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There may be some Trigger Warnings but idk... And this may be scary to some... If it's not your thing I'll just say Jack goes insane in the story so there...
-Jack's POV-
I am laying in my bed doing absolutely nothing with tears stained to my eyes... I haven't uploaded videos for about... Five days? I don't know... I've lost track... I've completely shut all contact with the outside world. My phone has rung for days and I've even gotten knocks at my door... I don't answer... Why bother when you're just gonna get judged and broken again! I finally answer a call I get from Mark because I crave to at least hear his voice again... I don't say hello.
"I was the knight in shining armour in your movie" I sing quietly into the phone.
"Jack? Oh thank god you're okay... What happened was it me?" He asks... I almost burst out laughing.
"Would put your lips on mine and love the aftertaste" I continue "Now I'm a ghost, I call your name, you look right through me
You're the reason I'm alone and masturbate"
"Jack...." I hear Mark start to tear up.
"I, yeah, I've been trying to fix my pride
But that shit's broken, that shit's broken
Lie, lie, l-lie, I try to hide
But now you know it" I continue to sing or even talk as best as I can since I almost lost my voice from doing nothing but crying.
"Jack please stop... I don't need to hear this... I know you're upset about me dumping you but... I just wanna know I'm... Not gonna take you back....." I don't stick around to hear the rest... I hang up and cry as loud and as long as I can like I have been previously... I fall asleep eventually after I calm down a bit. I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling... It's been a few days since that conversation happened but it still plays in my head over and over to the point of me going crazy.... I rock back and fourth in the corner of my room everyday... I have clawed the walls of my room to the point of my nails coming off or the ends of my fingers cracking... I've started cutting and I sometimes laugh or scream uncontrollably.
"It's all cuz of you!" I scream as I break into tears "I've tried to come out of this alive but I can't! I try everyday to get back into a normal routine but I just dig myself deeper into my insanity the more I think of our past!" I then hear a knock at the door... Like I do most times I move like an animal to the door to hear who it is... I hear a voice that once again pushes my sane thoughts or what I had leftover of my old life to the very back of my mind... Mark!?
"Jack... Please open up.. You're scaring so many people... Your subscribers want to know you're okay" he says with faint stutter in his voice. I am about to tell him to go away but I smirk as a thought pops into my head... I'm gonna let him see what he has done to me! I look through the peephole to see its only him... Good... I open the door and let him in... He walks in and looks around me place as I close the door. His eyes land on me and his eyes fill with water... He steps closer and I smile crazily.
"I'm peeling the skin off my face
'Cause I really hate being safe
The normals, they make me afraid
The crazies, they make me feel sane" I mostly say... I can't really sing "I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad,
The craziest friend that you've ever had
You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone
Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong
Over the bend, entirely bonkers
You like me best when I'm off my rocker
Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed
So what if I'm crazy? The best people are"
"Jack what? I-I'm sorry I did this to you but you didn't give me a chance to explain last time and I think you miss heard what I said" Mark says.
"I'm glad you know you did this to me...The conversation we had has been bouncing around my head whether I like it or not! I've tried to go back to normal but I can't!" I yell at him as I grasp his hand and I take him into my insane asylum... My room.
"Oh my god Jack..."
"This is my Insane Asylum.... How many days has it been since you dumped me?" I ask him.
"Two weeks" Mark answers still in shock. I then feel in shock myself... This has been my life for two weeks? I hate it so much... I want to go back to normal... Wake up from this nightmare please!!!
"I hate this" I say softly as I put my head in my hands and I slide down the wall to a ball in the corner I normally sit in "like I said... I've tried so much to go back to normal... I've tried to record so many videos... But these thoughts! Fuck! My head hurts... I've bashed it off the wall so many times trying to forget it or just to have a second of peace and quiet..." I start crying.
"Jack... I will help you if you are willing to let me" Mark offers.
"Where is my prescription?
Doctor, doctor please listen
My brain is scattered
You can be Alice,
I'll be the mad hatter" I sing as I start rocking back and fourth "no! Stop!" I stand up then I start bashing my head off the wall trying to quiet the voices in my head.
"Jack! Stop! First you need to take care of yourself" he sighs as he has no control over me "I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I might need to get you a straight jacket" I finally calm down because my head hurts again.
"I-I actually have showered several times these two weeks... Those were days when trying to get back into routine but failed" I say.
"Jack... You need to listen to me... Let's get you and this place cleaned and patched up then we can get some rest okay?" Mark offers me... I take a deep breath then I nod as he leads me to my bathroom. He turns the shower on then we both undress... He gets in with me to help clean my cuts and bruises... I can't help but feel a bit of sanity come back to me... I smile weakly as his hands run over my entire body seeing as I was coated all over with my own blood. After a while we get out of the shower... We dry up but he only gives me boxers then he sits me down to bandage up all of my sores... Including my fingers... It takes the majority of the day but we get me and the apartment cleaned up... I still have crazy tendencies but Mark just hugs me tight when I do so that I don't hurt myself anymore. We are now sitting down to record something for my viewers to know I'm 'fine'... Just an hour earlier I went through a lot of social media and text messages to try and maybe get rid of the insane thoughts... It doesn't really help much except for helping my viewers know I'm alive.
"Hello.... I-I... I am making this video to just let you know I am getting better... Thanks to Mark which is the weird part since I thought you'd be the last person I'd want to see after......" I trail off as the phone call and the breakup comes back into my head.... I place my head in my hands... Mark whispers nicer things into my ear and even things to get me to laugh... I then calm down but I'm still shaking.
"Um... So I thought I should let you know what's going on and what happened.... " I take a breath " well... We as you probably know.. Broke up about two weeks ago and it was really hard on me... A-at first I was just gonna take a break and calm down... I was gonna tell you but... I guess I forgot because I was just crying all day"
"Then five days later when I called him for the thousandth time he picked up... Which was a bad idea..." Mark laughs nervously.
"Yeah so that day when I picked up I just needed to hear another human voice since I had shut myself inside my apartment for so long..... B-but...." I feel the crazy tendencies coming back as I pull my hair and bite my lip but I fight them away "anyway we didn't really talk then, I just made him feel sad then I heard only part of what he was saying before I hung up so I thought he said he was never taking me back.... And... That was my breaking point.... I went crazy... For real"
"That's what those little pauses that you saw were.... They were just flashes I guess you can say?" Mark says looking at me.. I nod.
"The phone call just stuck in my head... Played over and over.... But just know when I was by myself I tired myself trying to break these thoughts from my head trying to get back to normal... I tried so many times to record a video for you just letting you know I'm fine but I..... Couldn't do it... I never forgot about you guys" I say as my eyes are watering now "fuck it! I'm done I can't do this anymore... I thought I could do this tonight but I can't!"
" I told you we could do this tomorrow after you've gotten a good nights rest" Mark says.
"Fight it Jack! Fight It!" I yell at myself... I curl up in Mark's arms and I guess I fall asleep. I smile into my camera as I finish my outro... It's five days later... I am mostly back to normal and Mark has gone back to America.. as he has finished his job here... We are now back together but I promised him that if we break up again then I would stay strong... I hope I stick to that promise. I'm glad that nightmare is over and everything is back to normal.
-The End-

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