Secrets & Lies

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I've been working on this for such a long time and I'm so glad it's done.. it's really long! Enjoy!
-Mark's POV-
"Mark! Wake up!" I hear my mother's voice.... It breaks me from my sleep. I open my eyes to see her standing in the doorway of my bedroom... With a look that says I was supposed to get up earlier.
"You are supposed to be training at 12:00" she says to me with a stern voice.
"What time is it now?" I ask with a harsh voice because I just woke up.
"11:00" she says with a more calm voice.
"I have enough time.... I just will ride my horse instead" I say as I sit up on the edge of my bed.
"Alright well.... I'll have your breakfast ready then" she says as she smiles at me.
"Thanks mom" I smile at her and I go over to my dresser. She leaves, closing the door behind her.... I put my pyjamas on and a t-shirt.... Then I head out of my room.
"Mark?" I hear my moms voice.
"Yes!" I yell.
"Are you going to have a shower?" She says as I walk into the kitchen.
"Why? I'm just gonna get all sweaty anyway" I say as I sit at the table.
"Are you wearing that?" She says as she sets my breakfast on the table.
"Why not?" I say looking up at her.
"You know what?..... I'm just gonna stop.... Do whatever you want" she says as she walks over to the door.
"Mom I'm sorry.... But I'm not a princess... I don't have to look good... It's the skill that counts and besides I look good no matter what I'm wearing" I say with a smile. She smiles back at me then comes closer.
"It's not about how good you look because everyone knows you always look good.... It's just... Your supposed to be a prince not a field worker" she says as she places both hands on either one of my shoulders.
"I know but... Nobody is gonna see me..... It's just one other person.... When the time comes for people to see me..I will dress how you want me to.... Alright?" I say as I stand up.
"Ok.... Your right... Your right.... I'm over reacting.... I love you no matter what" she says as she hugs me.
"I love you too" I say as I hug back.
"Ok well eat and get ready..... By the way your father I think is gonna come down to see how your doing with your training" she says as she lets go of me and steps back... I sit down.
"Ok... I won't disappoint him" I say with a devious smile.
"I know you won't" mother says as she walks out of the kitchen. Yes! My father can finally see me fight.... I am really good at it... And my instructor says I have learned really fast in the past 2 months... Most people would only be where I was 1 month ago. Fighting is fun I've got to say that..... If I could do it all day I would and that is why I have learned faster because I stay and train longer than I'm supposed to.... My parents don't care because they think it's good that I like fighting. At the end of this week me and 3 other princes are going to have a contest to see who gets the hand of the princess of England, Michelle Malley. She has chosen 4 princes that she thinks are good looking and those 4 will have a contest of strength, agility, speed and intelligence. The king and queen of England rule their land and they are in charge of the other rulers for other countries.... So in simpler words.. If you rule England, you rule the world. She chose me... Mark Fishbach.. Prince of America, Evan Fong.. Prince of Canada, Felix Kjellburg.. Prince of Sweden and Sean Mcloughlin.. Prince of Ireland. Out of these guys I think I have a pretty good chance... I mean I look like the only well built one... They all look puny and weak. Anyway enough thinking... I'm just freaking out because if I don't win my parents will be ashamed of me so I do my best to train well. I finish eating then I rush out the door that goes into the stables... I turn to see my horse out of her stable, just standing there like she was waiting for me.
"Beauty? What are you doing out of your stable?" I ask her as I walk to her and I pet her on the nose "did someone let you out or did you break out?" I look back at her stable door.... The lock is busted and the wood door is off the top hinge.
"Oh well that explains a lot.... Come on girl were riding bare back today" I say as she perks up and turns so I can get on her "ok to the training arena.... You know where that is right?" Beauty starts a trot then picks up speed once were further away from the stables. I love riding... The wind blowing across my face.. Blowing my hair back... Hearing Beauty's hooves against the ground... The beautiful scenery around me.. Miles of grass and blue sky, with some forest as well. I'm in bliss. Before I know it I can see my instructor standing outside the door waving to me... Beauty slows to a stop without me having to tell her... I worked hard to train her and it all payed off. I hop off of her and I run my hand down her side to her face.
