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-Jack's POV-
I am in the middle of recording a video when my phone starts ringing... I answer it.
"Hello?" I say into the phone.
"is this Sean Fishbach?" I hear a man ask.
"Yes.... Who is this?"
"This is constable Firguson.... We have your husband here in the police station" the cop says.
"What? Why? What happened?" I ask feeling concerned.
"We believe your husband has murdered someone" he says. Right then I feel myself about to faint or just fall unconscious... This can't be real... Please don't let it be real.
"What do you want me to do?" I ask, my voice cracking because I'm on the verge of tears.
"We want you to come down here and talk with him... He would most likely give you the truth" the cop states... I take a deep breath.
"Ok" I say as I feel a tear run down my face. I turn off all of my recording equipment and my computer then I run out to my car... I drive quickly to the police station... When I get there about 3 cops are outside waiting for... Me. I sigh and I hold back more tears... I get out only to be taken directly into a room with me, Mark and a metal table between us... Not to mention Mark is chained to the floor by his wrists.
"Mark... Why?" I ask as tears fall down my face... Mark looks hurt at me in tears.
"I didn't do it... I was framed" Mark says softly as if not to scare a small animal.
"I don't know what to believe" I say as I look into his eyes.
"I'll tell you the whole story... Just look into my eyes... You'll see I'm NOT lying" Mark says. I sigh then nod... I wipe my eyes.
"Ok" I say as I look into his eyes.
-Mark's POV-
"Ok let's start... How about when I left from our house... That's the last time you saw me right?" I say to Jack not breaking eye contact.
"Yes... You were going to the store" Jack says.
"Jack! I'm leaving to the store now!" I shout so that Jack can here me up the stairs. I stand at the door as I hear quick heavy steps almost running down the stairs and to me... I have to brace myself for impact because if not I would fall over... Jack jumps on me and wraps his legs around my waist.
"Woah... Calm down there buckaroo" I laugh as I press my forehead to Jack's.
"Sorry... I'm just really happy today for no reason" Jack giggles as he places a quick kiss to my lips.
"Me too... But I have a reason" I say as I set Jack on the kitchen counter.
"And what is that?" Jack asks.
"You and your happy, Irish, loud, adorable, sexy and energetic self" I say as I stand between Jack's legs. Jack giggles then wraps his arms around my neck... My hands go to his right hip and lower back.......
"Just get to the part I want to hear already" Jack says with a red face.
"What you don't want me to describe our make out session" I chuckle "and you mean the part that they want to hear" I point at the one way mirror.
"Ok yeah fine they're listening... But I also want an explanation" Jack says to me.
"Fine... I'll skip that part" I sigh.
"I'll see you later then maybe we can finish what you started" I say with a grin as I pull out of the driveway and I head to the store.
"We never did get to finish" I sigh with a smirk.
"Mark! Just finish the story" Jack says sternly.
"Ok sorry" I roll my eyes "I head to the store I buy the things we need... Blah blah blah... You can confirm that by looking in the back of my car"
"We can confirm that" a voice says through a speaker.
"Good" I say as I continue the story.
I am about half way home from leaving the store when all of a sudden a car crashes into the diver side of my car... I climb out the passenger door only to see I have a cut down my left shin... It's bleeding quite a bit.
"What you don't believe me?" I ask noticing a look of disbelief on Jack's face. I slowly put my leg up on the table to show him... There is a long cut down my leg that is still bleeding... Jack gets a look of worry and horror.
"Did they not clean it up?" He asks... I shake my head.
"They think if I'm guilty I should just deal with it... They don't care if I bleed to death then end up being innocent... Which I am" I say as I take my leg off the table.
"Continue" Jack says.
My first instinct is to go over to the driver of the car that crashed into me.... I see the driver is gone so I look around... My eyes finally land on a guy crawling on the road.
"Excuse me sir are you alright?" I ask as I try to help him up.
"No... No... They're coming!" The guy says to me. I look up at his car to see it has bullet holes in it... I start to freak out so I grab my phone and I'm about to call 911... Before I can my phone flies out of my hands. I look at it on the ground smashed into pieces... I look to my right to see a person with a gun... He shot my phone out of my hands. I stand up straight with my hands up in the air because I don't know what else to do... Within the flash of a moment the guy with the gun shoots the driver on the ground... He throws the gun at me which I instinctively catch then he speeds away on his motorcycle. I stand there for only a minute before the cops show up.
"So me standing there with the gun in my hands and my fingerprints the only ones on the gun.... You can see how well that ended" I say as I go to put my hands on the table but I only result in pulling on the chains.
"Can you guys come in here and tell me what you guys found for evidence? Or is that classified?" Jack asks looking back at the mirror. Just then two guys walk in with a few plastic bags... They set them on the table.... I look at the items in shock... Non of the items matched my story!
"Wha-what? That's what I remember" I say feeling confused.
"Your story was good.... But the only few problems are... One your phone is perfectly fine... Two there was no gun.... Three the wounds on the body were created by human hands.... Four you were laying on the ground unconscious... And five you haven the victims blood on your hands" the one officer says looking at me.
"But... You have me hooked up to a lie detector right?" I ask looking behind me to see a small machine with wires going to my head and chest.
"Yes... We'll check that over later" the officer says as he unhooks me from the lie detector then takes the paper.
"Jack?" I say as I see Jack in tears... His face in his hands. Jack looks up at one officer.
"Can I go now?" Jack asks... The officer nods. Jack gets up then leaves the room as fast as he can... I feel my heart break at the sight... The look of disappointment in Jack's eyes.
"I didn't do it Jack! You have to believe me!" I yell as I break in tears... I bang my head hard against the table. I do it several times until they pull me back away from the table so I don't seriously hurt myself.... They unhook the chains from the floor then they walk me out to my holding cell. Once I'm inside they take the chains off of me... I just lay down on the bed then I look at my blood covered hands and shirt... My shirt is red so I couldn't originally see it.. I can now.
"What was I remembering?" I ask feeling confused about the things I was remembering. I lay there for a few minutes before I fall asleep.
-Jack's POV-
I haven't stopped crying ever since I left the station... That was at 3:30... It is now 7:00. Why would Mark do this? Why did he seem shocked to hear that his story was false? Is Mark telling the truth? I have so many questions that won't be answered for a long while... I just can't see Mark... My gentle, loving, caring, funny, goofy goober, husband ever hurting anyone. My thoughts get interrupted when I my phone rings... I wipe my eyes and answer it.
"Hello?" I say into the phone.
"Hi this in Constable Firguson again.... We looked over the lie detector sheet and we can't find an answer for what happened.... Mark's story is all true... He didn't lie once" the officer says.
"Really? But I thought that... The evidence turned his story down?" I say feeling a bit of relief.
"The evidence does but the lie detector says his story is true" the officer says "we even checked the detector before and after it... It's working"
"Does that mean he's innocent?" I ask feeling a little bit of hope.
"Not necessarily... He will go to court in one week... They will decide there" he says.
"Where will he be until then?" I ask knowing the answer.
"In the nearest prison" I almost choke on the officer's words.
"Am I allowed to tell his subscribers? Mark is a YouTuber... I have to tell them something" I ask.
"Tell them what you need to... They will see on the news at some point anyway" the officer says.
"Ok.. Thank you" I say as the officer hangs up. I immediately go to Twitter.... I sigh then I write a tweet.

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