Expecting the Unexpected (Part 1)

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I'm sorry this took a while to write but it's quite long... And still it's only the first part... I just kinda didn't want to keep you waiting too long so here... First part! MPREG WARNING!!
-Mark's POV-
I look to my left to see Jack with the biggest smile I've ever seen... We are currently just finishing on a roller coaster we rode... It was fun but I assume the smile is got to be more than just because he's on a roller coaster. It's night now so when we get off the coaster the others say their goodbyes... We had already ate then decided to go back on a few more rides so we did... Matt and Ryan decide that they are gonna stay for longer so Jack and I drive back to my place... When we get there we flop down on the couch.
"Such a fun birthday... It's probably been one of the best ones ever" Jack laughs with a big smile but that quickly fades "although... It could be better" I look at him feeling confused.
"What do you mean?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.
"Mark... I mean... I love you... All I want to do is kiss you or fuck you so bad.... I'm obsessed with you... I love my girlfriend yes but not nearly as much as you" Jack says just loud enough for me to hear it.. I also see tears brimming his eyes "you probably think I'm stupid"
"Jack... I don't think you're stupid because..." I don't finish my words I just lean forward then I press my lips to his... I slowly inch my way forward then next thing I know I'm straddling his waist with my tongue practically down his throat. I finally break the kiss... We stare into each others eyes.
"Now it's so much better" Jack smiles.
"I'll make it so much better still" I whisper as I grab his hand then I lead him up to my bedroom... I push him back onto the bed.

~sex scene~ (I don't feel like writing smut today.. Idk why)