"Good girl... Now will you wait here for me... It will be a while, so you can wander a little bit but if you don't hear me call you come back here before supper alright?" I say to her as I pet her nose. Beauty gives me a nod and then trots off.
"You've trained her hard haven't you?" Wade my instructor says to me... I nod.
"Yeah.... So how have you been Wade.... How's Bob?" I ask him. Wade is about my age and he has been a really good friend to me over the years... All of my friends are either instructors or servants... Which is sad.
"Everyone's been pretty good... It's been a couple days since you've trained" Wade says to me as we go into the arena.
"Yeah sorry I've been doing other exercises to get ready for Friday.... Intelligence was a bitch" I say as I laugh.
"I bet... But you'll do good for strength, agility and speed" he says as he hands me a stick that I use instead of a sword.
"I thinks so to but don't wanna get my hopes too high" I say as I get in position.
"Ok so it's get the other person to the ground.... Ready? Let's go!" Wade says as he takes the first move. I block the attack then I go.... For a lot of it I go easy just blocking and swinging blockable swings.
"Come on Mark! I know this isn't all you got!" Wade say to me.
"I'm just getting back into the feel of it... This isn't all" I say as I take I big swing hitting Wade in the shin hard. He falls to his knees and I put the one end of the stick to his forehead.
"Your dead" I say as I back away to let him get up.
"Alright... We're gonna do it two more times without armor then you will go put the armour on... You need to get a feel of how to move in armour" Wade says as he gets into position.
"Am I gonna shoot the bow today?" I ask as I get into position.
"Maybe for an hour at the end because that's least important right now" he says as he nods for us to start. I swing at him and he blocks it... He swings, I block but the second time I swing I poke him in the chest with the end of the stick... He falls back.
"Your dead" I say with a teasing smile.
"Again" he says as he quickly gets up. We both get into position except this time he doesn't signal and he swings at me.. I jump back and dodge it then I swing at him and he blocks... He swings at my feet and trips me. I fall to the ground and he goes to put the end of the stick to my forehead but I hit it and it flies out of his hands across the arena. I get up quickly because he goes to run at it... I hit his one ankle and he falls then I place the stick to the back of his head.
"Your dead" I say breathing heavily.
"That's gonna get annoying" he says as he gets up "ok go put on your armour" Wade points to an armour set that is hanging up across the arena. I go over I grab it then I take it all to the change room... I look at each piece of clothing and armour... A black full body suit to wear underneath, a black metal torso piece, black metal shoulder pads, black metal full arm pieces and black metal boots. Wow I'm gonna look badass... On the chest is a picture of a wolf. I put it all on then I walk out to see my dad and Wade talking... Ok my time to shine.
"Wow.... You look amazing... Brave... Like a true warrior... A true king" my dad says as he stands up and looks me up and down.
"Wait I forgot to put a couple things in the pile... Hold on" Wade says as he runs out of the room. He comes back with a helmet, a cape and a sword.
"I was waiting for these" I say as I put the black cape on. I put the helmet on then I pick up the sword.... It's heavy but not too bad.
"Now you look amazing" Wade says as he picks up the stick he had dropped.
"Ok so we gonna do this?" I ask as I set my sword down and I grab a stick the get in position. Wade gets into position then nods to me... I swing first and he blocks it but I quickly pull back and swing at his thigh... I hit him but he doesn't fall. He swings at me and I block it but I had swung so hard that his stick flies out of his hand and I hit the stick to the side of his neck.
"Your dead" I say to him as I look to my dad.
"Impressive... Looks like you can beat Wade.... What about me?" My dad says as he gets up and grabs a stick.
"Ok.... Let's do this" I say to him as I get in position.
