Markimoo to the Rescue

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Ok so i was going to have this story a lot different but I then read another story and got inspired to write it about war instead so... Here ya go!
On January 7th 2015, Mark and Jack, along with a whole bunch of other men from L.A. We're drafted and left their lives to train for about 2 months. They then were put into the war and moved around to several different countries to help with fighting... Their subscribers were devastated and still are... They are still out fighting.. Even though it's a year later.
December 24th 2016
-Jack's POV-
We are marching through the cold, snow covered forest like we've done a thousand times before... Tonight is Christmas Eve and they said that me and Mark would be able to record a video for our fans showing were still alive and strong. I'm excited! I haven't recorded a video in so long that it gets my blood pumped again although I don't think I can go back to doing that everyday again.... We've seen things that change your life forever... I'm also getting really tired of this.... I can't believe I'm saying this but it's getting really boring. There's nothing new and exciting happening in these wars... They're just shoot, kill, dodge, repeat! Me and Mark have gotten shot several times but they are never a big enough injury to send us home... I'm sure the fans are gonna think we look like shit... But the truth is this is normal for us.. We've been worse. I hear an explosion that brings me back to reality... I look up ahead of us to see some guys are blown to bits because they stepped on a mine they didn't know was there.
"Now we really have to be carful" I say looking to my right to see Mark crouched like I am... He gives a sarcastic smile. I chuckle as we get up and move carefully... We have always still been able to make jokes like before... That's something that will never die... Mark walks so that he's in front of me.
"What are you doing?" I ask as I step to his right.
"I was walking in front of you... That way if there is a mine I'll step on it first" Mark says as he raises an eyebrow at me.
"You don't have to... They'll step on it first" I say pointing to the hundreds of guys in front of us... We're amongst the back 50 men.
"That's true" Mark says as he laughs a little "then I'll go behind you.. So that I get shot first?"
"Why try? They could come from anywhere... Death is inevitable" I sigh.
"I try because I love you" Mark smiles at me.
"I love you too... Oh imagine our septiplier shippers right now" I laugh.
"Yeah... Let's hope we're aloud to make that video later" Mark says as we hear gun fire from behind us. We both duck to the ground like the tons of others around us... I turn around and look past the few rows of other soldiers to see about 20 men, 100 meters behind us. The 100 of us at the back all get up then slowly walk forward... We get to a point that we can see they are enemies but why are they willingly walking to us? It's gotta be a trap... We hear the commander yell something so we all pull our guns up to position... Pointing towards the enemies. Something catches my attention out of the corner of my eye... I look to my left to see several hundred enemies marching at us from the left... I look to the right... The same amount even more.
"It's a trap!" I yell as they start firing at us... We all duck for cover. We start shooting at them... I hit about 10 in the head, 5 in the chest and 2 in the neck... Half an hour later everything goes quiet and we look around wondering if they're all dead. Me and Mark always stick together all the time... So I just look to my right and I see him against a tree across from me panting like I am... I smile at him... He smiles back. I then hear something terrifying from a ways away... It sounds like barking and growling, screaming and gun fire... Oh no... Not more dogs... Last time we encountered them I came away almost unconscious but I still wasn't allowed to go home.
"Fuck" I say as I look behind me to see them struggling with the dogs.
"It's gonna be fine" Mark says... He's now right next to me. Mark places a hand on my back... We just stand there because we don't need to do anything... We don't want to get caught in the cross fire. Everyone else ran up to help so me and Mark are off on our own... I realize this so I look behind us to see nobody's there then we walk up to where the rest of our group is... I hear a gun fire but I then feel a strong force push me to the ground.... Mark looks behind us then fired his gun twice. I don't see if he hit them but I assume he did since he kneels down next to me.
"I got shot" I breathe as I feel a pain in my side.
"Jack your gonna be fine... It's just your side" Mark says as he looks like he's panicking.
"Mark you need to tell yourself that... I know I'm gonna be fine... So just calm down" I say as I stand up and Mark helps me walk over to the truck that has been called for our several wounded or dead.
"Ok just get better" Mark says as he kisses me quickly.
"And you stay alive... I'll see you later I guess" I say as I sit in the back of the truck... It starts to move. I smile at Mark as the gap between us gets bigger and bigger every second... Something that hasn't happened since the last time only one of us was hurt which was 2 months ago. The ride to the infirmary is about 20 minutes so when we get there I help them carry the more injured soldiers... Most likely torn to shreds by those dogs.. I then go into surgery for them to remove the bullet and patch up the hole. I go unconscious half way through the surgery from un bearable pain and blood loss.
