'no but we felt bad for you'
"Bad about what?" I say.
Chica: 'about all of this being a dream'
"Wait so if this is a dream... Why can I control it and why can I talk to you?" I ask turning to Chica.
Bonnie: 'it's because we are real but we only come to your mind... You made it so your friends were here'
Foxy: 'and acted the way they normally would but they weren't real... Only your imagination'
Mangle: 'as for controlling your dreams... It's called lucid dreaming... It's perfectly normal'
I stand there processing the information that I just got.... I look around then I feel a weight on my chest... I fall to my knees.
"But... I finally kissed him... I thought he was gonna know and I wouldn't have to hide it" I say "and I thought we had so much fun... But it was me... All me"
Freddy: 'hey what about the bright side'
Foxy: 'you can have a separate life that no one knows about'
"Really? I-I don't know... That's kinda cool I guess" I say as I shrug my shoulders "I just wish I could share this experience with my actual friends"
Chica: 'we're really sorry but we can't do that.. We would if we could'
"Why didn't you tell me before I believed so deeply?" I ask as I look up to them.
Freddy: 'because.... We were playing along... When we found you in your dream we just decided to play along with it'
Foxy: 'it was fun to watch Freddy get pissed'
Freddy looks over at Foxy then takes a step closer and punches his arm... Foxy loses his balance and falls to the floor with a clang... I laugh.
"So wait... I can do anything?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
Bonnie: 'yes... Sadly'
I think..... What should I...... Do? I know!
"Ok guys go.... I guess you could watch but no talking... No reading my mind... Ok?" I say as they all leave. I am now left alone... But not for long.... I look around then the scenery starts to change in the distance... Behind me it's grass as far as the eye can see but the other way it becomes a rock cliff that meets with water at the bottom... The water goes on for as far as the eye can see but it meets on the horizon with the beautiful... Pink, orange, and red sunset. This is perfect... Absolutely perfect but it's not the best it could be yet. I stand about a couple feet away from the edge of the cliff... Then I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist.
"Hello Markimoo" Jack says as he places a kiss on the back of my neck.
"Hello.... Babe" I say as I turn around and place my forehead to his.
"I like that name" he says then he presses his lips to mine. When we pull apart I guide him over to the edge... We sit there with our legs dangling over the side... Jack puts his head on my shoulder.
"This is so beautiful" he says.
"Just like you" I say as I place a kiss on the top of his head.
"You think I'm beautiful?" He asks as he looks up at me.
"Was that the wrong term to use?" I ask.
"No.... It's fine" he says as he gets up and climbs onto my lap, straddling me. I put my hands on his back and I pull him in so our bodies are pressed together... He is up on his knees so my head is in his chest. Jack makes me look up at him... He looks down at me, he then fits his mouth to mine.. Pushing his tongue inside my mouth.. He places both his hands on the back of my head and my hands go to his ass. He pushes me so I'm laying on my back and He's on his hands and knees over top of me... Our lips still connected.
"Hey Mark remember.... You can make anything happen here" Jack whispers in my ear after he breaks the kiss.
"Oh yeah" I say as all of my clothes come off in the blink of an eye. Jack looks me up and down then in an instant... His clothes come off as well.
"Woah... Couldn't wait?" He says as he sits on my hips. I make a slight grunt... Then he starts grinding against me.. I can't help but let out a moan.
"You like that?" He asks with a devious smile. I then hear what sounds like Ryan's voice... No.. No.. Why now?!
"Fuckin Ryan!" I yell just as Jack grabs hold of me and starts to stroke.
"Awe... You have to go?" Jack asks in a higher almost little kid voice.
"Y-yeah I h-have to go b-but I don't w-want to" I struggle to say because all I want to do is moan. He starts going faster and he even places his lips around me and starts sucking... I get really close to climax but then I wake up. I open my eyes and I look at Matt and Ryan standing there looking at me with concern.
"What do you want?" I ask kinda harshly.
"Are you ok because we heard some small moans or groans every once in a while" Matt says looking at me with a worried look.
"Really?" I say looking shocked... I shift in my bed because I now feel that I have an erection.
"Yeah... It sounded like you were in pain" Ryan says.
"Oh well I did have another weird dream where I got my chest punched in" I say as I scratch the back of my head.
