Time Flies

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Age~ Jack: 29 Mark: 30
Year~ 2018
-Mark's POV-
Today is the day! We're so excited!
"Ok Mark let's go" Jack says as he goes out the front door.
"Ok, ok.... I'm coming... Calm down" I say as I follow him out and lock the door.
"I can't wait! Come on!!" Jack says to me looking like a kid that's getting a new puppy.... Well in a way... We kinda are. I grab Jack's arm then I pull him to me.... I press my forehead to his.
"This is why I love you so fuckin much" I say in a low quite voice.
"Me too" Jack says as he kisses me then runs to the passenger seat... I roll my eyes and laugh. I get in and start the car then we head off... Every once in a while I see Jack bouncing in his seat like a little kid hyped up on sugar. It takes about 20 minutes but we finally arrive where we want to be.... Jack gets out quick then runs over to me and pulls me out of the car quick... I lock it... Then we go into the building.
"Hello... My name is Jack Fishbach and we are here to pick up Samantha" Jack says as he gets to the desk before me.
"Oh yes.... Fishbach.... Hold on.... Samantha is getting a check up before she goes..... She'll be out in a few minutes if you'd like to wait" the lady at the desk says to us.
"Ok... Thank you" I say to her as I nod... We go and sit down. Jack sits next to me playing with the wedding ring on my left hand..... Of course Jack has one similar to mine. We got married about 3 years ago.... And now we are both ready..... Today we are here adopting Samantha.. A 3 month old girl who we will take care of with all our hearts. The reason we chose Sam was because she has jet black hair like mine.... But she has ocean blue eyes like Jack.. She's the perfect mix. The year is 2018 and our YouTube channels are on the top..... Pewdiepie fell about 2 years ago.... He decided he was done and he stopped putting up videos..... He lost a whole bunch of subs from that but he left his channel up. Anyway so now our channels have risen quick... We drew a lot of people in from other places because we are homosexual.... Well... Bisexual but people can take it either way... I don't mind.
"Jack Fishbach.... Samantha is now ready to go home" a guy came out with our baby in his arms. Me and Jack get up and walk over to the guy... Jack picks Sam up and I go to the desk to fill out paperwork. I finish filling out the papers then I turn to see Jack siting in a chair playing with Sam and making her laugh. I smile at him as the lady at the desk hands me Sam's birth certificate and the adoption certificate then I walk over to them both.
"Ok Sam... Let's go to your new home" I say as I pick her up and carry her out the door with Jack not far behind. We had gotten a car seat a while before so it's in my car all set up for Sam.... I set her in the car seat then I buckle her up.
~Time skip to 10:00 that night~
I get done having my shower.... I go to my room to get dressed but when I enter I see Jack laying there sound asleep with Sam laying on his chest.... Asleep as well. I stand there smiling at them.... Making sure to be quiet trying not to wake them... I just grab some boxers that were laying in a basket of clean clothes that hadn't put away yet then I leave the room quietly and close the door behind me. I just go downstairs and I clean up so that we won't have to tomorrow.... I'm still only in my boxers.... I start doing some dishes since that's one chore that's not too loud. I get about halfway through the dishes when a glass slips out of my grasp and smashes on the floor.... I cringe because I hear Sam crying.. I take a step over the glass but I step in a wet slippery spot.... So I fall... My back pressing against the broken glass pieces.
"Fuck!" I yell..... I hear footsteps running down the stairs.
"Mark are you ok...... Oh my god!" Jack says as he sees me laying on the floor in a pile of glass. I start laughing a little as Jack helps me up.
"What's so funny?" Jack asks looking confused.
"Ah... I'm such a fucking mess right now" I say as I start giggling again.... Jack giggles with me "how much glass is in my back?"
"There's quite a bit.... But it's all little pieces.... Let's go to the bathroom and I can pull them out" Jack says as we walk up to the bathroom. We walk passed the bedroom so I grab Sam and I cradle her trying to comfort her and get her to stop crying... While Jack pulls the glass out of my back. Every once in a while I cringe... But I don't make noise because it doesn't hurt that bad and I don't want to send Sam into another crying spree.
"Ok I want to know one thing... Why are you only in boxers?" Jack asks quietly as he takes the last piece of glass out.
"Well I had just gotten out of the shower and you two were in asleep on the bed so didn't want to wake you by opening drawers.... So I just grabbed some clean boxers from the basket" I say quietly as I turn to face Jack.. Still rocking Sam back and fourth.
"Oh ok" he responded.
