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Idea by LillianGibson3 I love this Chapter! Thank you for the idea! SMUT WARNING!! EXTREAM FLUFF WARNING!!
-Mark's POV-
"Mark? Why don't you go hook up with one of those hot guys over there.. you need to have a good time" Jack says as he slightly slurs his words.. I sigh as I look over at him.
"For the thousandth time.. no." I roll my eyes.
"Why not?" He looks at me then takes another sip of his drink.
"Because I don't like guys like that" I lie to him.. why is lying so easy for me.. especially this. I am Bisexual or at least I think because I have feelings for Jack but I font want to say anything so I pretend I'm straight.
"You never know until you try" I laugh at that remark because it sounds like when my mother used to give me food I didn't think I liked.
"I don't think it works that way"
"How would you know?" He asks as he looks around at all the 'Hot' guys "Why are you here anyway?"
"Because you dragged me here"
"Did I?" He asks.
"Jack.. I think you've had enough to drink if you can't remember things that happened recently" I put a hand on his drink then I move it to the other side of the table.
"No... the fun is just beginning" he stands up and heads off to the dance floor.. I shake my head and chuckle as I just let him go. I just sit at the bar taking sips of my drink as I keep a close eye on him just in case... I sit there for probably about 30 minutes watching him dance weirdly. I take out my phone then I look at it for the time.. it's 1:35.. maybe I should take him home now. I then turn and pay for both of our collected drinks the when I turn it see some guy pressing Jack against the wall. He is kissing him roughly while holding his wrists tightly... I look away.. he looks like he's enjoying it.. I turn back to the bar.
"Actually can I have another" I ask him.. he pours a glass then I down it quickly... man I've never resorted to drinking for my problems.. why have I stooped so low?
"Because it's Jack that's why.." I say under my breath.. then a crazy idea pops into my head "should I?" I smirk then place the glass on the table. I throw some more money down on the counter then I head around the dance floor to the back wall where the two are.. I grab the guy and pull him off of Jack before my fist meets his face hard... he hits the ground but because he was so drunk before he doesn't get back up.
"Mark?" I turn to him then I grab his hand.. my fingers intertwine with his.
"You don't need him" I say deeply into just ear "Wanna come back your my place?"
"Yes" he sighs as I run a finger down the side of his neck softly. I then pull him along behind me out of the bar and onto the sidewalk "Mark.." he whines as he starts pressing kisses to my face and neck. I growl then I push him down an alleyway that leads to a dead end. I push him into the wall  so that his back is facing me.. I kiss the back of his neck while my hands palm him through his pants.. he moans then his head rests back on my shoulder his body pressing against mine.
"Do you want me?" I whisper.. my lips touching his ear.
"Yes.. please" he whines again.
"You'll be mine? And nobody else's?" I growl not caring were in an alleyway.
"Yes.. I'm yours.. all yours" he breathes as my hands slowly push his jeans down over his hips to his knees.... my fingers feeling his warm, smooth skin.
"Nobody can touch you"
"I won't let them" he sighs as my hands run down along the inside of his thighs "please"
"Please what?" I smirk as I unbutton my own jeans with one hand and I proceed to push both my jeans and boxers down to mid thigh.
"Fuck me" That's all the consent I need so I press into him slowly. He groans as I push all the way in.. I then start thrusting at a slow pace first.. my left hand grips his waist while my right hand runs up under his shirt.  My mouth goes to Jack's neck where I first find his sensitive spot then I suck hard on it making him moan more. Well for the first minute or so it's more like mews or soft whines which turns me on more. I start thrusting harder and faster as the pleasure intensifies.. my hands runs down then brushes along his taint before I grab his member and start pumping him slowly.. his mews turn into groans. I then bite down on his neck hard.. he jumps slightly but moans again. He turns his head back to look at me.. I smirk and fit my mouth to his.. his mouth tastes like alcohol but so does mine probably. I thrust harder as I start to feel my orgasm building.. I start pumping him faster as to let him cum first.. his moans continuously get louder. I grab his bottom lip with mine then I start sucking on it.. that causes him to moan out as he releases onto the wall in front on him. Yet he can't say much since I still have a hold of his lip.. my teeth do now. My stomach muscles start to tense causing me to thrust faster then I groan and bite down on his lip so I taste blood like I did with the bite on his neck. I cum into him then my once tense muscles relax. I pull out then I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my forehead on his back.
"I knew you weren't fucking straight" he giggles.. I chuckle then I let go of him before I pull up my pants.
