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Hi guys!! This is really short in sorry but I started writing it and got discouraged for writing more of it so I ended it. I write a lot, I do, just not septiplier. So, enjoy?
-Mark's POV-
"Uhhhhhh...." I groan as I flop back onto the bed after unpacking some of my things "finally! We're here! It feels like we were preparing to come for weeks now!"
"Don't lay down or you won't get back up! We don't have time to waste!" Sean yells at me full of energy.
"Sean, babe. We have two weeks here, can't we start out by gaining some sleep back? Before I spend the rest of my energy." I sigh.
"Fine. I guess I'm also a little tired" he caves and flops down next to me. I grab hold of him and pull him onto my chest, he giggles.
"I need my teddy bear to sleep" I say as I hug him tightly while he lays on me on his stomach. He giggles and presses kisses to my face while hugging me back.
"God, this is a dream come true. Being in a beautiful suite with my beautiful husband on a honeymoon just to escape for a couple weeks" Sean gets off me then walks out onto the balcony that overlooks the outside pool and the white beach in the distance. I sit up to see my baby showered in sunlight with the blue ocean in the background he is wearing white skinny jeans and a white loose fit tank top. I get up then walk over to him, I hug him around the waist from behind.
"God, you're so fucking gorgeous" I whisper in his ear. I am wearing white knee length jean shorts and a white loose fit tank top as well.
"How about we go walk along the beach, or will that take to much energy?" He smirks as he turn around to face me.
"That sound nice, especially since the sun will be setting soon" I grin as I let go of him.
"Let me change into shorts" he bats his eyelashes at me before heading to his suitcase then to the bathroom. I'm curious because he normally changes in front of me, what's he planning? I head to my suitcase before pulling out some flip flops and slip them on. I wait for a few minutes before the door opens but Sean doesn't walk out.
"Sean?" I call as I just wait for him to come out.
"Marky, close your eyes" he giggles slightly, I smirk and do as told.
"Okay, they're closed" I hear his light almost hesitant footsteps approach and I can't help but wonder what he's doing. I feel his hand take mine then place it on his hip, I raise an eyebrow at him. He pushes my hand down over his hip bone and onto his shorts but they abruptly end and give way to very smooth skin "Sean? Did you shave?" I ask with a grin.
"Open your eyes" I open them to see Sean in very short shorts with smooth hairless legs.
"I knew you did your chest and arms but this, is a surprise" I growl then I pick Sean up and wrap his legs around my waist. He squeals and giggles "now, let's go for a walk before I have other ideas".
"Yes, besides I want to get some sun before it goes down" I set him down and take his hand in mine as he also slips on flip flops before we leave the hotel. When we get outside there are many people in the pool relaxing and having fun, we booked an adults only resort. Don't yell at us! We wanted to have a nice time not deal with kids possibly crying! Anyway, we walk past the beautiful pool then out onto the beach where we just walk hand in hand.
"This is just perfect" I smile down at our entwined hands.
"Yeah it is"
"So, have you planned out both of our weeks yet?" I ask.
"Well, I have some ideas but no I haven't made a schedule" Sean hits my arm a bit "we'll just see what happens and go with it"
"Now that's sound like a great plan" I grin before I press a kiss to his cheek "I love you so much babe"
"I love you too Marky"
-The End-

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