Fresh Start

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-Jack's POV-
I sigh as I enter my new school... not hearing any trace of an Irish accent which is weird to me... I moved to LA with my parents because we wanted a fresh start. Move away from all the shite that tore my life apart for almost all my life... now I have a chance to have a good life but it's not gonna be easy. I head into the office to pick up my time table then I head up to my locker where there are already a few people standing around where mine is.. I sigh and just push through them reaching my locker.
"Hey are you new here?" I turn to see some jock looking dude smiling at me.
"Yeah... my name's Jack" I nod to him kinda unsure if he's just trying to size up his prey.
"I'm Jared... you're.. Scottish? Irish..."
"Yeah... Irish" I smirk.
"Cool... I'm full American" he laughs slightly "Well I got to go... but.. maybe I'll see you later?"
"Maybe" I nod as I open my locker and store everything I don't need inside where it's safe. For the first two periods I go unnoticed and am okay with being in my own little bubble... doing my own thing... not getting into trouble and scouting out who I should watch out for. So far I've picked up on the name of some girl who's goal is to apparently sleep with every guy in her grade... even some in grade 11... I'll keep a mental note of that. That's the one thing I love about being quiet... if nobody knows your there you can listen in on anything you want... I wanna say it's like a super power. I get pulled out of my thoughts by someone running into me hard... I slam my head off my locker... I shake my head as my eyes refocus then I turn to see two boys on the ground throwing punches at each other... the one on top is Jared and the one underneath has black hair and brown eyes. I look closely at his eyes... he uses glasses... I look around and spot them crushed on the floor.
"This is for being a fucking faggot! I won't allow faggots to play on my team!" Jared yells... I gape at what he said... well.. there goes the good friendship I thought I was gonna have... I'm gay "Oh Jack... you're bleeding.. did Mark do this?" I shake my head.
"I guess we can't be friends" I frown as I look at the black haired boy who looks like he had fun.
"What? Why not?"
"I'm a fucking faggot" I say as I grind my teeth... his eyes narrow.
"Oh it's cool I just don't want one on my basket ball team" he smiles like nothing happened.
"Oh go fuck yourself" I say under my breath.
"What was that?" He asks "What did you say?"
"Nothing" I turn only to be pinned back against my locker.
"It's didn't sound like nothing" he says.. his teeth clenched.. his hand finds my chin "Well then..." he leans into my ear "If your gay then maybe I should take you home with me"
"Get off of me!" I try to push him back.
"Jared get off of him!" I look over to see Mark up off the ground ready to fight.
"What are you gonna do? You're as blind as a bat" he laughs then presses his body to mine.. I shut my eyes as some bad memories come up.. I start breathing quickly as I feel a panic attack coming. In my head I see... my dad's friends all drunk.. one in particular keeps staring me up and down... he comes closer and just pins me to the wall.. he drags me up into my bedroom where he rapes me and hurts me. I feel myself get pulled to the side... I open my eyes to see Mark now on top of Jared.. I quickly grab my backpack out of my locker then I sprint down the halls and out the back... I continue as my legs burn until I reach the very back corner of the field. I sit in a ball hugging my knees as I cry at the memory... I was able to push it away for so long but it's back to haunt me. I spot someone limping towards me.. they're quite a ways away but they're coming... I see it's Mark. I watch as he slowly limps closer but then with one step his leg gives out and he collapses.. I get up and run over to him.
"Mark?" I say as I take off my bag and kneel beside him.
"I'm fine" he grins as he pushes himself up so he's sitting "are you?"
"Yeah... that just brought back... bad.. memories" I look at the ground "but thank you"
"For what? You saved yourself" he sighs as I look over his cuts and bruises.
"Here... let me help you" I say as I dig through my backpack.. I pull out a pack of tissues and my water bottle then I pull out a full box of bandaids.
"Why do you have a box?" He chuckles as I shrug. I wet a tissue then I clean all the cuts on his face before I place as many bandaids on each cut as they need.
"So you new here?" I nod as I place the last bandage on the bridge of his nose "Ireland right?" I nod again then my attention turns to my phone... I pull it out to see my mom is calling.. I stand up and move away then I answer.
"Hi mom" I sigh.
"Hey Jack... how's your day so far?" She asks.
"Well it was pretty good until the very beginning of lunch but I'm okay now..."
"If you want to come home at any time just tell me and I can come sign you out" she says... I smile.
"I'm fine... I'll see how the rest of my day goes" I turn to see Mark limping towards me "I gotta go... bye"
"I love ya son" I smile before hanging up.
