Closest thing i'll get

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Sorry this is so short but I literally can't write anything because of this fucking writers block and I wanted to give you something so here.... SMUT WARNING!! Ps: I don't think this is that good...
-Jack's POV-
Hey Mark I saw your video today

Oh... The vlog?

Yeah... I also had to read the comments... What people are saying is hilarious!

Yeah.... I don't remember why I left that part in

Maybe because it's sexy as all hell

Probably... Or maybe I just forgot about it..

At least it was at the very end of the video

Yeah... I wouldn't even fucking record the rest of the vlog if I did..

It was a cool idea for your RYC video though... You sitting outside in the sun... You look sexy in the video

I always do... But I'm so embarrassed about that last part... Especially since your the cause


Idk... I guess just cuz you now know how much you affect me...

I already knew... I only wish I could've been there with you to help you with your problem

Fuck! Stop!

Oh... Is it back?

..... Yes.....

Oh fuck!..... Me too.... GOD DAMMIT!

How does it feel now? Huh!?

Skype me?


Since I'm already sitting at my computer I don't have to move but I decide to do something very risky even though me and Mark are together. I remove my shirt but I also remove all of my other clothes so I am now naked although Mark can only see from my chest up. I get cut from my thoughts by my Skype going off with Mark's name displayed on screen... I breathe then click answer.
"Hey Moo" I say with a smile.
"What are you up too?" Mark asks with a look that lets me know he knows I'm up to something.
"Oh nothing just... Emhm... Relaxing" I say as I push myself back on my chair so that my whole body is now in view. Mark's eyes widen but he doesn't look away... I smirk as I see his wide pained, pleading eyes... I know I have made him so hard he can't take it.
"Fuck... This hurts" he breathes through his teeth "fine you wanna play that game" Mark gets up then goes out of camera veiw. I hear some moving around but when he comes back into camera view he is completely naked... I feel myself get hard and I think Mark sees it because he smirks.
"God damn" I say quietly but loud enough so that Mark hears me.
"God damn to you to" Mark says as he backs up against the wall in his recording room. I put my hand around my myself and I start stroking... I don't attempt to hold my moans... I close my eyes and I moan Mark's name quietly... I then hear what sounds like Mark moaning.
"Oh fuck Sean" Mark moans... His moans sound so angelic.
"Oh Mark.. Yes" I moan as I pump myself faster and I feel myself getting closer to my climax. Both of our moans get louder until we both reach our orgasms... We yell each others names... I open my eyes to see Mark standing against his wall with his head back, panting heavily, sweat running down his face and chest.... He so godly!
"It's sad that that's the closest thing we'll get for a while" I sigh as I grab my boxers and put them on.
"I know.... I so want to just fuck you hard right now.... Well I always have" Mark says as he bites his lip.
"You have the body of a god.... I just wish I could touch it" I say as I feel a ball in my throat "what the fuck! I feel like I'm gonna cry just cuz I can't hold you... I'm so pathetic"
"Your not pathetic... Just lonely.... I feel you I'm lonely too" Mark says as he sits down in his chair.
"But you have Ryan and Matt" I say.
"They live here but I don't want them... I want you and because I can't have you here I feel lonely" Mark says.
"I love you Markimoo" I say with a smile.
"I love you too Jackaroo" Mark says with a big smile as he blows a kiss at his web cam.
-The End-

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