Android Sent by Cyberlife

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Yo! I'm back with another short one! I got a short burst of inspiration though I think it's bad.
-Jack's POV-
I yawn as I stand and stretch, blinking rapidly at the bright sun coming in through the window. I slip on loose sweatpants and a sweater then I head out to the kitchen where I make a coffee. As I sip on my coffee and burn the inside of my mouth I notice two cars in the driveway of the house beside me. I head out to the livingroom to get a clearer look, a woman is taking the for sale sign down. She looks like the realter, I wonder who is moving in? I watch as she leaves then a man comes out and grabs a couple bags from his car. He's got to be an android, no new humans have moved into Detroit, but surprisingly only half of the humans evacuated. A lot stayed only because they knew how horrible of a time it would be to move, I'm kinda the same. Besides, I don't mind androids. I decide to stop snooping because I have some drawing I have to do. I sit down at my drawing desk where I have everything set up when I started the drawing. I have a small store of my drawings in Detroit and also online. I do pencil drawings, paintings and digital drawings. I do a lot of commissions for people though lots of my pre-made and copied pictures are bought everyday. I continue on my coloured pencil drawing of the 3 androids that led the march. This is just a quick one I wanted to do, the picture shows Connor, North and Marcus standing their place while they are bleeding and surrounded by men with guns on the street. I have a few other paintings and drawings that I've done related to the androids that I'm going to release soon. I am two hours into my work when there is a knock at the door, It is now 11:30. I head over to the door and open It to see my new neighbor standing there, I almost pass out when I look at him.
"Hello, my name is Mark. I just moved in next door" he smiles and holds out his hand.
"Hi. I saw I got a neighbor. I'm Sean" I shake his hand with a smile. He turns his head a little and I see his LED indicator, it's red. "Are you scared of me?" His eyes widen.
"I'm nervous around all humans, it's just because of what happened. I can never know if one hates us or not" he looks more nervous now than he did before.
"Do I really look like I could do anything to you even if I did hate you?" I smirk a little "I'm a fucking tiny leprechaun compared to you. All I could do was viciously attack your ankles" he laughs out so do I. His LED is now blue.
"Anyway, I just came over to say hi"
"Well, nice to meet you"
"Yeah, you too" he smiles before turning and heading back down the driveway to the sidewalk. I close the door then I return to my drawing, I finish it only half an hour later. I sit back and admire my work but I then just sigh because I don't know what to do now. I mean, I have a long list of things I need to do but which I should do is the question now. I decide I need to make food before I begin my next commission, I make a couple sandwiches that I then eat at my desk which is beside the front window so I can see my new neighbors front lawn and mine. I hear yelling get closer. I look up from my desk to see the shithead drug abuser yelling at Mark and approaching his house.
"Fuck, I though he left with everyone else" I put my sandwich down as I decide to head out and stop this. I head out the front door and just stop there before I walk towards Mark, I see he is panicking. I just walk over to them.
"Darrien. Is there a problem here?" I ask.
"I-I... he.." Mark stutters but I just nod to him and smile to hopefully calm him.
"The problem is that this demon is allowed to live with us! I will not stand for it!" He yells attracting more attention.
"Darrien, there is no demon here. Just three humans. You're hallucinating. You need to lay off the drugs" I say calmly.
"I am?" He looks confused "oh"
"Please just go home and calm down. You're scaring people" I say to him as he looks around.
"You're right. Okay" he nods then turns and heads back across the street to his crack house. I roll my eyes.
"Thank you. I wouldn't have known what to do" Mark sighs and smiles.
"Its okay. Though try to avoid him, he might find out I lied." I chuckle "You know where to find me if you need me" I wave as I head back to my house. That was a year ago when I had first met Mark and I'm not going to say it was love at first sight because it wasn't but he was fucking hot. Eventually I came to know that I loved him after much hanging out and getting to know each other. Yes, I love him but we're not together, he probably doesn't like me. Though I know we're close. I sigh as I look at my painting, what the fuck is wrong with me?! I look at it trying to figure out why I don't like it. This is a painting for Mark because his 'birthday' is tomorrow but I've tried painting it 5 different times. I hate it! It's just a picture of a forest that's glowing, he says that he thinks they are the most beautiful things ever. His perfecf fantasy world. I put my brush down as I decide to leave it for later, tonight I'm going to a party because today is the anniversary of the protests. Mark is a police officer and a close friend to the Connor so I am kind of friends to him, Marcus, and North plus others. Anyway I was invited so I should figure out what I should wear. They should be here in about an hour. I head immediately up to the shower then I get dressed decently, it's semi-formal attire. I just sit on my bed thinking for a moment. I am then startled by frantic knocking at the door, I bolt down to open it. My heart sinks when I see Darrien with a gun looking rather angry, he's sobered up a lot in the year but he's no less angry or prone to stupid things.
"After all this time. I now know you lied to me that day! He is not a human!" He yells as I back up and he pushes me back until I'm against a wall and I can't go anywhere. He presses the gun right into my belly, I am sweating and my heart is beating so loud. "How could you do that I thought you had my back?!" He yells in my face. I don't say anything.
"You know what fuck off! I'll go shoot him after I'm done with you" I look behind him to see Connor and Lieutenant Anderson in their car in the road looking in because the door is open. I sigh but my eyes widen when I hear the gun go off and I feel the bullet rip through me. He breaks into a sprint out the door so I slide down the wall holding my hand to the wound. I am now just sitting on the floor as Hank runs to me while Connor holds the guy in cuffs.
"Sean, shit. What happened?" He asks helping put pressure on the wound. I cough out blood then I feel weak.
"Pothead found out I lied saying Mark was a human a year ago" I giggle weakly.
"He found out?" I look up to see Mark looking horrified. I just can't help but laugh a little in the moment.
"How are you laughing?" Hank asks.
"Because it's funny" I smirk making both hank and Mark smile because it genuinely is funny.
"Mission Accomplished?" I look up to see Connor also smirking.
"You know it..." I cough then I hear sirens "I hate to see people sad"
"The ambulance is here" He says as he pulls Mark away from me.
"I'll see you at the hospital when you wake up" he says before I pass out. I wake to blinding bright lights and my head is throbbing, I groan.
"Sean?" I hear a familiar voice. I look over to see Mark looking like a mess.
"Who are you?" I ask with a smirk and I see him panic for a brief moment.
"My name is Mark, I'm the android sent by cyberlife" he grins as do I.
"To do what?"
"Fall in love with you" He says.
"Hmm are you sure it wasn't to have me fall in love with you? Because that happened too"
"Maybe both. I just never realized it until I thought I'd lose you" his smile fades.
"How long was I out?"
"A day"
"Oh, happy birthday then. I was working on a painting for you but I couldn't get it perfect" I sigh as I remember that.
"It's alright"
"Okay, then I have a better present. Will you  be my boyfriend?" I ask.
"God yes" He smiles widely.
"Then kiss me" I whisper breathlessly. He leans down and presses his lips to mine for only a quick but nontheless pationate kiss.
"I don't know how you're going to top this present next year" He chuckles.
"Ill figure it out" I smirk.
-The End-

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