"Jack? Are you awake?" I hear a voice waking me. I open my eyes to see Mark standing above me... He's covered in blood and dirt.
"I am now" I say as I roll my eyes.
"Well sorry... But it's 5:00 they were wondering if you want to do the video now... If you feel up to it that is?" Mark says as he pulls something from his back pocket... My eyes widen.
"Is that your phone?" I ask as I sit up in my bed, wincing at the pain in my side.
"Yeah... And I was thinking that we could record the video but send it to YouTube themselves over Twitter so that they can upload it to our channels for us.... They have the internet we don't" Mark says.
"Yeah and we don't have the time either" I say with a laugh.
-later that night-
I am now laying in my own bed with Mark... He has his own bed but he sleeps with me every night... It's nice since it keeps us both warm. It's now 10:00 I am laying with my head on Mark's chest and Mark has his arms around me... I am still a little sore but I heal quite fast for just one day... They said I should be out on the field again tomorrow. I get cut from my thoughts by a ground shaking explosion... We all get up and put our stuff on quickly.. We then head out to see enemy troops marching closer. We fight them off for as long as we can which is about 4 hours but by then most of them have thinned down so there is not many of them to fight back... We start pushing them back away from our camp. Just then a giant airship flies above our camp and just floats there for a minute... But before we can shoot it down men start shooting nets down that capture a soldier then it pulls those solders up into the ship. Me and Mark start shooting at the engines... We manage to get a few but then I step my foot back in the wrong place. A bear trap closes on my foot... I scream out in pain... Mark tries to set my foot free... He eventually does but it's to late the enemies send down a net. I get trapped in it but I use my knife and cut my way out I fall to the ground... Mark rushes over to me... I get up and I start moving quickly trying to get back into our camp... Before I can get there I stop dead in my tracks. I look down to my stomach to see a metal spear through my torso, it opens up into what looks like a hook or an anchor.... I'm like a fish on a fishing hook. I look at Mark... He panics and tries to do something but I collapse then the line is reeled in.. I see myself getting further and further from the ground. I hear Mark yell to me but I then go unconscious.
-Mark's POV-
"JAAACCCKKK!!!" I yell as he is pulled up into the ship. I grab my gun then I start shooting as the engines more... The ship takes off and flies away... They're men fall back as they run the same way the ship is going. I fall to my knees in tears as I watch the ship disappear... I am going to find Jack no matter the cost. I head back into the weapons building... I grab some more weapons then I head out... I just start running straight for where the ship went... I hear my name being called but I ignore it and keep running. I then eventually feel a sharp pain in the back of my neck... I put my hand on the back of my neck only to feel a tranquilizer dart stuck there... I turn to see the sergeant with the tranq gun in his hand... I fall unconscious. I wake up kicking and screaming for Jack... I then calm down... I then remember what happened... Jack was taken... I start balling my eyes out.
"Your pretty stupid y'know that?" I hear the sergeant say as he enters the room.
"Why? Because I wanted to go get Jack back?" I ask as I calm myself down.
"No, because you thought you could run there without backup... Or without a plan!" The sergeant yells "I understand you love him... But wait till we make a plan then we can go get them all"
"What if there isn't enough time? What if they kill them before then?! Huh?!" I ask as I get up and put my other clothes and armor on.
"Then I'm sorry... But what if you go out there and get yourself killed only to have him survive? He would be the heart broken one!" He says as he steps closer to me "I admire your balls kid but don't get yourself killed... That's the last thing we want"
"Fine but can we start now?" I ask as I head over to the meeting room.. The sergeant on my heels. I step in the room to see a bunch of our other soldiers in there with a map on the table... Marker circling and marking the map.
"We already have" the sergeant says as he walks over to the table to show me the plan. 2 hours later everyone understands the plan and we are now on the move... We are all marching to their camp head on... Then they start firing at us so we move to step 2. A group of 40 including me split from the rest of the soldiers and we head around the side.. The enemies notice us so we lose several men as we head to the back. There is now 30 of us... We find a way to break into a door on the back then we head in and our men split up into groups of 5... We try to clear out as many of the other soldiers as possible but eventually it's down to just me. I find myself running through the halls filled with only dead bodies... My gun almost empty and my muscles tiring from the fist fights I've been in. I have so many cuts and bruises, I'm limping and I feel like my legs are gonna give out but I keep going... I need to find Jack.. I have to or he could die! I turn several corners but then I stop dead in my tracks... There is about 10 enemies blocking the hall.. They are all facing away from me so it should be easy.
