Gender Bent (Part 2)

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I am making a 3rd part to this and it might be the last but tell me if you'd like more! SMUT WARNING!! I guess... First time writing girl X girl... Felt different.
-Jackie's POV-
I wake up to see Mark fast asleep in her bed... She's so adorable... I get up and I freak out for a moment when my shirt is off.. But then I remember what happened.
"Oh yeah... Her mother interrupted our little session" I say under my breath as I head into the bathroom to shower... I undress then step in the shower.
-Marko's POV-
I wake up with a loud thump and a sore head... I open my eyes to see I'm on the floor.
"Fuck... I have class at... What? 9:00?" I ask myself quietly as I find my phone lying on the floor beside me.. I check the time.. 7:00?! Good I have time to get ready and maybe sleep more... I sigh as I stand up and put my blankets back on the bed.. I look at the bathroom... Jackie must be in there. Should I shower? Yeah probably... First day.. I should make a good impression... I guess I have to wait... I can sleep till then.
Knock! Knock!
I groan as I get up again then I wrap my blanket around me, since I'm only in my underwear and bra, I then open the door to see what looks like a teacher... She has travel mugs in her hands.
"Can I help you?" I ask politely.
"Would you and your roommate like coffee? It's double milk, double sugar" she asks with a big smile.
"Uhh.. Yeah sure" I smile as I take two mugs.
"From now on there will be coffee stands outside of the dorm building for you fill up your mugs every morning... We don't want tired students" she smiles too brightly.
"Ok... I thought college was kinda the students are left to their own devices and you only teach us" I point out.
"Not our school... We care for the students... If you need anything just ask any staff they'll help you" she says "well.... see ya around"
"Yeah... Thanks" I say as I close the door... I turn around to see Jackie standing there In just a towel that goes half way down her thighs. I just about drop the coffee so I give one to her then I quickly sit down on my bed so I don't fall... I rewrap the blanket around me.
"Is this coffee?" She asks.
"Yeah... Double milk, double sugar" I struggle to speak as I look her up and down "holy fuck... I can't do this" I avert my eyes.
"What its not like there's nothing you don't have" Jackie says sounding offended.
"It's not that... It's just... I'm so turned on right now.. I'm going to be completely honest with you" I say as I take a sip of my coffee.
"Oh really?" She laughs... I then see her move closer to me out of the corner of my eye... She takes my coffee and sets it down on the table. I then get pushed onto my back... At the sight above me I can't control myself... Jackie is completely naked and straddling me... She unwraps me from the blanket then quickly undoes my bra... I start feeling a little self conscious and I think she can see that so she just gives me a smile.
"Don't be scared... You look amazing... More amazing than me... And besides its just me.. No one else is gonna see you" she reassures me... I ease up a bit then I grab Jackie's face and I pull her down fitting my mouth to hers. I feel her fingers tracing my v-line then they hook under my panties and she starts sliding them down and off my legs... Jackie's mouth moves from mine to my neck.. She starts placing kisses down my neck until she reaches my collarbone then she leaves a noticeable hickey there. After Jackie removes her mouth I glance at the clock to see its almost 8:00... How has it been an hour already!?
"Oh shit!" I curse as I sit up... I hold Jackie's hips so that she doesn't fall off of me.
"What's wrong?" She asks.
"I have an hour to get ready and find my class... Sorry but we have to do this later" I give an apologetic smile.
"It's fine... I've already marked you as mine anyway" she giggles.
"I guess I should.. Mark... You" I giggle at my terrible pun.
"That was bad... Go have a shower while I masturbate out here" she says so seriously as she gets off of me and sits on her bed with her legs open.
"Are you that turned on?" I gulp as I feel myself get more turned on as well.
"Yeah... That's what you do to me... Especially seeing you naked..." She says as she wiggles her tongue at me and winks.
"I'll be quick" I say as I lunge at her then I land on my knees in front of her open legs. I grab her thighs and pull her closer where I place her legs on my shoulders.. I stick my tongue in her then I start kitten licking at her clit.
"Oh.. F-fuck" she moans as I look up to see her propped up on her elbows and her chest pushed out with her head hanging back.. I continue licking faster as my right hand goes up to her right breast.. I tug and play with her nipple lightly causing her to moan louder and tug on my hair more.
"Oh fuck! Mark! I'm gonna... UHHH!" She moans loudly as she reaches her orgasm.. I can taste her juices on my tongue.. I pull away as I look at the exhausted, flustered girl laying in front of me.. I get up the I let her rest as I head to the bathroom to shower. When I get out Jackie is dressed and on her phone... She's wearing jeans and a blue sweater... She's wearing glasses? Those are mine! I giggle at her as I take them from her and put them on.
"Wow... Everything is so much clearer... I can see without them but not as well... It's hard to read without them" I say as she giggles at me.
"Well I think you can see pretty well... That was amazing... Have you done that before?"
