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-Dark's POV-
I am walking down the street at night... There is not a soul in sight.
"Help! Help me!" I look around me to try and spot where the screams came from... I see a man with his hood up walking on the other side of the street. He doesn't look startled whatsoever... Did he not hear it?
"Yes you! Dark... Help free me!" I perk up... Another shadow? Wait! It's Jack! I grin as I run over to him.. I put my hands in my jean pockets and he lifts his head to see me.
"Hey Jack" I smile.. He frowns then stares at the ground again "come on not even gonna say hi? How are you?"
"What the fuck do ye want? Anti?" He asks and a growl.
"No I just want to know how you're done genuinely"
"Why!? You've taken everything from me when you killed Mark to free yourself! What more do you want!?" He screams at me as he stops and looks me in the eyes.. I am taken aback.
"Fine I just wanted a friend... I've given up my evil ways because I'm so lonely... And I'm slowly turning back into Mark because of it!" I yell back as I suddenly get really angry.
"What do you mean?"
"Do you not see my eyes?" I ask as his eyes then widen "they're brown not red and black... I'm almost human"
"Dark!? What are you doing!?" I hear Anti yell at me. Jack sighs as his expression softens.
"Wanna come back to my place?" He asks with a slight smile "it's kinda nice seeing something similar to Mark again"
"I am Mark... I haven't done anything bad in so long and my love for you is growing.." I sigh as I avoid eye contact. My eyes widen as I feel him press his lips to mine... His hands on the back of my neck... I kiss back putting my hands to his hips. He pulls away and begins walking quickly home... I sigh as I move over to a small alley beside a building... I sit down against the building and try to fall asleep... I have no home. I don't know what to do... Everything I said is true but my main goal right now is to kill Jack and free Anti... Actually the not doing anything bad part is not true but a lot of other stuff is. I do have feelings for him but more so Anti, I am turning human but I don't know if I'll turn into Mark and I haven't done anything bad for a while but just because I want to find something really bad to do... I still like to.
"Dark?" I hear Jack call out not too loud... I open my eyes to see him looking around... He then spots me and comes running over. I stay sitting with my head against the wall.
"What are you doing here? Do you not have a home?" He asks as he crouches in front of me.
"No I don't" I look in in the eyes.
"Dark! Just kill him here and now! Come on! Please! Rip his head off!" Anti screams practically in my ear.... I growl then roll my eyes.
"Shut up Anti!" I yell back as I get up "you're such a loud bitch!" Jack looks at me apologetically
"I'm sorry I wish I could shut him up or get rid of him"
"I don't even think I can... For the love of god stop SCREAMING AT ME!!" I hit my head off the wall as I just hear Anti screaming at me in the background to kill Jack there and now.
"Anti stop it or I will go get the shock collar" Jack says sternly... I smile and sigh as my eyes flutter shut... Peace and quiet.
"So why did you come back?" I ask as I turn and look at him.
"I need you... You're the closest thing to Mark and that kiss just reminded me of a lot of memories but when I left it also reminded me of how much I need him... How much I need you" he explains as he steps closer taking his my hands in his.
"I never dreamed of those words coming from your mouth" I smile as I hug Jack tightly.
"Let's go home.... it is partly yours after all" he smiles back as we walk hand in hand to... Our house.
-next morning-
I wake up coughing madly... I roll off the bed onto the floor only to cough blood up onto the floor.
"M-Dark you okay?" Jack asks "oh my god.. Is that blood?"
"I'm fine" I grunt as I get up onto my hands and knees "just another sign of turning human... Oh so this is what pain feels like?"
"Wow... Wait so you never have felt pain?" He asks.
"Nope... Unlike Anti I was a stronger shadow" I chuckle as I hear Anti curse at me.. I stand up then Jack blushes... I'm still naked from last night.
"What's the matter Jack... It's not like you haven't seen this body a thousand times prior to last night" I smirk.
"I know it just feels different although it shouldn't... Because you look and sound almost exactly the same...." He sighs as he stops himself from Rampling.
"Shhh.... Now what have you got to do today?" I ask as I put my boxers back on.
"Well I have to record one video for tomorrow... I'm doing one video a day now" he sighs as he gets up and puts some clothes on.
