Thank the Lord!

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Just a note, any time I have a panic attack in my stories it's based off of the way others write it because I don't have panic attacks, I rarely get stressed so if it's wrong I'm sorry... I just wanted to let you know that. Also this is fairly short but oh well.
-Jack's POV-
"No! Go fuck yourself!" I yell playfully at Mark... the others laugh. We are doing a charity live stream with Tyler and Ethan but this has just turned into a septiplier stream... Mark is reading out every septiplier comment there is in chat and I'm scared because people are getting hints at it.
"I'm just giving people a little taste of what they want... instead of always being what we are" he grins "I pander to my fans... well not all the time but a lot"
"Whatever... it's just... this stream isn't about us.. if you want to do that make another live stream that's just called septiplier away" I point out as I calm down then sit back down onto the couch.
"Ok you're right..." he nods "We are here for......" That's all I hear before I get lost in my head. Mark and I have been together for 5 months so far but I'm still not ready to tell them yet.... Mark is ready any time but it's just me that's holding us back so we have to do this silly charade. I wish I wasn't so scared... I'm such a little bitch.. man up! My mind flickers between all of the things that could go wrong with either telling them or never telling... my breath shortens and quickens as it gets harder to breathe. Stop panicking. Stop panicking! STOP IT! That only makes it worse.. I snap out of my thoughts and my eyes focus to see the bright lights, cameras and wires.. I start getting overwhelmed.
"M-Mark" I whine quietly as tears gather in my eyes. I close my eyes then when I open them again I see Mark crouched in front of me... his lips are moving but I can't tell what he's saying. He stands then pulls me up... he wraps his arms around me  and walks me out of the room.. we head out the back where he finds a place to sit me. I just bury my face into his neck and cry as he envelopes me in his arms tightly.
"Shhh.. it's okay... take as much time as you need" he whispers when I can finally hear him again. I eventually calm down so I'm not crying anymore and my breathing is back to normal.. Mark presses a kiss to my forehead.
"Better?" He asks as my eyes meet his.. I nod "Wanna tell me what was on your mind?"
"I was thinking about all that bad possibilities of both telling them and not telling them... about us" I sniffle.
"What bad would happen if you don't tell them?" He asks.
"You'd get mad then think I don't want people to know we're together... then leave me" I say.. he chuckles then hugs me tighter.
"You come up with the silliest things to be scared of" he presses several kisses t9 my face "you know I love you and I'm never going to leave you... if I did it wouldn't be over something that small"
"I guess"
"On the bright side.. we may not have to tell them outright since that little break down made me look very suspicious" he laughs.. I giggle.
"I mean it doesn't really... you're just a friend helping out a friend having a panic attack.. there's nothing wrong with that" I point out.
"Yeah but you know them.. drawing connections to things that are there but shouldn't be seen" Mark argues.
"So.. you still doing the live stream?" I ask.
"Yeah but you can wait out here until you're ready if you'd like"
"Yeah I'm not ready to go back on just yet.. but I will come back inside though" I say as he gets up.. I follow him back inside where Tyler and Ethan are still trying to hold up the stream.
"Ok so... I'm back now.. Everything is good" Mark makes a goofy smile as he sits down between Tyler and Ethan "so what we doing?"
"Well were just answering some questions... Although there's a lot of questions only you can answer" I bite my lip at the way Mark looks at me.. he wants to tell them. I nod with a sigh as I turn around in the chair I'm sitting on and look away.
"Ok so... what happened to Jack? He had a little bit of a panic attack although he's fine now. Umm... the reason.. he's afraid of...." he sighs "Jack give me a little help here"
"Just outright tell them.. it doesn't have to be this hard" I say to myself as I clench my teeth... I get up then head over... my breath picking up again.. Tyler and Ethan leave so I take the spot where they were.
"Me and Mark are together and I was panicking about the bad outcomes to both telling you or never telling you" I say in one breath... I then take a deep breath and sigh.
"There.. now that that's out of the way.." Mark smiles "we won't have to for this silly charade anyone" he pulls me so I'm right up against him.
"Oh thank the Lord.... as scared as I was it was really annoying and putting a damper on our relationship" I smile as I pick up a controller "back to the game!" Ethan and Tyler come back onto the couch as we get back into the game.. laughing and having fun.
-The End-

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