-Jack's POV-
"What are they planning?! Why are they attacking?!" The one sergeant yells at me as he whips me on the back. A sharp tearing pain runs through my back as I feel blood pour out of the fresh wound... I shake my head.
"I don't know! They're probably here for their soldiers!" I yell back at him... Mistake.
He takes a knife then pushes it into my arm... Tears fill my eyes from the pain... Not to mention the pain from the thing that hauled me up onto the ship... They patched that wound as best as they could but I'm dying every second from blood loss. I feel myself slipping from consciousness... Everything fades then I'm out.
-Mark's POV-
I took out the 10 guards in less than 5 minutes but I now have two bullets in my left leg... I continue moving forward. I turn several more corners then I turn into a small room with 5 people chained up and one man with a whip in his hand... I look behind him to see Jack hanging on from the ceiling by his hands... Unconscious? Dead? I point the gun at the guy then I fire... He didn't see me there so I hit him in the head and he's done... I walk closer to Jack.. He breathing but he's losing blood every second so he won't be for long... I can also feel myself slipping from consciousness.. I then remember that I have 4 bullets in me 2 from not long ago but the other 2 were from closer to when we first entered the place. I am able to get Jack down to the floor but I fall unconscious soon after... The last thing I saw was Jack's eyes opening with surprise to see me. I open my eyes to see a bright light in my face... I then feel a sharp pain in my leg.. I scream and try to move but I'm strapped down.
"Calm down Mark.. We need to remove this last bullet" I hear a woman's voice tell me calmly.
"I'm in surgery?" I ask as I look around to see several other soldiers getting operated on.
"Yes and Jack is fine... I figured you were gonna ask eventually" the woman says. I nod then I calm down... I hear a little cling then I look over into a small bowl to see they got all four bullets out of me... I sigh with relief.
"Mark... I have some great news" I hear the sergeant say as he stands at my side.
"I'm glad your alive" I say with a smile.
"Same here... But thanks to you the war is over we won" the sergeant states with a huge grin "that means you and Jack can go home once your both healed"
"Oh thank god" I say as I smile... I then wince because a shot of pain shoots through me.
"Sorry I touched a nerve" the doctor says.
"Is Jack awake... I mean cuz right before I went out I saw Jack opening his eyes" I ask the sergeant.
"He is awake and surprisingly you took more damage than he did even though he got speared... So Jack is actually walking around already but he still needs time to heal just like you" the sergeant says in astonishment.
"Wow really? I for sure thought that he took more damage than me" I say feeling surprised.
"Ok we're done here... Take him back to his room" the doctor says. The nurses and the sergeant wheel my bed back to my room since I can't walk yet... When I get in I see Jack sitting up on his bed... He smiles at me. The nurses and the sergeant leave the room so we're now alone... I smile at Jack and he smiles back.
"We get to go home... And it's all thanks to you" Jack says as he links his fingers with mine "you saved me and I can never repay that"
"As long as we're together you'll repay me everyday with just being by my side" I say as Jack leans down and presses his lips to mine. One month later the news of all remaining soldiers going home has broken out all over America and the world. Today is the day me and Jack get to go home because we are healed pretty good... I'm still going to limp for a while but I'm better than I was. We grab all of our things then we head to the helicopter pad where they fit 5 soldiers plus the pilot in it... It takes 4 hours to go home but we eventually make it there. We head back to our house... Yes before the war Jack was living with me but also with Matt and Ryan... So it was and is Me, Jack, Matt and Ryan in the house. The taxi drops us off in front of the house... We grab our stuff then Jack helps me limp up to the house... I have crutches that I use because two bullets in almost the same place may have broken a bone in my leg... I knock on the door. Ryan opens it then immediately pulls us into a tight hug.. Matt later joining in... We break and we head into the house we sit ourselves down on the couch because frankly we've been standing, walking and marching to much this past year.
"Oh it feels so nice to be able to be relaxing without carrying a gun or having your hundred pound armor on" I sigh as I relax into the couch "so what's new?"
"You guys have kept getting more and more subs even though you're not putting up videos... It's incredible and you haven't lost any" Ryan says as I pull out my phone that now is connected to the wifi. I check Twitter and everything... So much to catch up on... Everything will be back to normal soon.. At least I hope so.
It only took Mark and Jack two months to get back on track and caught up on all the news... They are starting off with recording one video a day but 4 months later they get back into 2 videos a day. They have told everyone their experiences and that they are now together which everyone is so excited about... They're channels have grown a ton as well. Their lives may be back to normal but they have also changed a lot ever since they were drafted to war.
-The End-

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