7 Minutes of Heaven

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Idea by: Username0fangirl2 SMUT WARNING!!
-Jack's POV-
I watch as Danny and Arin exit the small closet with red faces.. the look like they're breathing hard too... this was a fucking stupid idea. We're playing 7 minutes in heaven but the stupid part about this is that we're all guys.. no girls at all and therefore it's weird... but somehow I agreed. I sigh as its now time to choose two more people... I slide on my blindfold. There are 9 total people and each time it's time to choose 2 new people 1 of the previous people are the "chooser". Everyone puts on a blindfold and we then mix and mingle in a small circle not knowing who is near you... when we stop the "chooser" takes the closest person to them and puts them in the closet followed by the furthest. Only when the two are in the closest can they take off the blindfolds to see who they're stuck with. So far we've done 3 rounds and every time either Danny or Arin has gone in with somebody.. I sigh as Arin tells us to start moving around.
"Stop!" Everyone stops moving.. I brace for hands on my back but when they don't come I internally sigh. We continue standing there as we hear shuffling around... I then feel hands on my back.. I hang my head as I walk where Arin is pushing me. I hope I'm either in with Danny or possibly Mark because we can just talk the whole time.. I get literally shoved in so whoever that's in with me I fall on top of when I hear the door close I take off the blindfold. I smile at Mark.
"Sorry... Arin pushed me in" I chuckle.
"It's fine.. I think I like having you on top of me" he whispers seductively in my ear... I blush. I contemplate things I could say back as I internally panic.. I then calm and decide to push it further.
"Are you trying to seduce me?" I ask with a smirk.
"Maybe.." he grins.
"Good because before being on top of you know I never knew how much I fucking want you" I breathe heavily as those words are true.. why had I forgotten?
"I've always known"
"I've always had a slight crush on you but because I always said I wasn't gay I guess I let that get into my head so I believed I didn't" I admit.
"God you're just so fucking hot, adorable and beautiful"
"Yes beautiful" he grins. I bite my lip.
"Fuck... when the 7 minutes is up wanna ditch these lovers and go back to your place?" I whisper in his ear then I press light kisses down the side of his jaw.
"Fuck yes" he moans quietly.
"I'll do whatever you want... Daddy" I run my hands up under his shirt as I grind against his noticeable bulge.
"God... fuck... as soon as that door opens I'm going to sprint out so they can't ask any questions.
"I'll be right behind you" I push myself up then I help him up too... I hear an alarm go off out there then footsteps coming.
Knock Knock Knock
"You better be decent in there" he says.
"We are" Mark laughs.. the door opens.. he peaks out then he's gone almost on a flash.. I follow close behind him an don't slow down until we're in his car.. I'm staying at his place with Felix so my stuff is there. The drive doesn't take too long but it's longer than we'd like.. as soon as we get there he unlocks the front door then as soon as we're in he pushes me up against the door. He fits his mouth to mine our tongues dancing around each other.. his hands push my shirt up.. I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. Mark moves his mouth from mind to my neck.. I push my head back up against the door.
"Ohh.. fuck Mark" I moan. He pulls my shirt off then I start to unbutton his jeans... he wraps his arms around me then carries me up the stairs to his room. He drops me onto the bed then crawls so he's on all fours over  me... I hook my fingers in the waist bans of his pants then I start sliding both his jeans and his boxers down over his hips as he yanks his shirt off and throws it. He stands up and finishes taking his pants off... while I hurriedly take mine off.
"Needy are we?" Mark's deep voice rumbles through my head as he crawls back over top of me.. his hands roam my body. Down my sides and over my hips.. I just lay there moaning as he kisses and sucks down my chest and stomach.
"Please... Mark... fuck me" I moan in slight frustration.
"My pleasure" he reaches over to his nightstand... I watch as he lubes up his cock.. I almost let out a moan from just watching him.
"Please.. please I need you, I want you" I beg in almost a small whine.
"I didn't know you were such a little slut" Mark chuckles.
"Trust me I didn't either.. especially for cock" I giggle.
"Tell me if it hurts" he says as he starts to push into me... I almost scream out in pleasure... there is only slight pain but the pleasure is overwhelming.
"Faster.. please.. harder" I moan out as I arch my back. Mark starts to speed his thrusts and fucks me harder... my head is literally clouded not able to complete a single thought.. this is the most amazing thing I've ever felt. He continues thrusting hard and fast into me.. I then get an idea.. I pull him down so he flat on top of me.. I hook my legs around his hips then I push and flip us over so I'm straddling him. I start rocking my hips back and fourth but I push down so he's fully inside of me.
"Oh Sean... Fuck" he groans as he grips my waist.. I then start bouncing up and down... my hands rest on his chest. I continue riding him and soon after I feel my orgasm building and becoming more intense.
"Mark... fuck.. I'm gonna.. fuck... ohhhhhhhhh... holy shit" I moan loudly as I cum onto Mark's chest. A few moments later I feel Mark fill me.. I sigh as I collapse on top of him.
"Fucking hell..." Mark groans and wraps his arms around me. We lay there panting catching our breath for almost 10 minutes before he finally says something.
"That was probably the best"
"Damn... I'm better than a girl?"
"How was it for you?" He asks as he puts his  hands behind his head.
"Receiving feels better than giving" I smile as I roll over so I'm laying beside him.
"Maybe I'll have to try it sometime" he suggests.
"Does that mean I'll have to come visit more often?" I ask as I roll onto my side.. I press my chest and stomach against his side. I go to put my hand up on his chest but I place it into the cum on his chest.. I cringe "ew"
"It's yours" he points out.
"I know but to have it on my hand is gross"
"Well I thought you were going to give me a blow job but I guess not if you can't handle it on your hand let alone mouth" Mark looks hurt.
"Can you?" I ask as kind of a challenge. He grabs my wrist then brings my hand to his mouth.. he links off my fingers then starts sucking on them.. I then pull my hand away "don't get me hard again"
"What if I want to?"
"I'm tired" I sigh as I close my eyes and snuggle up next to him. I feel him place a kiss to the top of my head.. I smile slightly.
"I think I love you" I whisper.
"I know I love you too" he sighs.
"It's funny how I thought the 7 minutes in heaven game was stupid"
"I'm glad you played anyway.. made it more fun"
"Ok sure" I nod and roll my eyes "Shhh... let me sleep"
"Ok Ok.... fine I'll sleep too" he says "sweet dreams"
-The End-

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