"Just so you know... I'm not going easy on you because I want to see how you do against someone as strong as me.... And I expect you give it your all" he says as he gets into position.... I nod to him. I'm glad he has his armour on or I would hurt him bad. My dad swings at me first and I block it.... We go back and fourth swinging and blocking... Nobody makes a hit for at least 20-30 minutes then I see a weak point. I swing at his knee because it's not protected, like mine, I hit the side of his knee and he falls.. I quickly use the stick to flick his helmet off by by then he has gained his power back so he gets up. I keep him occupied from getting his helmet so that I have something to hit when the time is right. I then see an opening... I swing at his head but I stop just before touching his head so I don't hurt him.
"Got you" I say really out of breath. We both drop our sticks.
"Well done... I think your good" he says as he sits down on a bench... I join him. I take off my helmet and I just sit there catching my breath.
"Can we do archery now?" I ask looks at Wade.
"Yeah if you want" he says as he grabs my bow and quiver of arrows from the weapons cabinet.
"Ok well I'm gonna take this off" I say as I get up and go to the change room. I take off all of my armour so that I'm standing in only my boxers... But I put the cape back on and I walk out... I'm known for cracking jokes and being funny.
"I'm ready!" I yell as I grin from ear to ear and walk out... My dad is still there but I don't mind.. He loves when I make him laugh.
"Oh no" Wade says as he starts laughing at me.
"Hey dad you know what I have wanted to wear.... The spartan's outfit from the movie 300" I say as I strike a pose.
"Yes you would wear that outfit well... If you want I can get someone to make that for you" he says with a laugh... But he's not joking.
"How about I wear that to the contest on Friday" I say... Everyone starts laughing. I grab my bow then I take a few arrows out.. So that I don't have to put the quiver on my back. I put an arrow on the string then I pull back and aim it at my target.... Breath steadily... I let go.... the arrow flies across the arena and hits the target in the center.
"You've learned that well haven't you" my dad says as he gets up and walks to the door "well I'm going to go... You've done well... my son..... I think you will win"
"Alright.. Thanks dad" I say as I shoot another arrow. He nods to me then leaves... I go back to shooting. I stay for another 3 hours and then I realize it's 7:00... Mostly because Beauty tells me... She comes to the door, whinnies the taps her hoof 7 times.
"Thanks Beauty... Wade! Why didn't you tell me it was 7:00!?" I yell at Wade. I hear a short snort come from him then I look back with a questioning look.
"I was asleep... What did you want?" He asks rubbing his eyes.
"Nothing.... I'm going to leave now.. Go get some sleep" I say with a soft voice as I put my pyjamas and t-shirt back on.
"Alright... See you tomorrow then?" He asks me.
"Yes and I'll try to wake up earlier so maybe I can get down here early" I say as I walk out the door with Wade right behind me.
"Alright well I'll be down here no earlier than 9:00 so you can still sleep in somewhat" he says as he walks the opposite way I'm going.
"Ok well goodnight" I say as I get up on Beauty and she starts to trot. She starts running so we get home fast... Faster than when we came. We get home and I can see my mother sitting on the balcony of their room and my father is in bed asleep. I get off Beauty at the stables and Mat the stables keeper takes her and puts her away for me..... He's another friend.
"Thanks Mat..... I'll probably use her again tomorrow... No saddle again" I say as I walk down the path... Horse stables on either side of me.
"Alright well nice talking to ya man" he says in a sarcastic tone.
"Sorry I just gotta eat, have a shower then go to bed... Plus not much time left" I say as I turn looking at him while walking backwards "I'll talk to you tomorrow.... I promise"
"Ok well I'm gonna hold you to that promise" Mat says as he feeds Beauty.
"Go ahead" I yell as I turn around and run into the house. I go to the kitchen and I grab some soup that is just sitting there... From when my parents ate. I take the bowl up to my room then I pick up my cell phone and I look at my messages... I got one from Bob and one from Ryan. Bob is the royal blacksmith and Ryan is one of my escorts that escort me around when I'm outside of my parents property. I've become really good friends with both of them.

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