"Here you two go sleep I'll clean up the mess I made" I say as I hand Sam over to Jack.
"You sure? You don't have to... I can help" Jack says as I stand up and walk to the doorway.
"No... You should both sleep and I don't know how Sam will do sleeping alone just yet" I say as I head to our bedroom.
"Ok well goodnight" Jack says... I kiss him and I grab some Pj pants then I head downstairs. I put on the pants then I start cleaning.... I pick up the bigger pieces of glass first and I put them in the garbage.... I then grab the broom and I sweep up the smaller shards into a dustpan. It takes about 20 minutes to make sure I got all the glass then I take another 10 minutes to mop up the spots of blood on the floor... And clean the little spots out of the rug in the kitchen. I get done putting everything away and I look at the clock... 11:30... It's not that late but I should sleep. I then start thinking.... I don't want to go up into the bedroom then wake up Sam and Jack so.... Maybe I should sleep on the couch.... Yeah I'll sleep on the couch. I go settle down on the couch the within minutes I drift off to sleep.
"Mark.. Wake up" I hear Jack's voice... I feel hands on my shoulder. I open my eyes then I roll over but I fall of the couch hitting the floor hard with a thud.
"Fuck... I forgot I was on the couch" I say as I look up at Jack standing above me... Giggling "stop laughing... It hurt even more with my sore back"
"Oh yeah I was gonna say... Your back is really bruised... Probably from the fall" Jack says as he extends his hand to me.
"Good to know" I say as I finally feel the pain..... I take Jack's hand and he helps me up. I stretch then I cringe as my back starts aching.... I walk over to a mirror that's in the kitchen then I look at my back.
"Wow... That's definitely bruised" I say as I look at my back... It's now black, purple blue and brown with little red cuts in it.
"Hey so I was thinking... Do you want to do a vlog to show that we have Sam?" Jack asks me as he places his chin on my shoulder and wraps his arms around my middle.. Being careful not to hurt my back.
" I think it should just be a casual vlog instead of sitting at the computer... Like just grab the camera and vlog in the bedroom where Sam is" I say as I turn and place my forehead to his.. My hands on his hips pulling him in close... Jack's arms around my neck.
"Yeah... To bad I didn't get you falling off the couch on video" Jack says with with a small laugh... I smile.
"Ok well wanna do it now?" I ask as I quickly kiss him.
"If you want" he says as he heads up to his recording room. I make some coffee then I pour two cups.. I bring both cups up to our room and I see he has already started recording.
"Speaking of Mark... Here he is in all his glory" Jack says as he points the camera at me.
"Hey... You didn't tell me you started already... And yes I have no shirt on because my back hurts like hell and if I put one on it will be worse" I say as I set the mugs on the one dresser.
"Oh yeah... Wanna show them your back? This is what happened to Mark last night at like 10:30" Jack says as I turn around to show off my back.
"I was doing dishes.... Yes that late... Anyway a glass slipped out of my hand and it shattered all over the floor.... As if that wasn't bad enough because Sam was crying like crazy.... I step over the pile but I step in a wet spot" I say as turn back to the camera "and I fell backwards onto the pile of glass"
"Such a great adventures with Jack and Mark everyday" Jack says as he laughs "anyway... Back to Sam" I walk over to the bed and I lay down on the bed moving Sam up into a siting position on my chest.
"Sam is literally a mix between me and Jack... Black hair, blue eyes and even more adorable then the two of us combined" I say as I start bouncing her up and down on my chest causing her to giggle. We mess around for another 8 minutes then we end the vlog and I post it... I don't even edit it.
~Time skip 10 years later-
Age~ Jack: 39 Mark: 40 Sam: 10
Year~ 2028
Btw Sam calls Jack dad and Mark daddy just to clarify.
-Samantha's POV-
"Sam... Wake up time to go to school" I hear my daddy's voice.. Deep and smooth waking me up softly. I open my eyes and see him standing in the doorway. I get up out of my bed and I hug him tightly... He places a hand on the back of my head... I am tall enough that my head reaches the middle of his chest. Today is my first day of grade 6 I am so excited to go to school today... I'm starting middle school so it's an all new school. I quickly run passed him and i go down the stairs to see my dad making breakfast.... I run up to him and hug him.
"Oh hey.. Good morning" he says with his Irish accent.
"Morning" I say as I let go of him and I sit at the table. I eat and get ready for school... My parents drive me there but they don't stay.
"Have a good day Sam" my daddy says as I get out of the car.
"Ok" I say.
"See you later" my dad says.
