We do what you want to so badly

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Again suggested by @LissaWho5
Slight Smut Warning!
-Jack's POV-
Me and Mark are out at a park sitting on a bench hand in hand... This is a beautiful moment.. Too bad it has to end soon. I look at the tiny bit of a sun that's on the horizon and I give out a big sigh.
"You ok Roo?" Mark asks me as he pulls me closer.
"I don't want anyone to get hurt again" I say as I see the sun slip beneath the horizon.
"I know" Mark says.. He presses his lips to mine then pulls away and we both stand up "it's time" I nod to him then I feel a burning sensation in my chest and my head starts throbbing... I fall to my hands and knees.
-Anti's POV-
I look up at Mark to see his hair is the darkest it could be and his eyes are red...he's now Dark....He looks at me with pity.
"I have septic going through my veins!" I yell as I stand up "it's literally acid going through me... You have normal blood in ye!"
"So what... You've done this three times now.. You should be able to handle it" Dark says to me.
"Oh fuck off" I say in a low growl.
"So what do you want to do tonight.. Goo" Dark says with a small laugh as he grabs my hand.
"Can you not call me that?" I say to him as we head back to Mark and Jack's house. When we get there I get pushed back against the wall.. Dark presses his lips to mine and he immediately pulls my shirt off. Dark picks me up and we go to the bedroom.. But this won't be all pleasure... Dark puts cuffs on my wrists then he pulls a chain.... I'm now hanging on the wall.
"Why am I the submissive?" I ask as Dark literally rips the rest of my clothes off.
"Because Jack is the bottom bitch and your him... So it's only fitting" Dark says as he pulls his clothes off. I look him up and down... Damn he's sexy as all hell... Dark looks me up and down then smiles.
"Getting excited are we Anti?" Dark says with a deep chuckle. I look down and realize I have a huge boner.. I just look at him with a smirk... I pull him to me using my legs. Dark pushes himself away from me then out of nowhere he whips my right thigh with a whip. I only cringe because frankly.. I like the pain.
"Your the submissive you do not take control!" Dark yells as he whips me again on the shin.
"You remember this is pleasure for me" I say with a laugh as I turn my head because I know he's gonna whip me. Sure enough he lashes the whip at me and just missed my right eye.
"Can we actually do something... This is boring" I say with a sigh as I free myself from the shackles... I drop to the floor.
"Fine" Dark says as he pushes me onto the bed and starts kissing me. I let his tongue into my mouth and Dark literally shoves it down my throat... This is what I wanted. Dark pulls away then he goes to my neck.. He starts kissing it but he also bites down on my neck and it starts bleeding.. I like it. Dark then places himself at my entrance and without hesitation pushes in and starts fucking me hard.. It kinda hurts but it also feels good. I start clawing at Dark's back.. Leaving bleeding cuts down his back and on his shoulders. We both moan and growl unlike any human would... Because we're not human... Dark reaches his orgasm first then I reach mine soon after. I grab The back of Dark's neck and I pull his face down to me.. I kiss him then stick my tongue down his throat. Dark pulls away then he starts putting black jeans and a black t-shirt on... I manifest some clothes and I quickly put them on.
"What do you wanna do now?" I ask Dark as we head out of the house "we have until 6:00.. Which is 9 hours"
"Let's go scare and murder some people" Dark says as we start running down the dark nearly empty streets... People are still awake, although their little kids are not. We find a house that has the lights off and we decide to break and enter... I go up to the door then with one hard kick, the door flies off the hinges. A loud alarm goes off but that doesn't stop us.. I manifest a crowbar and Dark manifests a baseball bat... We start smashing the place to pieces and we have fun doing it. After about 5 minutes the police get here and they come rushing into the house.
"Dark? Anti? Is this you?" I hear a cop call out. One thing they know is that we can literally go invisible when we're in darkness so they can't see us... They know that so one of the cops flicks on the lights switch.. We then stick out like a sore thumb.