"I'm starting to worry about you Mark... Why are you having these bazaar dreams?" Ryan asks.
"I don't know... But anyway how'd you hear little moans when you can barely hear me scream when making a video?" I ask feeling confused.
"Oh, you left your door open when you went to bed" Matt says.
"Ok well.. Thanks for your concern but I'm fine... If I was truly hurt I would probably scream for you" I say as they start to leave.
"Ok well goodnight" Ryan says as he closes the door tight behind him.
"Oh my fuckin God...... I'm so turned on right now" I say as I throw my sheets off of me. I pull off my boxers.... Since I'm too 'uncomfortable' to go back to sleep I decide to take care of the problem. I wrap my hand around myself and I start stoking... I get about halfway to my climax... When I get a Skype call from Jack. I panic.... What should I do... It must be important if he's calling at this hour... Well it's probably day already for him. I decide to answer the call... So I get up and sit in my chair... I put my headphones on then I accept the call... Still completely naked.
"What's up Jack?" I say my voice still waking up.
"Oh did I wake you?" He asks.
"No... I couldn't sleep anyway" I say rubbing my eyes.
"Oh really? Why not?" He asks with concern.
"Well... I did just have a really weird dream so Matt and Ryan woke me up saying I was groaning in pain.... I can't and don't really wanna get back to sleep" I say... Why is lying so easy?
"Oh really? Hmm strange because actually I had a weird dream the night before last... It was about you, me, Matt and Ryan and we were pissing off the fnaf animatronics" he says.
"Really? I actually had a similar dream to that" I said suddenly perking up "in the end of your dream... Did.... We.... K-kiss?"
"Ummm.... Yeah" he says hesitantly.
"We.... Had the same dream..... But Ryan and Matt didn't.... I had thought for sure that it would be a joint lucid dream" I say.
"Really?...... Then that means y-you weren't moaning from pain a few hours ago.... I had the dream too" he says as he looks away from the camera.
"What dream? I have no idea what your talking about" I say with a small smile and a laugh.
"I know it's kinda awkward now.... But.... But it felt so... Right" he says finally looking up at me.
"D-do..... You like me?" I ask as I look away from the camera.
"Always" he says in a quiet voice.
"Always?" I ask looking back up at him.
"Ever since I started watching your videos I have felt..... Different about how I look at guys" he says.
"Me too.... I do... Like you" I say feeling a weight lift off my chest.
"Really?...... Then w-would you like to be m-my boyfriend?" He asks me... I feel my heart pound really fast and hard. I sit there thinking.... Wondering if I should say yes... I really want to... So I should.... Should I?
"I would love to" I say as I smile at him and I look directly at him. Jack grins from ear to ear at me.... I love his smile.
"You dork" I say jokingly.. I smile at him.
"Hey... I'm just happy that's all" he says as he crossed his arms and pouts at me.
"Awe did I hurt Jack's feelings" I say in a voice that I would talk to a puppy or baby with.
"By the way... I um kinda was able to control both those dreams... And I'm friends with the whole Freddy crew" I say.
"Wait.. Wait.. Wait.... So you were able to control yourself in the most recent dream?" Jack asks with a slight smile.
"What if I said yes?" I ask him.
"I would say you were enjoying it then if you didn't stop" he says as he giggles "also... I kinda could also control myself the whole time"
"I guess you were also enjoying it then" I say with a smile... Then I get an idea. There is a minute of silence then Jack breaks it.
"Wanna dream?" He asks me.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Wanna go have another dream... Y'know.. So we can see each other" he says... I nod.
"Yeah... But wait.... Ummm.... Since I guess you already saw me in all my glory" I say as I stand up and I back up so he can see me... Completely naked.
"W-were you naked the whole time?" He asks.
"Yeah... Well... To be honest before you called I... Uhhhhh... Kinda had a problem I wanted to get rid of" I say as I feel really awkward saying that.
"Well I can say I now do... God damn... Why are you so sexy" he says not even ashamed to let me know he's observing every inch of me.
"Ok well... I have enough videos for today so I can go back to sleep" he says.