"Not if I get to fuck you" I smile as he turns around.. he starts to pull up his pants but stop him. I get down on my knees and wrap my arms around the his thighs then I press light kisses to his v-line and lower belly "God your body's beautiful" I sigh "I think I could fuck you again"
"I think I might let you" I look up to see Jack with a look of bliss on his face.. he eyes closed, slack jawed and head hanging back.. I smile then stand as I pull up his pants for him.
"I'd rather like to see you in my bed completely naked if you wouldn't mind" I press my lips to his again.
"Man I'm glad I'm not totally hammered first this.. or else I would hate myself for not remembering any of it"
"I think we both sobered up quite a bit" I say as I take his hand then we walk out of the alley headed for my place.
-The Next Morning-
I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling.. my head only slightly hurts from last night but I think it has nothing to do with the alcohol... I chuckle slightly as I remember the events after we got here. I then look to my right to see sleeping beauty laying on his side facing away from me.. the blanket is nowhere to be found and we're both naked still. I move closer to him then I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him so his back is pressed against me.. I press kisses up and down his spine ever so gently.
"Do you ever stop kissing me?" I hear a weak voice say just barely above a whisper.
"I can't help that your so damn beautiful and sexy.. God.. I wish I had seen you with your clothes off sooner"
"So you mean all I had to do was take my clothes off knfront of you and you'd have fucked me?" He asks as he turns so he's facing me.
"Maybe" I smirk as I climb up on top of him so he rolls onto his back.. I stand on my knees over him "What about me? I've been constantly saying how sexy you are.. what about me?"
"Well.. isn't it very obvious... you hot as fuck and sexy as hell.. that's just a given and anybody can see that.. but me? I'm sorta shock but happy that you see me like that" I lean down and press my lips to his before I get up off of him and off the bed.
"I'm glad you're happy.. and by the way.. don't forget were hanging out with Team Edge today to do some challenges" I smirk as his hand goes to his neck where I had bit him.. I had also bit him on the back in several places but those can be hidden that and the one on his lip can't.
"Up.. let's say I got bit by a dog then I bit my lip?" He nervously suggests as I put on some pyjama pants.
"If you can make it believable.. it's not my problem" I grin deviously.
"You ass" he gets up as I leave the room.
"Hey you weren't complaining at the moment and you could have told me you didn't like me biting" I call back to him as I head down to the kitchen "do you want something to eat here? Or are you going to get something when you go back to your hotel?"
"I can eat here" I hear him call down followed by footsteps coming down the stairs.. I grab some eggs out of the fridge but when I turn around I almost collapse. Jack is wearing my apparently oversized lucky flannel.. the sleeves too long for his arms and the shirts goes to just above mid thigh.
"My god you're going to be the death of me" I head over then I wrap my arms around his waist and pick him up.. he squeals then wraps his legs around my waist "unless you want to have a sore ass today I suggest you put some other clothing on"
"Maybe I want a sore ass.." he bites his lip then my legs actually weaken for a second.. I look at him with surprise and he giggles.
"Do you have a spell on me? Are you actually a witch?" I ask him as I sit him up on the edge of the counter.
"Yeah well serves you right for what you did to me yesterday... in the alley" he brings his hand up to his mouth so that the sleeve covers his mouth.
"That's it" I pick him up again then I take him to my room where I throw him onto the bed.. I roll him over so he's on his belly "You've been a bad boy"
"Are you going to spank me daddy?" He asks.. I smirk then my hand meets his ass.. a sting goes through my hand but I do it again.. I am about to go for a third time when my phone starts ringing. I head over and pick it up.. it's Matthias.. I answer.
"Hey what's up?"
"We were wondering if you and Jack want to come meet us for breakfast somewhere?we tried calling him but we can't reach him"
"Oh his phone is dead.. he's at my place because we went out for drinks last night" I mention as I look over to Jack.. my... mind.... blanks as I see the sight before me.. Jack is now naked stroking his hard cock.
"Umm... what time were you thinking?" I struggle to form a sentence bit I think I manage good enough to cover anything up.
"In a couple hours"
"Okay cool.. I'll text you then we can decide where in an hour so.. gotta go" I look away and try to focus just until the call is over.
"Alright see ya"
"Bye" The as soon as I hang up I glare over at him "You're getting it now.. fucker"
"You're the fucker" he continues to stroke himself. I smirk then I strip off my pants.
"You little cock slut" I head over to him.
"I'm your cock slut" he smiles.. I chuckle at him.
"Yes you are"
-The end-

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