"Stand down!" The cop yells with his gun pointing at us.
"If you kill us, you kill them.. And you don't want that do you?" Dark says as we lash at them with our weapons and our hands. We start ripping them apart piece by piece.. We also start eating them.. It's a nasty habit.. Kinda like smoking. There were only a few cops so it wasn't bad... Next we go to a small house that we know has a little girl in it.. We climb up the side of the house to the top window. When we look in the window we see a small girl sound asleep... I look at Dark and I nod to him signaling that he can take this one.
-Dark's POV-
Because it's dark out I can literally teleport into the house so I don't make any noise. I crawl quietly under the bed... I make a growl noise then I hit my first on the bottom of the bed.. When she looks she will only see red glowing eyes. I just hope she will call her parents.. 3 for 1. The girl wakes up and I can see her feet on the floor.. She doesn't seem to terrified.. But she will be.
"Mom!?" The girl yells down the hall with the door open. I hear two sets of footsteps walking down the hall... I see four more feet from under the bed.
"What is it sweetie?" Her mom asks.
"I heard something under my bed" the little girl says.
"I bet it was nothing" her father says as I see him get down on his hands and knees. I keep my eyes closed until I'm sure he is down on the ground then I open them, letting my second eye lid open slower so you can see I have two.
"Oh my god!" The dad almost screams as he gets up and stumbles back... I see him run into Anti... Why is he here? I crawl out from under the bed then I grab the girls mom... Anti chases the other two downstairs. I push her back against the wall then I manifest a knife and I trace the blade along her throat lightly.
"Who are you and what do you want?" The woman asks. I hold her hands above her head then I bite down onto her neck taking a chunk out of her... The wound sprays blood out of it and I feel the blood coat my face. She screams then I take the knife and I stab her in the lungs... She dies within 3 minutes.. I let her drop to the floor then I head down to the living room. When I get down there I see that the guy has stab wounds and cuts on his legs...I go up to the guy then I dig my hand into his chest... I pull his heart out of his chest then I give it to Anti.. He devours it. The guy finally collapses and he is dead... The little girl screams and tries to run passed us but I grab her... I decide to do something brutal... I get Anti to hold onto her waist then I hold her head... We pull opposite directions. She starts screaming with pain... I see and feel her spine snap then her head comes off... I feel so pumped up and full of energy.
"Now that's what I'm talking about" I say as I manifest two big bottles of gas. We run around the house spreading the gasoline everywhere.. We head out to the street then Anti throws a Molotov into the house... It just goes up in flames with the blink of an eye. We both howl and clap with excitement... This is fun.
"Where to next?" I ask Anti.
-Anti's POV-
I think about it for a moment... I have an idea that will scar Mark and Jack forever.
"Let's go to Bob's house" I say with a mischievous smile.
"Oh you devil" Dark says to me with a deep laugh.
-at Bob's house-
"Let's go say hi to your beloved friends shall we.. Guys? We know you can hear us and we can hear you... Why choose now to be so.. Quiet?" I ask as we walk up to the front door.
"What are we doing?" Dark asks me as I knock on the door.
"Doing some classic pranking" I say as I disappear in the darkness.. Dark does the same. We see Bob open the door.. We step to the side so that the light from the inside doesn't hit us and blow our cover.
"Hello?" Bob says. He looks around then goes back in and closes the door.. We climb up the side of the house and go in a room upstairs that's completely dark. Me and Dark start stomping and walking around in that room.. We hear two sets of footsteps start coming up the stairs.. The lights come on and our cover is blown.
"Mark? Jack?" Bob asks as he takes a few steps closer to us.
"No.. It's not them... It's Dark and Anti" Mandy says as she heads downstairs.
"Correct... But where do you think your going?" I say as I speed run at her and I grab her arm.
"Keep your hands off of her!" Bob yells at me. I go up to him and I push him back against the wall.. I put my hands around his neck and I begin to squeeze but then I get pushed aside by... Mark?