I wake up to hear rustling around and the faint sound of curses... I sit up and look to my right to see Jack packing up the last of his things.
"Hmm? Oh Mark.. You're awake" Jack smiles "I'm late for my flight.. It arrives in 20 minutes"
"Oh.. I can drive you" I say as I get up out of bed then I grab some clothes to wear... I look back to see Jack staring me up and down with blush on his face... I smirk "like what you see?"
"Wha?" Jack looks at me with his eyes wide, lips pursed and his face extremely red. I chuckle at him as I put my clothes on quickly then I grab his bags and I head down to the car... I put his stuff in then we get in and start heading to the airport. We are currently sitting side by side at the airport waiting for Jack's flight to be called.
"So Jack... How was you birthday present.. From me" I grin then Jack giggles.
"Is that a subtle way of asking how good were you?" Jack asks me.
"I guess"
"Well it was amazing... Probably best I ever had" Jack says quietly as he smiles while looking at his hands.
"It was pretty good for me too... I wish I could kiss you right now" I say as our eyes meet.
"Yeah me too but... It wouldn't be a good idea" Jack says just as I hear his flight called "I guess it's time to go"
"Awe... I don't want you to.." I pout as we stand up.
"I know... I'll Skype you and we can maybe play some games together though" Jack suggests as he pulls me in for a hug. We break quickly because we don't want to bring up suspicions if any fans see us... Jack then leaves just like that.. Fuck... I wish I had told him sooner because then we could have had more time together. I let my head drop into my chest as tears run down my cheeks then drop off the tip of my nose to the floor... I take a deep breath in then I wipe my eyes... I gotta keep going... I straighten myself out then I head back out to my car to head back home.
-2 months and 3 weeks later-
-Jack's POV-
I am in the middle of recording a video... I then feel a familiar feeling that has happened about four times in the past two weeks... I quickly get up then I run to the bathroom... I go in then I throw up.
"Sean? You sure you're feeling okay.. You've thrown up a lot in the past few weeks... I don't think that's nothing" Signe stands in the doorway.
"I feel fine" I snap at her a little to harshly.
"O-ok if you say so" she sighs as she turns and walks out.
"Signe... I'm sorry... I've been really moody lately... If I snap at you its not your fault.. It's me" I sigh as a thought pops into my head.
"Ok... I understand... I'll just leave you be then" she smiles as she walks out. I close the bathroom door then I lift my shirt... I run my hand over my stomach as I turn sideways and look in the mirror... I have a bump... Have I gained weight? But it doesn't look like that kind of belly bump... It looks like a baby bump! My breath starts picking up pace as I start freaking out.
"Stop" I scold myself under my breath "it's not for sure... I could just be paranoid... I-I need to check... Pregnancy test!" I get up then I head to my room... I grab my wallet and my shoes then I head down to the door.
"Sean? Where are you going?" I hear Signe ask from behind me.
"I'm just going to get something from the shop quickly... I'll be right back" I say trying to not look like I'm panicking.
"Ok.. See ya" Signe looks suspicious but passes it off as my strange behavior lately. I then quickly head out... I practically run to the nearest shop that I know would have one.. I head in then I head immediately for the women's hygiene products section... I find one then I head back to the register.
"Sean! Oh... You trying?" The John asks... I know him pretty well since I come here often.
"I don't want to talk about it if that's okay with you" I say as I avoid eye contact.
"Sure.. Here ya go" he says as he hands me the small bag.. I take it then I run out. I run all the way home then when I get in I continue running until I reach the bathroom... I lock the door then I do what I need to do... I sit on the edge of the bathtub with the test in my hand waiting for the result.... Then there is something on the screen.
"Holy Fuck" I stare at the screen in shock "how? I need to go to the doctor to confirm" I then think of something "I need to go to see Mark... I have to" I feel tears running down my face... I can't hold them back anymore.
"Sean? Are you okay? Are you crying? Please let me in" Signe says... I sigh then I just open the door.. She sees me then hugs me "what's wrong?"
"I know what's been going on" I say quietly.
"What is it? You can tell me anything"
"I-I know this is gonna sound crazy b-but... I-I'm pregnant" I feel immediate relief as the words slip from my mouth.
"But... That means... You cheated on me?" She asks... I just nod silently "and you're bi?" Another nod "Sean! Speak to me!"
"What am I supposed to say!? Mark made my birthday the best birthday ever and yes I've felt feelings for him for a while now?!" I yell.
"Mark? You cheated on me with Mark?" She has tears in her eyes now "ok.. I'm leaving... I'm not even gonna try to get you back.. There's no point... I'll be gone within a week"
"Why are you so willing?" I ask feeling confused.
"Because I know that if you cheated on me then you must really be done with me... So I'm not gonna bury myself in deeper" she says with a weak smile.
"Thank you for not taking it so hard" I say with a sigh.
"It's okay... I'm just gonna be minding my own business here" she says.
"Oh um well I'm gonna go to L.A so I won't be here for a week or less" I mention as I head to my room. The rest of the day I spend it taking care of things... I get my plane tickets to L.A then I tell Mark that I'm coming.. I also tweet out saying I won't be putting videos up for a while because of something important and urgent that came up. I wake up to a weird feeling in my stomach... I get up and head to the bathroom quickly... I throw up like I've been doing the past few weeks.
"Oh.. Fuck... How am I gonna survive the flight?" I ask myself quietly as o stand up then I look at myself in the mirror.. My belly is not much bigger from yesterday but it will be soon "it takes what.. 9 months until I probably have to get a C-section" I sigh as I head back to my room to pack. I pack enough clothing for a week then I pack everything else I might need... I then pull out my phone and go onto Twitter.

@jacksepticeye I hope everything is fine buddy... Skype me if you need to.. I'm here for you

@muyskerm @jacksepticeye me too! I'm sure you would tell us if you wanted to though so... Take all the time you need.

@muyskerm @lordminion777 thanks guys... Umm... I want to say I do but I'm not ready and in time you'll see... I just want to mention though that because of what's going on me and @wiishu aren't together anymore.