"Alright... See you hopefully" I say as I go up to my computer and I end the call. I then immediately climb into bed and I fall asleep fast. I wake up in the same place we were at before... I'm laying on the edge of the cliff... In my boxers only with one arm hanging off the edge. I look out to the ocean and I get lost in the sunset... I just lay there daydreaming until I feel a hand on my chest. I roll over and I look up to see Jack standing there in nothing... I quickly get up and I pull him close to me.... I press my lips to his. I put one hand on the back of Jack's head and one on his hip while Jack just puts his hands on my chest. Jack then pushes me.. I take a few steps back then he pushes me to the ground... I lay on my back... He climbs on top of me. Jack hooks his fingers under the waistband of my boxers and pulls them off with one swift movement.... He then wraps his lips around my erection and immediately starts blowing me.
"Uhhh... Fuck" I say through my breath. I just start moaning and groaning really loud.... But they get louder as I get closer to climax. I am just about to reach my orgasm when I hear a bark and I wake up.
"Uhhhhh.... My fuckin God" I say quietly as I actually feel like I'm on the edge on climaxing... I decide to stroke myself... It doesn't take long.. then I cum all over my hand and my sheets. I lay there for a second before I look at my clock... 7:00?! When me and Jack got done Skyping it was 2:00.... It didn't feel like that long though. I decide I have to get up.... To record stuff. I get up and I put my boxers back on... Then I grab a towel and I head to the bathroom to have a shower. Halfway into my shower I hear my phone ring... I had brought it in the bathroom with me... I turn off the shower then I step out and I answer the call.
"Hey Markimoo" I hear Jack say in a happy little voice.
"You interrupted my shower" I say.
"Oh so you mean your naked again?" He asks.
"Yes.... Is that the only reason you like me?" I ask jokingly.
"No... That's not the only reason" he says.
"I'm just so mad at Chica right now" I say.
"Your dog?" He asks.
"Yeah.... She barked and woke me up when I was on the edge" I say hoping he will understand what I was saying without saying it outright.
"Yeah... I could tell you were close... Let me guess... When you woke up you immediately pushed yourself over" he says with a little laugh.
"Wouldn't you?..... I'm also still sad that you don't get to finish me off" I say in a low seductive tone.
"Yes And I'm sad you didn't get to blow me" he says in an attempt at a seductive tone.
"I'm also sad it wasn't real.... I wish I could come over there... Climb on you and just ride you like a horse" I say in my deep soft tone that can make anyone shiver.
"I would enjoy that" I hear his voice tremble and crack... He wants me bad.
"Jack...... Stroke yourself for me" I say my voice still quiet.
"What?" He says... His voice still trembling.
"Moan for me" I order him "just put me on speaker and set the phone down" I hear some moving around. I decide to go back to my room where it's more soundproof... Because maybe I'll join in on the moaning. I wrap the towel around me and I grab my things then I head back to my room... Once I'm in I lock my door then I lay down on my bed.
"What you doin moo?" I hear Jack ask me as I plug earbuds into my phone so that Ryan and Matt don't hear anything.... except maybe some of my moans.
"I like that name.... Roo" I say with a smile.
"Roo?" He asks.
"From Jackarooney" I say "oh and I put earbuds in so that Ryan and Matt don't hear anything... Not like they would be able to... My room is pretty sound proof... Ahh screw it" I unplug the earbuds and I throw them aside.
"Yeah well... if they can barely hear you scream from a horror game then..." He says trailing off as I hear a quiet moan from him.
"Fuckin god I love your moans" I say as I start rubbing my thumb over my tip... I let out a small moan.
"You couldn't help but join in could you?" He asks me followed by more moans and groans. I then start stoking myself.
"Oh Jack, fuck!" I say loudly.
"Mark, oh god.... I think I'm gonna.." He says but gets cut off by a loud moan. I then join into that moan as I cum onto my bed.
"Your gonna have to get used to doing this" I say through my breath.
"Maybe we can do this over Skype next time" Jack says and for some reason I get a little turned on by that.
"Definitely.... Ok well I feel better" I say with a little laugh.
"Glad I could help... I'll let you go but I'm gonna text you constantly" he says with a giggle.
"Wouldn't expect any less.... Wuv wu" I say in a cute little voice.
"Luv you too moo" he says then he hangs up. I sigh.... I get up and put my clothes on then I head out of my room.
"Matt... Ryan?" I call out as I head down the stairs. I look at my phone to see that I have a new message... From Matt.

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