"I just came to say I gotta go... coach still thinks I'm in basketball so.." I unintentionally step closer and grasp a handful of fabric from his t-shirt.
"No.. you can't go... he'll hurt you again" my heart drops.
"As long as your okay.. I'll be fine" he smiles his eyes flicking to my lips before leaning in, kissing me then turning and jogging (to the best of his ability) back towards the school. I stand there with a stupid grin on my face and blush to complement it... I sigh as I head back and grab my bag before also making my way in towards the school more. For the rest of lunch I hang out in a restaurant near the school... texting my siblings that live back in Ireland... they're all older than me and I love them a lot but ever since my sister ,who is the youngest of the others, moved out my life went downhill hard and fast until at one point I hit rock bottom and attempted suicide. My ma came in my room and the look on her face is what stopped me. I glance at the time then I get up and start heading back so that I'm able to find my next class... I think I have fitness(gym)... this will be interesting. I smile as a thought pops into my head... the best part about being gay is the guys locker rooms.. I giggle and shake my head. I hope Mark is in my class... my eyes widen slightly as I push the thought away as to not get turned on and because... to be honest I'm kind of embarrassed at actually liking someone. I haven't for such a long time that it almost makes me feel sick to think about it... last time I was in a "relationship" was grade 5 and I don't consider that a real relationship so I guess never. Just as I reach the school.. the bell rings and I head to the gym then into the change rooms only to see half naked sweaty basketball players... I blush as I then spot Mark. He's just sitting by his locker trying to cool down because he doesn't need to change... I open a locker and pull out my gym clothes but I glance around at everyone... I'm ugly.. my body is small and pale... fragile looking.
"Hey" I look up to see Mark.. his muscles clear through his white, sweat soaked shirt "what's wrong"
"I'm ugly" I barely whisper... he takes my chin in his hand.
"No you're not... I'm sure you're absolutely beautiful... and even if you were I'd still love you the same" he says in a deep, soft, soothing voice. I drop my gym clothes onto the bench before I slowly lift my long sleeve shirt over my head.. my eyes only breaking from his when my shirt goes over my head.
"Hey! Look at the fags!" My face heats up and I hide behind Mark as I see Jared walk in... everyone looks this way and starts chuckling or whispering "damn... not bad Jack... you're decent" he grabs my arm from behind Mark.
"Fuck off!" I yell as I push him away... he frowns then swings hard.. his fist meeting my jaw... I land in front of my locker. I drag myself into the bottom of the locker like I've always done when wanting to hide.. I then close it. I let the tears stream down my face as my jaw hurts.. I hear what sounds like Mark and Jared fighting outside. I jump at the door of the locker I'm in dents inward slightly then there's silence out there. I open it and I see Mark laying unconscious on the ground... I crawl out to him then I look back at the blood on the indent.. I continue silently crying.
"M-Mark..." I lean down and press my lips to his only to have him open his eyes.
"Jack... you're hurt" his fingers brush my bruised jaw.
"I'm fine... you're the hurt one" I sniffle as I help him sit up against the lockers "I'm sorry I left you to fi....."
"Shhh.... I rather me be hurt than you" he smiles weakly... I then feel anger rise in me.
"Well I don't care what you're gonna say I'm gonna give him what he deserves" I say as I slide my shirt back on before starting towards the exit.
"No! Jack!" Mark's voice calls out.. weak and scratchy... I ignore him and keep going out. I head into the weight room where I see him lifting weights like the douche he is... I push open the door and without warning I punch him then I pick up a weight and drop it on his chest only to have it roll back to his throat.. I walk away with a smile on my lips. I pass Mark with a look of shock in the doorway.. he follows me out then I look back to see a slight smirk.
"Ruthless" he chuckles "I'm sure everything will be fine" he adds as he sees the look of panic that is now on my face.
"I didn't think I would... am I gonna get expelled? I'm probably gonna have to see a counselor... maybe I'll be put into a mental hospital" my breath picks up as I curl into a small ball in the middle of the empty gym... I start hyperventilating. Mark hugs me then whispers somewhat calming words into my ear... I do calm down but I'm still crying.
"Jack!? What the hell was that?! I expected a good first impression!" The coach yells at me as Mark let's go of me.
"I'm sorry... he was calling me and Mark fags, he punch me, hurt Mark twice today and is a real dick to me" I cry as I stand up.
