Miscarriage (Part 1)

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FYI I don't know much about miscarriage so if it's wrong sorry... I'm too lazy to look it up.
Edit: I looked up how doctors confirm a pregnancy so I changed the doctors appointment.
-Mark's POV-
I pull into the parking lot of the doctors office and get out... I head in and to the 3 floor finding my doctors room. I go past the secretary in immediately... He sees me and quickly get things ready.
"Ok so what's going on here?" He asks me.
"I just don't have any morning sickness anymore and I don't know if that's a bad thing" I mention as he grabs a needle and takes a blood sample.. I take a plastic jar and head into the bathroom to provide a urine sample. I then sit back and wait for about 20 minutes before he comes back.
"I'm sorry... It was a miscarriage" he looks down.. I feel tears run down my face as I sit up putting my face in my hands.
"Thank you for this last minute" my voice croaks as I head out and into my car before I completely break down. Ever since I found out I am able to have a child me and Jack have actually been trying and that was 4 months ago... About 3 weeks ago I started getting morning sickness and I took a pregnancy test plus went to my doctor... It was positive and Jack didn't even know.. Now it's gone. I calm down after a few minutes then I look at the time... I've got a signing in 30 minutes... I start the car then I drive back to the centre. I grab the things I need then I head in to see the guys already there plus a huge crowd. I force a smile the best I can but when I look at how happy Jack is I can't help but break down when I reach him... I pull him into a tight hug and cry into his shoulder.
"Mark what's wrong?" Jack asks as we walk towards the back room.
"We lost it..." Is all I get out before another wave of tears come.
"Lost what?" He asks... I wait till we get into the back room... The four of us.... I sit down and try to calm myself... I eventually do.
"Mark tell us what's going on" Bob says as they stand around me.
"Jack I'm sorry for not telling you this sooner but 3 weeks ago I actually got pregnant..."
"Really?" Jack looks hopeful and happy which forces me to fight back more tears.
"But it was a miscarriage... I found out just before I came" Jack's smile drops then pulls me in hugging me tight as I cry again.
"Awe that sucks... I'm sorry" Wade says as Bob nods.
"Shh... Mark it's okay it's not like we can't try again" Jack reassures me... I nod.
"I don't know if I can do the signing" I sigh as I once again begin to calm.
"Well... Just come sit at the table and if you feel like jumping in you can alright?" Jack suggests.
"Yeah..." I nod as I get up then we walk back out holding hands "maybe I'll sign stuff but I won't take pictures"
"Okay I'll make sure people know that" he says as everyone in the crowd looks happy but confused... Jack gets up on a chair and waves to the crowd "just so everyone's aware! Mark won't be taking any pictures... He said he will sign and talk but no pictures! Got it?!" Everyone nods as the guard let's the first person through.
"Hi Mark... I hope you feel better soon, whatever the reason may be" this teenage girl comes up... I smile genuinely and sign a paper for her before she moves on. I go through about an hour before a lady comes up.. She has a baby with her... I smile as a few tears run down my face.
"Mark are you okay?" She asks.
"I'm sorry I need a break" I say as I walk around and I little ways from where the others are.. I curl into a ball and quietly cry again for the 100th time today. I eventually relax so much that I end up falling asleep.
-Jack's POV-
"Awe Jack look" the girl I'm with giggles... I turn and look to see Mark laying asleep.. He's still hugging himself.
"Maybe I should take him home" I say as I turn to Bob and Wade.
"If you want.. We can hold up on our own till you get back" Bob says glancing at Mark.
"Ok.. I'll be back soon" I say as I head back towards Mark... I Crouch in front of him "Mark... Wake up sleepy head" I put my hand on the side of his face as I see him stir awake. His eyes open and meet mine then he sits up and looks around confused for a second.
"Did I fall asleep?" He rubs his eyes.
"Yes but we can go home now.. If you want" I say as I help him up.
"I'm sorry for ruining this day" he sighs as he hugs me... His face buried in my neck.
"No it's okay... It's better you told me then sulking about it and refusing to tell" I say "and I'm sure they'd understand you not feeling well.. Unless you want to tell"
"No.... Just say it's personal... I just wanna go home.. See Chica and maybe sleep" he sighs as he practically drags me out to his car.
"Mark just so you know I probably won't be able to stay with you although I'd like too" I mention as we get in and I start the car.
"I kinda figured" he says, his eyes practically begging me to ditch the signing. The drive there is mostly silent other than the odd sigh, whine or sniffle.
-Mark's POV-
When the car pulls into the driveway I slowly drag myself out of the car and up the porch steps to the door where Jack has already unlocked it... I go in and up to our bed where I collapse face first.
"Mark.. I know you're upset.. But we can and will keep trying" Jack says as he sits beside me and rubs my back "I'd like to stay but I got to go.... Why don't you try to sleep... Maybe you'll feel better"
"Ok" I sigh as I get up and remove my jeans before crawling under the covers... I just wish Jack could be under here with me.
"Alright.. I'll come up and join you as soon as I get back" he smiles as he presses a kiss to my forehead "I love you" he presses a longer kiss to my lips.
"I love you too" I smile slightly as I feel a little bit better... I hear click clacking on the floor and I smile immediately "Chica come up" I pat the bed as she jump up and snuggles beside me... I look over and see Jack smile before leaving. I frown but Chica nudges me with her noes making me smile and giggle as I hug her, eventually drifting off to sleep.
-To be Continued-

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