Cruel Joke

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I'm sorry that this is kinda sad and it's not that good but this is my mood right now from what I said in the last part...
-Mark's POV-
I'm curled up under the blankets balling my eyes out..... My sheets covered in my blood... Why did this hurt me so much that I actually did this. Why did he leave me? What did I do wrong? I don't think I did anything.... My fans even hate me these past few days... No one will tell me what I did wrong! I cry for about another three hours before I fall asleep.... In my tears and blood.
-Jack's POV-
I wake up on the couch in our living room.... Me and his fans decided to play a cruel joke on Mark by thinking everyone hates him... Of course we don't. I head up to the bedroom where Mark is sleeping... I grab the edge of the blankets then I pull them off with one swift pull... At first glimpse I see a big red patch around where Mark's arms are.
"What the...?" I say as I look closer... My eyes widen "oh my god! Mark wake up!"
-Mark's POV-
I open my eyes to see Jack looking at me with fear.... Why is he here?
"Mark... What did you do?" Jack asks me as I sit up.
"Why..... Are..... You...... Here" I struggle to speak because I am losing my voice from literally screaming for almost 4 hours last night.
"Mark" Jack sighs and looks at the floor "it was a joke me and your fans were pulling on you" my heart sinks and I'm filled with anger.
"Don't ever do that again" I try to be stern but it's hard when your pretty much down to a whisper. I get up then I go to walk but I fall to the floor because I'm really weak.... Probably from blood loss.
"Mark... Oh my god!" Jack says as he grabs my arm... I break into tears again.
"Please don't ever play such a cruel joke again.... Loosing you isn't funny" I cry.
"I'm sorry.... I didn't realize how much it would hurt you... I didn't think it through enough" Jack says as he sits beside me and hugs me tight.
"I didn't think I ever would....." I say as I lift up my arms to show Jack "I guess it took loosing someone really really important to me"
"I mean that much to you?" Jack asks as he looks at me.
"Of course you do.... Not even my mother means that much to me" I say as I try to stand. Jack helps me stand up then I sit down on the edge of the bed... Jack presses his lips to mine then he runs his hand along my cuts... I pull back and cringe.
"Sorry... Let's go get those cleaned and bandaged" Jack says as he helps me up... I can walk on my own though. We get to the bathroom and clean up my cuts... After that... Jack changes the bed sheets... We end up sleeping and cuddling all day since we both have videos for today. I open my eyes to see Jack sitting on the end of the bed on his phone.... In tears? I look over at the clock.... It's 2:00 am... What is he looking at that's so important?
"Jack?" I says softy as I move closer to him "what's wrong?"
"I'm sorry that I hurt you" he says as he buries his face into my neck.
"You didn't hurt me... It was my poor decision that hurt me" I say as I hug him.
"But I just can't stop thinking about what would have happened if you had killed yourself.... I wouldn't be able to live with knowing that I had killed you" Jack whispers as I press kisses to his forehead.
"Just... Don't worry about it ok.... It's done with now... Nothing serious happened and that's all that matters" I say as Jack nods to me. We both move back under the blankets then we fall asleep for the rest of the night. I wake up to see that Jack is already gone.... I then hear shouting in his recording room... Oh ok.. I should probably too. I get up I put a sweater on and my Markiplier pjs... I head to my recording but before I get there I hear a door open from behind me... I look back to see Jack peeking out of his recording room.
"Mark.... Do you think we should tell them?" He asks as he moves closer to me.
"Just wait for them to ask.... Then the first one to get the question in a reading your comments video can answer it" I say as I turn and head into my recording room.
"Well.... Shouldn't we answer it together?" Jack asks as he follows me.
"I don't know.... Maybe at some point" I kinda snap at Jack more than I intended.
"Are you mad at me?" Jack asks with a small voice. I sigh.
"No... I'm sorry... I just don't feel very good.... Maybe I shouldn't record" I say as I sit down in my chair. Jack comes over and feels my forehead.
"You do look really pale.... You don't feel like you have a fever though" Jack says as he kisses my forehead.
"Maybe blood loss?" I ask.
"Maybe we should take you too the hospital" Jack says as he helps stand me up since I'm starting to get dizzy. Jack then pulls up my sleeves to reveal my blood soaked bandages.... He looks at me with worry than he picks up the pace.... He almost picks me up and carries me. When we get to the hospital I'm about ready to pass out so Jack almost has to carry me in.... He picks me up bridle style.
"Hello? Please help" Jack says to the person at the front deck.
"Is this an emergency?" The woman asks.
"Yes! He's loosing a lot of blood fast!" Jack almost yells as the woman grabs a stretcher from behind her desk. He lays me down on it then I'm out for count.
-Jack's POV-
As soon as I lay Mark onto the stretcher he passes out.... I start calming down as a doctor comes in and takes Mark away... I am told that I have to wait. The woman gives me papers to fill out... I tell the complete truth about what happened... Although it would look bad on Mark's records... Him cutting. I wait for about 20 minutes before the doctor comes out to see me... He smiles at me.
"Is he ok?" I ask.
"He is going to be just fine... Good thing you got here when you did or he might have died from blood loss" the doctor says as he leads me to Mark's room.
"This is all my fault" I say as I start to tear up "me and his subscribers played a cruel prank on him which made him cut"
"I don't think you meant to so I don't think it's your fault" he says as we stop outside of the room.
"I just didn't think I meant that much to him that he would cut" I say.
"His cuts are deep as well... We had to put a few stitches in some of them... We also glued most of them" the doctor says.
"Will they always be there?" I ask with a little worry.
"You might always see a little discolouration in the spots where the scars were but most of them will fade" the doctor says "there are a couple that are longer and deeper so them you might always be able to see" I take a deep breath than I nod to him.
"C-can I see him now?" I ask as I put my hand on the door handle.
"He's asleep but yes you can go in" he says as he walks away down the hall. I head into the room to see Mark asleep with several scars on his forearms... I can now see that he has bruises on his knuckles and hands... Probably from punching things.
-Mark's POV-
"I'm sorry Mark.... I should never have done this to you... This is all my fault... I'm so stupid" I wake up to the sound of Jack's voice next to me.
"It's not your fault... Stop blaming yourself" I say quietly as I open my eyes to look at him. Jack smiles at me then presses his lips to mine... When he pulls away I see a tear run down his face.
"How isn't this my fault?" He asks as he hold onto my hands with sweaty palms.
"How is it your fault? All you did was play a harmless joke. I can admit it was a bit of a dick move but I also overreacted to it" I say as I squeeze his hand.
"I love you, and your alive... That's all that matters" Jack says with a smile.
"I love you too"
-The End-

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