"Mark... is this why you're injured?" He nods at the coach "you should have just told me instead of hurting him back.. it's wrong and I've got to report you... but I can tell you had very good reasons since you look like a good kid" I sigh then I follow him to the office. My mom comes to pick me up and I am suspended for 1 week... Mark comes to see me after school every day and I actually enjoy my week off.. until the day I have to go back. I wake up to my mom calling my name... I open my eyes then I smile and squeeze my arms tighter around the boy under me.
"Good morning" he smiles as his hands play with my hair.
"I guess we both fell asleep last night" I giggle as I sit up straddling his waist.
"Oh well... that was the best sleep I've had" he sits up and quickly wraps his arms around me before I fall backwards off of him "you ready to go back to school?" I groan into his chest making him chuckle.
"I need to shower" I sigh as I get off him and grab a towel from the closet before I look back at the look on his face.... I throw another towel at him then I smirk as he grins and quickly chases after me to the bathroom. Once the door is closed I hesitate but I take off my shirt and pjs... I stand there awkwardly in my boxers as I look in the mirror to see Mark completely naked. He doesn't look the slightest embarrassed or nervous... I look at the ground as I feel arms wrap around me.
"It's okay... just take it slow if you need" he whispers in my ear as I feel a wave of calm run over me. I hook my fingers under the band of my boxers as I slide them down to the floor and step out of them.... I step into the shower.. Mark close behind. As I stand under the stream.. water running over my body... I feel Mark press his body to my back.
"Why are you so God damn beautiful?" He almost groans.
"Well... I can tell you're not lying" I giggle "you might wanna take care of that before we leave" I say as I press my ass to him...Mark grunts then pushes me against the wall. I bite my lip as I feel his push at my entrance.. I moan quietly as I feel him push all the way in.. I kinda his and jump at a slight pain.
"It'll go away soon" Mark whispers... I push him away softly and grab the shampoo... I wash my hair then step out.. wrapping my towel around me. Mark follows me out looking at me with worry as we head to my room.
"Jack...." he stands in front of me... towel around his waist.
"I'm fine" I say quickly as I shake my head... I busy myself, looking through my clothes for stuff we can both wear.
"Babe... please look at me" I look up into his eyes "I'm sorry... I know how it feels.. I've been there"
"No.. I'm fine Mark... I just... I don't wanna disappoint you" I sigh as I turn back and pull out some clothes.
"Jack... baby you could never disappoint me... I love you so much... I'd want you to stop if it hurt" he says as he pulls me into his arms... placing kisses on my forehead. I smile as I get an idea.. I push his arms off me then I drop to my knees "What are you.....?" He quiets as his breath falters and shakes. I pump him at a steady pace as I kiss along his V-line... he moans as his hands play with my hair. I then place my mouth around him... he grips my hair tighter as he slightly thrusts into my mouth.
"Oh... fuck Jack" he moans as I press my tongue up against his shaft as I remove my mouth from him before I starts pumping him again. I continue quickly as I drag my tongue around his lower stomach. I slowly stand and my lips find his... our tongues dance and fight before I moan and he catches me off guard. I get pushed onto my bed.. my hands pinned above my head as Mark's lips find their way down my chest and pull the towel off with his teeth.. I grunt.
"Please.." Mark whispers.. his eyes begging me for permission.
"Okay" I nod as I really want him now... I don't care I'd it hurts anymore. He sits on his knees between my legs.. he let's go of my hands then places his on my hips before pushing into me.
"Tell me if it hurts" he says as he slowly thrusts.
"Oh Mark Faster!" I moan louder than intended so he places his hand over my mouth but speeds up.
"Jack!? You okay?" I hear my ma.
"I'm f-fine!" I bite my lip to keep from moaning "I'm getting d-dressed! Be down soon!"
"I'm gonna cum" Mark moans in my ear as he speeds up really fast... I nod then am about to say the same before I cum onto my stomach followed by the feeling of Mark filling me. He collapses on top of me.. both of us trying to catch our breath.
"Holly fuck" I pant.
"Jack! Hurry up or your gonna walk!" I hear my dad yell... then the door swings open.. I yank the blanket over us "I'm leaving" he sighs before the door closes. Mark rolls off me before we both quickly get up and dressed then head downstairs to see my dad at the door.
"I forgot Mark was even here" he chuckles "if you two hurry up I can still drive you"
"Ok" I nod as I run upstairs and grab everything I need.
"I don't need anything" Mark says as I notice he doesn't have his school stuff "I have everything I need" he leans into my ear... I giggle.
"I'm glad we came to America for a fresh start" I smile as we follow my dad out to his car "I never would have found you"
-The End-

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