Tell Me!!

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There is a possible TRIGGER WARNING!!
-Mark's POV-
Hey Jack!


Wanna record some gmod?

No I'm good

Are you okay?



Sorry and yeah I'm fine

Can I call you?

I'd like to sleep

Babe I want you to be honest with me... What's going on... All your fans are seeing it in your videos... Do you need to come see me?

Ok I'm not fine but please can I sleep... I'll call you in the morning ok?

Ok fine... I love you

I love you too

I am sitting at my desk just staring at the computer screen thinking up the best and worst possible reasons for what's going on with Jack. I get startled by a Skype call... It's Bob... I answer it.
"Oh hi Mark so we ready to play?" He smiles as I also see Wade... I shake my head.
"We're not playing anymore..."
"Where's Jack?" Wade asks.
"He said something is wrong but he wouldn't tell me.... I'm scared" I start crying softly.
"Oh Mark I'm sure whatever it is it's not too bad... It may not even be an illness" Bob tries to assure me.
"He says he'll call me tomorrow morning... I'm gonna try and get some sleep... Bye" I say... They say goodbye then I end the call. I shut off my computer then I climb into bed fully clothed... I don't care enough... I lay on top of the covers and basically wait for my running thoughts to tire me out before I fall asleep.
Ring Ring Ring Ring
I jolt awake and fall off my bed trying to grab my phone from my computer desk.
"Hi Mark" Jack says in a croaky voice.
"Jack... Please tell me what's going on because my head is filled with the worst scenarios" I explain as my voice is hoarse too.
"I.... Have cancer and I most likely won't survive" Jack starts crying and so do I.
"No! Not you too! I can't loose you to cancer as well!" I scream through my tears "please let this be a nightmare... Please wake up!"
Ring Ring Ring
I shoot awake and look around... I sigh in relief... It was just a nightmare... I grab my phone and answer.
"Hi Mark... Umm... I don't know how to say this but I'm breaking up with you... I've been cheating and I think it's time I officially end it.." After he finishes that he ends the call. I am left sitting on my bed in tears.... I throw my phone across the room.. It shatters against the wall.
"No... Please come back.... Please... No... Don't leave me like this" I cry as I lay back onto the bed.
Ring Ring
I jolt awake again... And grab my phone.
"Hello? Jack?"
"Hi Mark" Jack cries "I can't do this anymore"
"What do you mean?" I ask, panic rising within me.
"I'm done with life... Goodbye Mark.."
"Jack! Wait.."
My eyes widen with horror and realization at what just happened... I curl into a ball and cry so hard and so much.. I feel like I'm gonna die... I guess I want to in a way.
I wake up in tears, my clothes drenched in sweat and my throat sore.
'Beep! Hey Mark I don't know if you're asleep or if you're ignoring me but..' I pick up the phone still slightly crying and breathing heavily.
"Jack... Please just tell me what's going on.." My voice is scratchy and hoarse.
"Mark what's wrong?"
"Jack the suspense if not knowing is what's wrong... It's killing me more than if you outright told me you were dying... I've had so many nightmares of what you're gonna tell me... First you had cancer, second you were cheating and decided to finally end it and lastly you shot yourself over the phone" I am sobbing so much now that I'd be surprised if he could even understand me.
"Oh my god Mark... It's nothing bad I'm good now I just had a minor flu that also gave me minor depression and so I was tired... But I'm fine now... I'm okay" he explains... I sigh in relief.
"Will you please come to see me?" I ask quietly.
"I'll come for a couple days... I gotta do some recording though" he mentions.
"Ok just let me know when you're coming... I'm just glad you're okay... I love you so so much"
"I love you too Mark... More than anyone could imagine"
-The End-

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