I sigh as I check the time 5:00am... Ok I have to go now my flight is at 5:30... I gather all my stuff then I head out of the house to meet the taxi that will drive me to the airport... I get in with my stuff then I tell the driver where I want to go.
-Skip to arrival in L.A.-
I sigh as I look out the plane window.. I see the ground getting closer as well as the airstrip where the plane lands... Let's hope Mark doesn't freak out when I tell him. We eventually land then we are told that we can get off... When I get off I grab my bags then I look around to find Mark... I spot him sitting on a bench on his phone.. I take a deep breath then I head over to him.
"Mark" I say with a smile as he looks up at me.
"Hey Jack" Mark says as he looks at me with concern then pulls me into a hug "you okay... You look scared"
"I am... I'll tell you when we get back to your place" I say as Mark picks up my bags then we walk out to his car.
-Mark's POV-
The drive to my place is silent and the tension in the air.... I hope Jack is alright. When we get there I take his bags up to my room... I then hear quick footsteps run to the bathroom... I hear throwing up.
"Jack?" I ask as I stand in the doorway watching as he just sits back against the wall "are you sick?" He shakes his head. He then pulls something out of his back pocket and hands it to me... It looks... Like a... Pregnancy test? It's positive... Wait what?!
"I-Is... This... Y-yours?" I ask just to make sure.
"Yes Mark... If it was Signes I wouldn't have broken up with her" he says as if he's reading my mind.
"Right.... But... Y-you're pregnant? With who?" I ask curiously.
"You Mark.... Remember my birthday?" Jack says... It comes back to me... I then start panicking...I can't think straight.
"I.... Need... To go.... Lay down" I say between breaths as I avoid eye contact. I walk back to my room... I sit on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands as I try and calm down. I then feel a hand on my back... I look up to see Jack with a scared look on his face.... I get up and hug him tightly.
"I know what you're thinking and I just want you to know... I'm not mad and I won't leave you... I'm just scared and panicking... I didn't want a kid for a while and I just don't know if I'd be a good parent" I say as I press my forehead to his.
"I'm scared too, Mark... But I don't want to give it up.... If I wanted a child I'd want it to be with you" Jack says with a smile.
"I'm actually kinda excited" I smile as I wrap my arms tightly around Jack then I lift him up... He squeals. I set him down then I go down on my knees.... I lift Jack's shirt and I place my hand on his stomach... I can definitely tell it's a little bigger than before. I lean in then I press a kiss to his stomach... Jack giggles then I feel him play with my hair... I stand up and look Jack in the eyes.
"Mark... Can I move in with you? Since Matt and Ryan are gone?" Jack asks me.. The question doesn't affect me at all I just give a nod.
"Yeah.. Of course... It would be a lot easier for taking care of the baby" I smile as I get so giddy "I want to tell someone so bad" I whine.
"I know Mark but... I haven't even gone to the doctor yet... We need to go see if it's healthy and if it will survive because being in a guy they might have some defects that we should know about" Jack says to me.
"Okay then I can make an appointment... Hold on ill do that right now" I say as I grab my phone... It doesn't take that long to make an appointment for tomorrow at 12:00. When I'm done I head down to the living room to see Jack looking through the fridge... I roll my eyes with a laugh.
"Is somebody hungry?" I ask.
"Yeah but you have fuck all to eat" he says as he closes the fridge then looks at me.
"Ugh... There's plenty it's probably just you're craving something I don't have... So what would you like?" I ask as I move closer to him.
"Hmm....I'd like to eat... You" Jack says seductively as he hooks his fingers in the belt loops of my jeans and pulls me closer.
"Oh really...." I breathe as we connect our lips... Our lips move in harmony as my tongue enters his mouth... I then break the kiss our foreheads still pressed "as much as I'd like that I don't think we should"
"Why? It's just a blowjob..." Jack begs... I shake my head.
"Now... What would you really like?" I ask.
"I'm not hungry anymore... I'm just gonna go sleep" Jack says as he avoids eye contact then he walks away and up to my room. I'm just gonna leave him for a while... Maybe it's just mood swings... I just go over to the couch then I go on my phone and scroll through Twitter.... I look at all of the suggestions on why Jack is taking a break and why Signe and him broke up. I see a few people get close but not quite... Others are in the middle and most are just being funny but all of the guesses have something to do with septiplier... Oh I hope they react good about it... They most likely will. I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad... And with someone I didn't think it was possible with!
-To Be Continued-

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