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Omg! I actually got something else done! It's also short but... Two short ones in one day is pretty good for my pace right now... But enjoy!
-3rd Person POV-
"Tag! Your it" Felix screams like a little kid as he touches Mark then runs from him.
"Really? Guys we're in 8th grade! Tag is stupid!" Mark says as he looks around to see Felix, Ken, Bob, Wade and Jack running away from him.
"Awe c'mon Markimoo... Have some fun... Let's live like little kids again" Jack says as he walks up to Mark.
"Tag! Your it! Ha gotte!" Mark yells as he tags Jack then starts running from him.
"Hey! That's no fair!" Jack yells as he starts running towards Ken.
"No not me! Not the toast!" Ken yells as he starts running.
"Oh you're gonna be toast that's what you're gonna be!" Jack yells as he tags Ken on the back "ha! Gotcha!"
"Oh darn you!" Ken says as he starts running after his friends. They keep going until Mark is it again... Mark is running after Jack now.
"Get back here you fucker!" Mark yells as he is so close to tagging Jack.
"Never! Jack be fast Jack be quick!" Jack yells as the chase continues. Mark lunges forward and takes a swing at Jack only missing him by an inch.
"Fuck!" Mark yells.
"Missed me! Missed me! Now you gotta kiss me!" Jack yells as they continue running.
"Gladly" Mark says with a smirk. Jack stops running abruptly and turns only to have Mark run into him... They fall so Mark is on top of Jack.
"What?" Jack asks really confused and blush creeping up on his face.
"I said I would love to" Mark says as he closes the small gap between their faces.. Connecting their lips. Jack eventually kisses back only to hear their friends cheer and whistle at them... Mark breaks the kiss but Jack just pulls Mark's head back down to reconnect the kiss.
"Jack... They're watching" Mark says as breaks the kiss again.
"I don't fucking care.... I've waited so many years to do this" Jack says as He presses his lips to Mark's again while he runs his fingers through Mark's hair.
"Oh can I get in on this make out session?" Felix asks as he turns and presses his lips to Kens. Ken kisses back with a smile as he wraps his arms around Felix's waist and lifts him up... Felix wraps his legs around Kens waist. Mark and Jack change positions so that Mark is laying on his back and Jack is straddling his hips, leaning down with his mouth fit to Mark's.
"Umm... So this is super awkward" Bob says looking at Wade.
"I couldn't agree with you more" Wade says as they start walking away from their friends.
"We're going to the store if you want to find us!" Bob yells back to them.
"Oh hell yes! I'm so happy for you guys! But you do realize you're still at school with a bunch of people watching you... Right?" One of their other friends Minx says as she heads over to them. Jack pulls away then gets up... He helps up Mark then they start running off school property.
"Have fun you two!" Ken yells.
"Can't we?" Felix asks.
"We will later but only cuddles... We're only 14 remember" Ken says.
"Oh right... Fuck age!" Felix says as he pouts. Mark and Jack reach Jack's house since it's closer to the school... As soon as the enter the house Mark is pushed back against the wall. Jack pulls off his own shirt but then Mark stops him.
"Jack no"
"Because it's to soon... As much as I want to we're not old enough yet" Mark says as he picks up Jack's shirt and hands it to him.
"Fine" Jack says kinda pissed off.
"I'm sorry but we can still cuddle?" Mark suggests to Jack.
"Maybe later... We have to go back to school or we'll be late" Jack says as he exits the house with Mark right behind him.
"Jack I'm sorry... We're not even together" Mark says as he grabs Jack and pulls him in to a kiss.
"Can we be?" Jack whispers as they break from the kiss but their foreheads are pressed together.
"Yes We can... Because I love you so much" Mark says with a smile.
"I love you too"
-The End-

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