No Hesitation. No Shame.

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-Mark's POV/Mark's narration-
"Mark! Get up!" I hear Matt yelling at me from the other side of the door.
"Why?" I moan into my pillow.
"Because you have to get up and get ready plus help us clean before Jack gets to L.A.!" He says. I perk up then I run to the door.
"I totally forgot" I say happily.
"Get ready... He said he's gonna text you when he's here" Matt says as he walks downstairs.
"Will do" I say as I start rushing around getting ready. It takes me about an hour to get my room clean and get myself ready... Then another half an hour to help get the rest of the house clean. I get a text at 4:00... Yes I slept into 2:00... What? I had stayed up till 3:00 this morning editing videos for the next 7 days.

Hey Daddy.... My body is ready to be yours

Oh is it now...

Yeah... You want it?

Kinda... So anyway your at the airport now??

Yes... Wait what?!

I chuckle then I put my phone in my pocket and I head to my car.... I drive to the airport to pick up Jack. When I get there I go into the airport and I look around for a green haired cutie.... Did I just think that?!
"Mark!" I hear my name called from behind me. I turn to see Jack walking towards me... I smile then I head to him... When we meet something unexpected happens... Jack slaps me... Ha! You thought I was gonna say Jack kisses me! Gullible bastard! Anyway so I look at him with confusion.
"What was that for? Did I do something wrong?" I ask.
"That's for being so god damn sexy" he says "and this is for being so lovable" Jack grabs my face and closes the gap between us pressing his lips to mine. There you happy? You got your kiss! Now go fuck yourselves! Nah just kidding luv ya. I kiss back but when Jack breaks the kiss I just look at him with shock... What does this mean?
"Sorry" Jack says quietly with his head down. I place a finger on his chin and I make him look at me.
"Don't be" I say as I connect our lips again.. I break the kiss "now let's go" we go back to my place. When we get there... Me and Jack go upstairs and fuck... Hell no! You pervs! That's not till later.... Now where were we? Oh yes.. When we get there I show Jack to his guest room.
"So I guess just hang out get comfortable... I think I'm making dinner tonight so I gotta go do that now" I say to him.
"Ok... Maybe I'll come help... For something to do" Jack says with a cute smile.
"If you want to, you can" I say as I walk down the stairs to the kitchen with Jack on my heels. Me and Jack start making a stir fry with vegetables and chicken in it... We get everything into the pan to fry then I start cleaning the counter because it's now a mess. I start wiping down the counter but I jump when I feel arms wrap around my waist... I look back to see it's Jack.
"What are you doing?" I ask. I then feel Jack move his hand down under my shirt... I feel my heart speed up but I just stand there with my eyes closed letting him roam his hands around my body. His one hand slips beneath the waistband of my pants... Why does this feel so.. Right? Jack's hand wraps around my already hard member.. I stifle a moan.... He starts slowly pumping me.. I groan quietly. Jack then unbuttons my pants with his other hand..... he pulls my pants and boxers down to mid thigh area... He start jacking me off faster.... Ha get it?! Jack-ing... Jack... Never mind. I let out a low groan... Matt and Ryan are out on the deck so they won't hear or see this.. Thank god. Jack keeps pumping as I get closer to my orgasm... I reach it and I moan quite loud... But I cum all over the floor.
"You liked that daddy?" Jack asks seductively.
"Expect a punishment later" I whisper into Jack's ear as I pull up my pants and boxers.
"I look forward to it" Jack whispers with a giggle. I smirk.... I give Jack the cloth, He cleans up the mess he made While I tend to the food.
"So um... Mark?" Jack asks me hesitantly.
"Yeah" I say.
"What does this make us?" He asks. I raise an eyebrow at him with a smirk.
"You do that then ask what we are?" I laugh "I think you already got your answer... Did you not?" Jack gets a smile on his face as he wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight. I turn around then I press my lips to his forehead... It feels like we've been together forever.
"You won't regret your decision" Jack says to me as he buries his face in my chest.
"I know I won't" I say as hear a sob.
"What's wrong?" I ask him.
"My girlfriend broke up with me three days ago and she said that she regretted ever being my girlfriend... It hurt" he cries into my chest.
"It's ok... Your with me now... Forget about her and everything for this next week... Just focus on me and us" I say trying to calm him down. Just then Matt and Ryan walk in from the deck.... The stop and look at me with worry.
