Daring Move

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I want to thank fanfictionfluffer for sharing this beautiful on Twitter and giving me the inspiration for this chapter.. it didn't turn out the way I originally wanted it but hey, none of my writings do! SMUT WARNING!! Also this is kinda short but oh well.
-Jack's POV-
"Fucking finally!" I sigh as the taxi comes to a stop in front of Mark's house.. I pay the taxi guy then I get out and head to the front door. Mark said he might be out at the gym so I can just let myself in... he has a lot of trust in this neighborhood if he just leaves his front door unlocked for God knows how long. I go inside quietly I guess just in case he is here. I look around for Chica but when she's doesn't come to greet me I am confused... maybe Mark took her for a walk? I shrug it off then I head up the stairs and I walk past Mark's room when I head to my room... well it's the guest room but I come to stay so often that it's almost just my room. I drop my things off then I hear a moan come from Mark's room... shit! He's here? I hesitantly walk over to the doorway to his bedroom.. the door wide open.. my jaw drops at what I see. Holy Fuck!

(WATTPAD FUCKING DELETED THE PICTURE! FUCK! Ok so the picture is of Mark on the bed on his knees, back arched, head hanging while he jerks off)

Me and Mark are dating but it's only been a couple months and we're just past making out and cuddling. I don't know what I should do... turn around and pretend I saw nothing, continue to watch, join in or let him know that I'm here but walk away. These are all bad! One I really want to do but I know he won't like it... so... just turn and walk..
"Jack.." I spin as I hear him moan my name.. but I don't answer.. I feel my pants tighten quite a bit. I turn and head to my room but I hear shuffling then a hand grabs my hand. I spin quickly and almost start shaking when I see Mark.
"I wasn't... I didn't.. I was.." he stops my stammering with a kiss then I almost relax as I feel him start to undo my jeans. I tense as I feel him wrap his hand around my hard on... but I groan as he starts to slowly stroke me.
"Mark..." I moan "I want you to fuck me... please?" I beg.
"Of course baby boy... anything" he says before he fits his mouth to mine again then pulls me into his room and pushes me back onto the bed. I rush to help Mark get my clothes off of me.. I then blush as I realize how needy I must look. Mark smirks then lifts my hips up before pushing into me.. right now most would be in pain but surprisingly my eyes just roll into the back of my head with a moan.
"Oh fuck! Mark... please go faster! Harder!" The words leave my lips involuntarily but my mind is so clouded that I can't even register that I should be embarrassed. The thrusts get faster and I feel him press into me so deep and hard... he hits a spot that makes me scream out.
"Right fucking there... Oh yes! Fuck.." I continue to moan. I reach down to my now leaking cock and I begin to pump myself fast as I feel myself nearing my climax.. I shut my eyes tight as the feeling gets overwhelming.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck, OH FUCKING.. christ...." I breath as I cum onto my stomach.. I also then feel Mark tense as he cums into me with a loud moan. Not nearly as loud as mine but still loud. He collapses on top of me as we both calm and try to catch our breath... I sigh and wrap my arms around him.
"How about a shower?" I suggest.
"Yeah... but I don't think I can stand yet" he chuckles into my shoulder.
"Me either but you said Tyler and Ethan were going to be here soon?" I remind him.
"Right..." he sighs as he pushes up off of me then he helps me up.
"So I'm gonna ask... did you set this up?"
"Why would you think that?" He looks at me.
"Who the fuck masturbates completely naked with the door open when you know you're expecting company any minute?" I laugh as he also starts laughing.
"Ok yeah I set it up" he admits as we reach the bathroom.
"Why? Getting tired of jerking it? Because it seemed like you were enjoying yourself when I was watching.."
"It's called acting sweetheart, I thought you knew me?" He smiles as we step in and he turns the water on.
"Sure that was... I think you're just to full of yourself" I push him to the side as I hog the water.
"Sharing is caring" he says in a low voice as he steps under the stream with me hugging me so close that there's no room for the water to fall between us. I press my lips to his as I run my hands in his hair.. he smiles into the kiss. I break and look at the smile he has... he's laughing at something.
"What's so funny?"
"I wasn't acting when you were watching me it was just the turn on of knowing you were watching me that made me enjoy it that much more" I roll my eyes at him.
"Ahh it all makes sense now" I say sarcastically as we both start laughing, I smile then I press my forehead to his "I'm glad you were daring"
-The End-

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