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-Jack's POV-
"Trick or Treat!" I grin even though my face is hidden by a mask.
"Oh... is there trouble in the area Spider-Man?" The lady smiles at my costume "How old are you?"
"9!" Not like I'd forget after how many times I've had to repeat myself.
"Alright... here you go Spider-Man... have a nice night"
"Thank you" I wave and look up at my parents.
"Almost done Jack?" My ma asks as I walk between them to the next house.
"Just one more" I nod as we reach a house with a huge clown in the front yard.... I glare at it "you don't scare me..." my parents laugh.
"I see you've overcome your fear?" My pa laughs.
"Umm... almost!" I skip to the porch then climb the stairs before knocking on the door. I hear my parents climb the stairs behind me... Probably in case something happens. The door opens and I look up... I almost wet myself.... there's a scary clown... I shake and my mouth goes dry.
"Umm.... Trick or Treat..." my voice shakes as he looms in closer.
"How about a trick?" He starts laughing like a clown does... I force my legs to stay even  though everything says run.
"I prefer a Treat" I say my voice sounding more confident then before.
"Well you can get one... but you have to come inside"
"But what if this is a trick? And you're a stranger so I'm not supposed to..." I get cut off.
"Get inside!" He growls as he grabs my arm.
"Hey....let go of my son or I'll call the cops" my pa says as they move closer in beside me. He glares up at them then reaches his hand behind his back... he stays still for a little while then unexpectedly swings his arm around my pa I see a knife cut his neck.
"PA!!!!" I cry as my Ma pulls me back... but not quick enough.... the clown shoves the knife into her forehead... I continue screaming as I drop my candy bag and run. I pull my mask off then run down the middle of the street.
"Help! Someone help me! He hurt my ma and pa!" I cry as I continue running... I hit a solid object and look up "Mark!" I hug him tight as I cry into his shoulder. Mark is my neighbor/babysitter but he's like a brother or parent to me.
"Jack what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks.
"He killed them... a clown... down the street" I sob as I shake in his arms.
"The house with the clown in the front yard.." he stands.
"Alright... Jack stay here... I'll go look.." he starts walking but I grab his hand and continue crying.
"No Mark! Don't go! He'll hurt you too!" I breathe "I don't wanna be left alone!"
"Shhh... it's okay.. I'll be fine.. I need to check it out" he crouchs down to my level "now... stay here then we can go back to my house okay?" I shake my head frantically.
"I'm coming" I sniffle as he nods then picks me up and starts walking. I eventually see the house... he moves onto the sidewalk and we can clearly see the bodies laying there.. I bury my face in his neck.
"I'll call 911" he says as he gets his phone out.. I watch him dial.
BANG! We fall to the ground... Mark looks in pain as he talks to the operator... I look over to spot the clown.. he has a gun and he shot Mark in the leg. I scream as I stand up then I try to help Mark up.
"You should have stayed away kid!" He growls as he lunges and grabs me.
"Get your hands off him!" Mark yells as he runs at us... he tackles the clown to the grown and I fly to the ground about a meter away.
"I hear the sirens" I say as I try to calm down.
I watch as Mark's body relaxes... I start screaming.
"Mark! Please don't die! Please!" I scream as I get up... I look behind me to see several cop cars stopped and cops out running toward us.. I look back to see the clown booking it down the road. I run over to Mark and I kneel beside him... crying... he's still breathing but he got shot in the gut twice and leg once.
"Hey kid... let's go and we'll get him to the hospital" a cop pulls me away.
"My parents are over on the poarch" I point and cry "That's what he originally called about... there's no saving them" I tell the complete truth... my ma always said I was really smart and neither of them hid anything from me.. they always talked to me as if I was another adult... same with Mark. I cry as I am put in the back of one cop car.. I look back to see them take Mark into an ambulance... I sit back down then I collapse. When I wake up in am laying in a bed... in a hospital I think... I look to my right to see Mark laying there..  he's smiling at me.
"Mark?" I sit up "What happened?"
"They say you fainted from exhaustion" he chuckles.
"Oh..." I look down "Where am I gonna go now?"
"Don't worry kiddo it's all covered... your parents left a will saying if they ever died before you're old enough then I'd take custody.... you get to live with me" I grin as I get up and hop up onto his bed... I hug him tightly.
"Yay!" I bury my face in his chest "I'm glad you're okay... Although I miss my ma and pa" I start crying.
"It's okay... the pain and shock will pass" he hugs me back.
"I love you Mark" I smile.
"I.. uh... I love you too"
-The End-

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