"Ok well you better get that done... God I haven't been on YouTube in such a long time... Well seen YouTube, since I just saw it through Mark's eyes" I explain.
"We'll help yourself to anything in the fridge... I'll see you when I'm done" Jack says as he heads to his recording room. I head down to the living room after I put some of Mark's pjs on... Jack has never touched any of Mark's stuff so it's all right where it was when he was still alive. I'll never forget that moment... We were falling from the 10th floor of a hotel in Seattle because they were at a convention... Thousands of fans witnessed his body hit the ground in an explosion of red... And from that I was free... His fans know about me and how I forced him out the window. Jack has told them and constantly mentions me... They also know about Anti so now their all afraid that Anti will kill Jack... He not even close to as strong as I am... That little pussy. I sit on the couch watching TV for about an hour before I get bored so I decide to head up to the recording room... I open the door slightly and I see that he has the Facebook livestream on his phone... Whoops... They've seen me now.
"For fuck sake... Get in here!" I hear Jack yell "yeah yeah most of ye know it's Dark there's no fooling you" I enter the room again and I wave to the people on the livestream.
"Dark! What's taking so fucking long! Who's the pussy now!?" I hear Anti.
"Uhhh.... Shut up Anti! Oh I wish I could kill just you.." I groan as I roll my eyes.
"I wish I could block him out but I can't even hear him so it doesn't bother me" Jack smiles sadly at me "yes you noticed his eyes are brown... He says he's turning human and there's a possibility Mark could be coming back" I crouch as he holds his phone so we're both in frame. I feel a pain in my gut kinda like if you get kicked... I fall onto my back.
Hello Dark. How are you old friend? How does pain feel?
My eyes widen as I cough up more blood... I watch as Jack ends his livestream and looks at me with worry.
"What? No! Mark No! Please it hurts! I'll let you come back if you give it time so it doesn't hurt much!" I groan as I place my hands on my head in pain.
"Mark? He's in your head?" Jack asks.
Tell Jack I'll be back soon it just takes time.
"Mark says.... He'll be... Back soon, it just.... Takes time" I pause because of the pain.
"Mark stop hurting him! He has treated me nicely the past day and before that he left me alone! It's been a year since you died... Just take as much time as it needs for it to not hurt him" Jack mentions.
What? You've been nice to him? What are you trying to gain?! Tell me!
"Agh! Nothing! I'm not up to anything!"
You.....lying.... Pay... What.... Fading.... DARK!
I cringe as his voice is now gone... I sigh.
"He faded out... I don't know if he'll be back... Probably but I just hope not soon because I need more time" I pant as I get up "or..." I get up and run out of the house with Jack on my heels.
"Dark where are you going?" I hear Jack ask as I reach the closest building that is 6 stories high "no! Dark I can go through this again"
"Then don't watch" I say as I climb up the latter on the side of the building... The whole time Jack is trying to talk me out of it.. Following me up to the top. Once I'm up I head over and stand on the edge... Jack grabs my hand.
"Can't you just wait till its time? Why do you have to kill yourself to bring Mark back?" Jack asks.
"Why do you care about me... Wouldn't you rather have your boyfriend instead of me?" I ask him.
"Yes but I don't wanna go through this again!" He starts crying.
"You won't" my face hardens as I grab him by the shoulders then I throw him off the building. In that moment everything slows down... My heart speeds up as my mind races between letting him fall so Anti can be free or saving him for Mark and myself... I growl and groan as I jump off the edge and out towards Jack. The next few seconds goes by as a flash... I just remember a great pain in my back and chest then blackness.
-Mark's POV-
My eyes shoot open to see Jack crying while laying on top of me... I breathe and sigh... This nightmare is over and the funny thing is the last thing I remember before waking up in falling to my death.. But I survived?
"Mark?" I hear Jack ask as several other cops and paramedics surround me.
"What happened? I'm so confused... D-Dark pushed me out of the hotel window and I lived? But wait I'm in LA?" I ask.
"Mark... You don't remember just a few hours ago... Talking to Dark in his head kinda like he did" Jack mentions.
"I did?"
"I'll explain later... Let's just go home and not leave the house for a week" Jack laughs as he helps me up... He hugs me tightly not letting go "I love you so much Mark"
"I love you too"
-The End-

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