Sweater Weather

430 23 6

Bold=Mark singing
Italics=Jack singing
Both= Both singing
-3rd Person POV-
"Sean.. it's so cold out here" Mark shivers as he reluctantly follows his boyfriend through the deep snow towards a bench further up the hill.
"Yes but this will be worth it" Jack says turning around looking at the other man "trust me"
"But it's too cold, for you here and now" Mark starts to sing.. Jack smirks and moves forward.
"So let me hold, both your hands in the holes of my sweater" Jack sings back as he takes Mark's hands and starts leading him up towards the bench.
"All I am is a man, I want the world in my hands, I hate the beach but I stand in California with my toes in the sand" Mark continues.
"Use the sleeves of my sweater let's have an adventure, head in the clouds but my gravity's centered"
"Touch my neck and I'll touch yours" they both sing.
"Me in my little high waisted shorts, oh" Jack smirks and bats his eyelashes.
"You know what I think about, and what I think about. One love, two mouths. One love, one house. No shirt, no blouse. Just us, you find out. Nothin' that I wouldn't want to tell you about, no" they both sing together, smiling.
"'Cause it's too cold, for you here and now"
"So let me hold, both your hands in the holes of my sweater"
"And if I may just take your breath away, I don't mind if there's not much to say. Sometimes the silence guides our minds, so move to a place so far away, yeah. The goosebumps start to raise the minute that my left hand meets your waist" Mark puts his cold left hand up under Jack's shirt "and then I watch your face, put my finger on your tongue 'cause you love to taste, yeah"
"These hearts adore, everyone the others beats hardest for. Inside this place is warm outside it starts to pour"
"Coming down. One love, two mouths. One live, one house. No shirt, no blouse. Just us, you find out. Nothin' that I wouldn't want to tell you about, no, no, no"
"'Cause it's too cold, for you here and now. So let me hold, both your hands in the holes of my sweater. 'Cause it's too cold, for you here and now. So let me hold, both your hands in the holes of my sweater. 'Cause it's too cold, for you here and now. So let me hold, both your hands in the holes of my sweater. 'Cause it's too cold, for you here and now. So let me hold, both your hands in the holes of my sweater!" They both finish but then Jack trips in the snow falling backwards pulling Mark down on top of him.
"Oops" Jack giggles.
"You silly" Mark kisses him quickly on the noes then gets up helping his boyfriend up too. Jack then turns to see the bench just I'm front of them.
"We're here" he smiles as he brushes off the seat so they can sit. They both sit down next to each other then they just look out over the mostly frozen lake. The sun low over the horizon making both the ice and snow sparkle.
"You're right.. this is worth it" Mark looks at the green haired man next to him and presses his mouth to his boyfriends.
"Anything with you is worth it" Jack sighs putting his head on Mark's shoulder.
-The End-

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