"I'm back bitch" Mark says.. His eyes aren't red so it must be Mark.
"Mark?" Bob asks.
"Yeah it's me.. I fought back because I couldn't let them hurt you" Mark says.. I lunge at Mark and I pin him to the ground.
"I'm not afraid to kill you" I say as I put my hands around his throat and I begin to squeeze. Bob grabs me and throws me across the room... I manifest several knives and I throw them at Mark.. Two knives stab into his arm then the other knife stabs him in the leg. I fall to my hands and knees because I feel Jack fighting to regain control and I am weakening.
"Oh fuck off Jack! We both know your not strong enough to fight me off till morning" I yell.
"Ok then we're going have to do this dance till morning" I hear Jack say inside my head.
"Fine with me" I growl as I lunge at Mark. I grab him and pull him into the room.. I then close and lock the door before Bob can get in. Mark had pulled the knives out so he is now attempting to throw them at me.
"Have you forgotten that if you hurt me you hurt Jack?" I ask him in a low growl. Mark stops then drops the knives.. He had forgotten.. Interesting. I lunge at him and I claw the side of his face... Just as I was gonna punch him... Mark runs at me and pushes me back against the wall with full force.
"What?! Fuckin Dark!" Mark yells.
"Keep going Dark!" I yell as Mark grabs one of the knives and throws it at me.. It hits my shoulder... I then lunge at Mark and I we start beating the shit out of each other. Full force punches, kicks to the head and knives being thrown around... That's what most of the fight is.. Oh and Bob is on the outside trying to break the door down. We almost knock each other out but at 6:00 right on I collapse to the floor and I get trapped in the hellhole of Jack's mind once again for another 6 months.
-Jack's POV-
I slowly open my eyes to see I'm in a bedroom... But it's not mine... Where am I? I get up and I cringe because of pain.. I look at myself in a mirror.. What happened? I then remember something.. Last night was the night  that Dark and Anti took over.. Where's Mark? I run out of the room and down the hall to see Mark and Bob sitting on the couch.. Mark looks terrible.
"Mark" I say as I walk closer. Mark gets up and immediately hugs me.. I don't dare let go.
"Are you ok?" Mark asks me. I barry my face into his shoulder then I start crying... I shake my head.
"No" I say.
"I know... I wish I could un see those things" Mark says as he picks me up. I wrap my legs around him and I just hold onto him tight.. He carries me to the couch then he sits down with me still clinging to him.
"Why can't we get rid of them" I say between sobs.
"We could try but it would be difficult" Mark says as he kisses the top of my head "we have six more months.. I'm sure we'll figure something out in that time"
"They haven't actually killed people before they just injured them or trashed their homes" I say... I shake my head "never mind.. I don't wanna talk about it anymore"
"Do you want something to eat or drink?" Mandy asks from the kitchen.
"I don't think I'll be hungers for the next week.. But i would like a water please" Mark says "what bout you Roo?"
"I'll have a water please" I say as I finally calm down.
"Do you hurt badly?" Mark asks me. I get off of Mark and I stand up but I immediately fall to the floor... Mark gets down on his knees.
"What happened?" He asks me. I feel my ankle... It hurts a lot and is swollen.
"I can't tell if it's broken or just sprained" I say.
"Do you guys want to stay here till your better?" Bob asks as Mandy gives us each a glass of water.
"Yeah.. I think it's best" Mark says as he pulls me up onto his lap "our subscribers will understand... And aw fuck... We don't have our phones" I giggle at him.
"What are you giggling at?" Mark pouts at me then he kisses me on the nose.
"You guys are adorable but I'm going to bed" Bob says with a laugh as he gets up and heads up to his room "goodnight"
"Night" we both say in sync.. I laugh then I rest my head back on Mark's shoulder. I slowly drift off to sleep without realizing it.. I want to just so badly forget this day and get rid of Anti and Dark... But that's a mission for another day... I need sleep right now.
-The End-

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