"No.. First time" I smile as I get dressed not caring if she sees me naked since she already has. I put on jean shorts and my blue plaid shirt then I slip on my black high tops... I don't bother brushing my hair so when it's left down it looks like my hair isn't even shaved... It looks normal which is why I leave my hair long.
"Ok I'll be back in an hour.. When's your first class?" I ask Jackie.
"I'll be here when you get back.. I have my first class at 10:30" she says still on her phone.
"Oh by the way... Can I have your number.. Maybe I can text you in class while I'm bored.." I say as I hand her my phone then I take hers and put in my number... We hand our phones back then I head to the door "alright, gotta blast!"
"Really?" I hear Jackie ask as I giggle and head past all the other dorm rooms.
"Hey... Mark right?" I hear a girl ask from behind me.
"You actually called me by my nickname? Wow thanks.." I smile at the blonde with blue eyes.
"No problem.. Um anyway... I just wanna say you're pretty cool.. Y'know standing up to Bobby and Torie... They are like the bitchiest couple in the school with their little groups of 'popular' kids" she gets a disgusted look just talking about them.
"I was just standing up for my friend... But it was fun too" I smile "um.. I gotta get to class but thanks"
"No need to thank me... My names Felicia by the way and id love to hang out with you and Jackie if you'd let me... But I won't force anything" she smiles at me.
"Yeah we should hang out sometime... Well see ya" I wave as I continue to my class.
-Jackie's POV-
I look at the time.. Mark should be back anytime now...
"Geezus fucking christ!" I yell as I jump... I look to see Mark sitting on her bed looking really mad "a-are you o-okay" I stutter because my heart rate is still up and I haven't settled yet.
"They're all such idiots!" She yells as she breaks into tears.
"What?" I ask as I go over and sit beside her.
"The group of guys that Bobby is in.. The ones who were being rude to you" she cries as she hugs me.
"What did they do now..."
"Mark? Jackie? You okay? It's me Felicia" I hear a girl outside the door.
"Come in" Mark says then the door opens to reveal a blond with blue eyes.
"Oh hi.. I'm Felicia... I met Mark earlier I'm just down the hall and I hear a door being slammed... What's wrong?" She says in all one breath.
"Bobby and his group... They were constantly eyeing me, touching my butt and would even pin me to the wall and get in my face some times" Mark says starting to calm down "IM NOT A FUCKING SEX TOY!" She yells as she breaks down again and buries her face into my neck.
"Shh.. It's okay now... Next class you have I'm in the same one so you won't be alone... Okay?" I whisper reassuringly... She nods and she wipes her eyes and sniffles.
"They did that when I first came here too... They do that to any girl... Did you at least hit one of them?" Felicia asks.
"Yeah... I clawed and bit several but I punched bobby in the eye and kneed him in the balls right before I got here" she chuckles.
"Maybe we should track them down and beat the crap out of them" I suggest as I really want to rip something "good thing I have a membership to the gym here... I can go punch the punching bag"
"Me too" Mark smiles.
"So do I! If we train hard enough we'd so be ready to knock them out" Felicia punches the air "although Mark I don't think you need any training you have really big muscles for a girl"
"Yeah well I've been trying... I could have knocked them out but I was scared and haven't had to deal with that before do I didn't know what to do" she explains.
"Dude... You should see her abs" I say as I lift her shirt to show off the faint outline of a six pack.
"Damn girl... You're what I've always wanted to be" Felicia sighs as she lays on my bed pretending to faint... We all laugh as I let go of Mark since she seems better now.
"Next time I'll be ready to fight so I think I'll be fine" she says as she pulls up her sleeves and flexes her muscles.
"You're making me jealous... Stahp!" Felicia says as she stand up and heads to the door. "I have class soon so I better go"
"Oh yeah... So do I" I say as I look at the time.. The Felicia leaves.
"I have one more class at 12:00 then I'm done for a Monday... That's what I'll always have on Monday then tomorrow I only have one" Mark says as I get up and I grab my phone.
"Ok well I better go find my class" I say as I head towards the door.
"Be careful okay? Just watch out for the boys and maybe Felicia is in your class so you can stick with her" Mark says as she stand up and moves over to me.
"I'll be fine... I'm too ugly for them" I laugh.
"No you're not" she leans in and presses a kiss to my forehead. I then place my fingers on her chin and I pull her back to press my lips to hers.. When we pull away we keep our foreheads pressed.
"I love you Mark... Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask in a whisper.
"I thought you'd never ask" she giggles as we connect our lips again for one last kiss before I break the kiss and head off for my class. I eventually find the class I'm supposed to be in and when I head in I see Felicia sitting in one desk in her phone... I go sit beside her and I take her phone from her.
"Hey.. What do you think you're... Oh! Jackie" she giggles as she sees me "I thought you might have been in the same class"
"Yeah me too... Who you texting?" I ask.
"Oh... My boyfriend.. Ken" she smiles.
"Oh.. Cool... Does he go here?"
"Yeah... He'll be here soon he was just getting out of gym.. so he had to shower" she explains. I then pull out my phone and I see I have a text message.. From Mark!