"What's wrong?" Ryan asks as him and Matt come over to us.
"His girlfriend dumped him three days ago... She said she regrets ever being with him" I say.
"Oh... Well she can go fuck herself... She obviously never loved you in the first place" Matt says as him and Ryan join into a group hug.
"It's okay buddy.... Just forget about her... We're gonna make sure you have fun" Ryan says. Jack starts laughing... He looks like he's calming down and getting better... Everyone breaks from the hug then I tend to the food again.
"Oh by the way guys.... Me and Jack are together now" I say as I turn the stove off.
"Really? That was fast" Ryan says as he grabs four beers from the fridge.
"I just thought you should know in case you see somethings that might look strange for friends" I laugh as I grab four plates from the cupboard.
"Are you kidding? We do that kind of stuff all the time" Matt says.. Everyone laughs.
"Kissing?" Jack asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Well um.... Yeah?" Ryan says.
"Ok then do it... Kiss Matt" I say as I turn to look at them.
"No way" Matt says as he moves away from Ryan.
"Ok... So there are some things that are awkward for just friends.. But not many" Ryan says looking defeated.
"I want to know.... What were you trying to prove?" I ask feeling confused.
"I honestly have no idea" Ryan laughs.
"Dinner is ready" I say as I grab a plate and I put some stuff on it.... I hand the plate and a fork to Jack "there you are... Darling" I smile... Jack blushes.
"Ewwww" Matt whines like a little kid.
"Oh shut up... You have a girlfriend" I say as I get my food. Matt sticks his tongue out at me as Jack and I head out to the back deck to eat... Matt and Ryan sit inside to eat... Don't ask me why... I have no idea. Anyway so Jack and I sit outside and just have small talk about games and movies and us..... It's peaceful... When we're done eating I go sit on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water. I just sit there until Jack comes over and sits on me, straddling my lap.... He puts his arms around my neck... My hands go to his butt to make sure he doesn't slip in. Jack rests his forehead on mine, our noses touching... I can feel his warm breath... I close my eyes and inhale his sent. I close the gap and press my lips to his.... Everything is perfect.. Until I feel two hands on my back and we get pushed into the pool. When I come up to the surface Jack is laughing but I'm just giving Ryan a glare... I look back to see Matt filming it.
"You fuckers" I says as I climb out of the pool. I walk passed Ryan then I shove him into the pool... I then run at Matt.. He freaks out and starts running into the house... I follow him.. I eventually pin Matt to a wall.. My hand around his neck... I pretend to murder him because the camera is still looking at me so they can't see Matt. He falls to the floor with the camera... Pretending to be dead.
"There you'll learn from your mistakes fucker" I say as Ryan and Jack come in... I just burst out with laughter.
"I can't believe you held a straight face that long" Matt laughs as I help him up off the floor.
"Well it's not hard when you are a bit pissed off" I say as I look at Ryan.
"You should so put that up on your channel" Ryan suggests.
"Yeah right! It's has video of me and Mark kissing... No way!" Jack says looking at me.
"Is that really your answer? I was gonna say sure because then we'll just give them a little taste of it and let them decide what they want" I say "but if your not in on it then I respect that" Jack sighs and looks at me.
"Let's edit it first... Then we'll decide" Jack says as he looks me in the eye.
"Ok.... Well I'm gonna go put dry clothes on" I say as I head up to my room with Jack and Ryan on my tail since they have to put dry clothes on too. I go into my room... I strip off my wet clothes then I put on just my markiplier pjs... No shirt, no boxers underneath. I head out of my room and into Matts room to see him already editing the video. Ok so now I'm gonna just skip to the more important part... Why? Because it's my story... You don't like it? Too bad! After the four of us decide on a way to edit the video I upload it to my channel as an extra video for today... I call it... Don't mess with the Markimoo! Within 30 minutes there are a ton of comments about what me and Jack are doing... Because it's from behind you can't really see what we're doing but people have a hunch... After an hour I get a tweet from Bob.
@Markiplier Um... May I ask like all the others what is going on before you get pushed??

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