"Bye... Love you" I say as I head off to the school entrance. The bell rings as soon as I step into the school... That was close. I see everyone walking into what looks like the gym so I just follow everyone else... Since well all my other friends went to different schools. When I get in there are papers up on the walls with grades and teachers names on them... They also have class lists on them... I look for my name. I find it on a paper that has the name Ms. Rayn on it... I'm assuming that's my teacher... I walk over to the group of kids that are standing in front of the paper.. I just stand there minding my own business. We stand there for a couple of minutes before the teacher lines us all up and takes us back to our class room. I hang my backpack up then I find the desk with my name on it... It takes a couple minutes for everyone to get settled in.
"Ok everyone my name is Ms. Rayn and I will be your teacher for this year" Ms. Rayn says with a smile "ok since a lot of you don't know each other I thought it would be good to introduce yourselves to the class" one by one people say there names.. What family members they have and a couple facts about themselves.. Then it's my turn... I stand.
"Hi... I'm Samantha but most people call me Sam... I have two dads... I love video games and I am kind of a tomboy" I say as I sit back down. I hear quiet laughter and whispers around me... I know they are judging me.. probably because I have two dads, but I don't care what they think. Until recess we start an autobiography project to share with the class... I'm dreading it because everyone is gonna laugh at my life. Finally the lunch bell rings... I go grab my lunch then on my way back to my desk one of the boys sticks their foot out and trips me.. I do a face plant. I look at the ground... There are blood spots on the ground.. My nose is bleeding. I get up and look at him with a straight face because it really didn't hurt that much... The blood runs down my chin.
"Thanks" I say as I go grab some tissues and I clean up my noes. I take my lunch to the back of the room so he doesn't trip me again... I don't bother telling the teacher because I don't wanna seem like a cry baby.. Always telling the teacher. The bell rings... I didn't even get to eat because I was to busy taking care of my nose... We all head outside for recess. I refuse any human contact for the recess so I just walk around staying away from anyone until I bump into... Toby I think.........the same boy who tripped me earlier. Well it's more like he comes up behind me with his little 'posy' and he pushes me... I stumble but then I regain my balance.. I turn and look at them all laughing at me.
"What do you want!?" I yell at them feeling my rage building.
"Woah.. Looks like someone is a little bitch" he says as him and his group start laughing.
"You wanna laugh? I'll give you something to laugh about!" I yell as I kick him in the chest then I kneel on top of him. I wrap my hands around him neck and I squeeze as tight as I can... I get pulled off by a teacher.
"Now what do you have to say about me and my family!? Huh!?" I scream as tears start running down my face.
"Cry baby! Cry baby!" A couple of the boys from Toby's group yell at me. I break from teachers grasp and I punch the once kid in the face hard... then I slam the other kids head onto the basketball post.
"Anyone else want to mess with me!" I yell tears still running down my face.
-Jack's POV-
I hear my phone ring.
"Hi... This is regarding Samantha... We need you to come down here and pick her up... She's not ready to be in school just yet" a woman says... I hear crying in the background and I wonder... Is that Sam?
"Why what happened?" I ask curiously.
"We'll discuss it when you get here" she says.
"O-ok... We're on our way" I say as I hang up. By then Mark is standing beside me because he heard my confusion.
"Where are we going?" He asks me.
"To the school" I say as we head out to the car. When we arrive at the school there are two ambulances in the front circle... I get more worried.
"What happened?" Mark asks as we park and get out.
"She wouldn't say" I say as we step inside the school then go into the office. I look over to see Sam sitting in the corner crying... I go over to her.
"Sam...." I sand up and look at the principal "what happened?"
"Well we got both sides of the story from her and Toby... They both match up so we think it all started with her introducing herself" she says as she motions for us to sit... We do "when she told her class that she has two dads......" She tells them the full story.
"Oh my god" I sigh with my head in my hands
"I just don't understand why... She hasn't shown any signs of anger issues at all when she was younger" Mark says looking confused. I look at Sam.... I sigh and run my fingers through my hair.
"Anyway so.... Just keep her home as long as she needs" she says as we get up.
"Alright.... I promise you it won't happen again" I say.
"I don't need you to promise it.... I need her to" she says as we look at her.
"I can't promise anything" Sam says as she shakes her head.
"At least your truthful.... Well... Try and work on that please or you could be expelled" the principal says... We nod to her then we leave.
~Time Skip to 7 years later~
Age~ Jack: 46 Mark: 47 Sam: 17
Year~ 2035
-Samantha's POV-
I get a message on my phone.

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