What class are you in?

Boring shit I had to do because I chose another course that's what...

Oh ok... Is Felicia in your class?

Yeah... She has a boyfriend that will be showing up soon too! Great....

So you obviously didn't have any trouble with any guys on the way there?

Nah.. Babe... I told you... 2 ugly 4 them

Stop saying that... You're not.. Well at least in my eyes... And that's good enough :* <3

Ahh.. Stahp u! :*

"Hey babe... Who's this?" I hear a southern accent above me... I look up to see a fairly tall, strong looking man with a beard.
"Oh hey baby... This is Jackie she's my new friend along with her roommate Mark" Felicia says as she gets up and kissed him.
"You're roommate's a guy?" He asks as he sits in front of us and turns his chair so it facing the desks we're sitting at.
"No... Her name is Marko but she's a tomboy like me and she wants to be called Mark" I explain as I hear a ping and I look down at my phone.

I'm telling the truth


Sorry... Just met Ken.. Felicia's boyfriend.. He seems nice

Cool... Wonder if you can make any other friends?

Hmm... I think there's another Irish girl in the class cuz I keep hearing Irish words

I look up from my phone as I look over to see a girl talking on her phone.. She has brown hair and pale skin... Definitely her... I hear her every once in a while she's talking in Irish.. I smile as she hangs up.
"Hey girl... What Part of Ireland are you from" I say as I wave to the girl two desks away from me.
"Hey what's up! I didn't know there was another Irish girl.. in America let alone in the same class and school" she perks up.
"My name's Jackie.. Nice to meet you"
"I'm Dotty!" She smiles as she moves from the seat she was in to the seat beside Ken in front of us.
"Hi! I'm Felicia this is my boyfriend Ken" Felicia introduces herself way to energetic.
"These people I just met here but they're cool... I have a girlfriend but she's back at our dorm" I say.
"You're Lesbian?" Dotty asks.
"Well.. Bi actually.. I like guys too" I correct her.
"Oh... We should hang out and have fun sometime... And I can meet your girlfriend too" Dotty suggests as she writes something down on a piece of paper "here's my number... Text me anytime"
"Thanks" I then write mine down as well and she types it into her phone as I do.
"Are we exchanging numbers... Here's mine" Felicia says as she writes it down.. I add it to my phone as she adds mine and Dotty's to hers. I go to my conversation with Mark.

Don't be checking out other girls... You're in a relationship now

I'm not checking her out I was just talking.. She's not even close to as pretty as you plus she's not into girls... Calm your tits!

Okay geez... So you made... Two new friends?

Oh yeah... Here's Felicia's number

K thanks... Why do you have it?

The three of us were exchanging numbers... Btw I gave out your number to Dotty and Felicia... here's Dotty's number

Is Dotty the Irish girl?

Oh yeah sorry forgot to mention that

It's fine... When does class end?

It's only been 10 minutes the class didn't even start yet... I'll be back before you know it

Uhhhh... I miss you already... I just want to kiss and cuddle with you!! *cries*

Aww... Marki don't cry... Sorry but I gtg the teacher doesn't want us on our phones.. *rolls eyes*

Ok... *sigh* luv you

Luv you 2!
-To be Continued-

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