The Blood Moon

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Light smut warning!
-Mark's POV-
I look up at the sky... I see a big, round, red moon.. I sit up on a rock, my pack sits below me on the ground.
"Is it time yet?" I hear some bark at me.
"Just wait! Be patient!" I snarl at them. I then see the moon become completely full... I stand up on my hind legs... Then I howl.. Loud and clear.. The others join in.
"Let's start our rampage!" I yell as the whole pack starts running. We go through the forest to the nearest city... Every full moon we roam the city but every blood moon we go on a rampage, killing people and damaging everything. Everyone barks and howls as we run full speed towards the city.
"Let's mess their shit up!" I yell as we reach the first few business buildings. My main goal is to murder people... So I go into every building and house, killing and eating people. I'm in one house eating a guys throat out when I see a shadow fly past, swiftly.. I get up.
"Is it one of you blood sucking vampires!?" I growl. I see red glowing eyes in the darkness... I run out into the middle of the street.
"The vampires are here! Keep your eyes out for them and kill them on sight!" I howl.
"You creatures are disgusting" I hear a familiar voice behind me.
"Jack... So great to see you again" I say as I turn around... I stand up on my hind legs.
"Mark... I heard you father had passed but he chose YOU to take his place?" Jack says.
"I fought for my place as the alpha" I say as I take a step closer.
"That's why you are WILD animals... Mutt" he says as he turns and starts walking away. I then lunge at him and I pin him to ground.... My nails are digging into his arm.
"I wonder how vampire tastes" I say as I move my mouth to his neck. Jack then turns into a bat and escapes from my grasp... I run around jumping and chasing him like he's my dog toy. He finally changes back but he turns and punches me... I just shake my head then I claw him in the face... He flies to the ground... I go over and jump on him.
"You know... For a vampire your really weak... You should at least be a little bit stronger" I say as wrap my hands around his neck.
-Jack's POV-
I don't wanna fight him... Because... He probably doesn't remember this but we were friends when we were both pre teens... Actually... More than friends and I can't hurt him.
"I don't wanna fight you" I struggle to say since his hands are around my throat.
"Why not!?" He yells at me as he squeezes harder.
"Please.... Moo" I say quietly.
"What did you just call me?" Mark asks me looking confused.
"You don't remember.... Us?" I ask as I feel his grip loosen.
"What do you mean us?" He growls at me.
"You and me.... We used to be... Together" I say as I feel a tear run down my cheek "what did your dad do to you? He made you a cold blooded killer... Heartless and cruel... When you used to be kind, caring and you wouldn't hurt a fly"
-Mark's POV-
"Lies! Your making this all up!" I yell at him as my grip tightens a lot "give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you know!" I look around me to see my pack and vampires standing there watching us... With a look of ..... sadness and worry?
"Because.... I-I love you" he says as he looks like he's drifting off... Going unconscious. At that point is when something inside me changes... I let go of him and I put my head to his chest... I hear a heartbeat... Thank god. I feel tears run down my face... I look around to everyone.
"Is this true?" I ask them.
"Yes... But your father didn't want you to remember any of it" someone says.
"Well my father's gone!" I yell "you should have told me!" I feel myself changing back into a human.
"We have to go... The moon is going" I hear my brother say.
"Go without me.... I have something I need to do" I say as I pick Jack up.
"Do we go home too?" I hear a vampire girl ask.
"Yes... And don't worry... I won't hurt Jack.. anymore" I say as I start walking into the forest. I hear sirens so I start running.... I take Jack to a beautiful meadow... Long green grass... Colourful flours and a clear sparkling pond. I lay him in the grass then I go wash the blood off... In the pond... I'm sitting on the edge with my feet in the water when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"Do you remember?" Jack asks me. I stand up... Pull him close to me then I press my lips to his.
"Does that give you your answer?" I ask after I pull away.
"Oh how I've missed that" Jack says as he pulls me in for another kiss. His arms are around my neck, hands in my hair and my hands are on his lower back pulling him to me so our bodies are pressed together.
"I've missed your touch so bad... I sometimes would cry myself to sleep remembering that your dad changed you" he says. I press my forehead to his.
"Well... My dad is gone now so you don't have to worry about that anymore" I say as I push Jack to the ground.
"What are you doing?" He asks me with a curious look.
"I'm doing what you want me to do so badly" I say as I take off my jeans and my boxers.
"Oh" Jack says as I pull off his clothes.
"Your gonna go home with cuts and bruises" I whisper into his ear as I lift him up onto his hands and knees.
"Just fuck me" he says through his teeth as I push into him. I don't even care if it hurts for him I just thrust into him.. Hard... I also dig my claws into his skin leaving long cuts down his back. I move my hands to grip really hard onto his hips... He's gonna have bruises there. I just continue to pound into him hard.... Clawing him and making bruises from my grip.
"Mark! I think... Fuck!" Jack hisses. I howl.. Loud as I cum inside of Jack... He collapses and rolls over onto his back... I lay on top of him... Catching my breath.
"Bite me" I say to him.
"What?" He asks.
"You deserve to bite me since I hurt you... Just now and before" I say.
"You sure" he asks. I nod as I shift so that he can get to my neck easily... I feel him sink his teeth into my neck... The pain feels good for some reason. I feel him licking the bite softly with his soft wet tongue... I feel myself drifting off to sleep.
-The End-

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