Laughter Lines

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Idea by LissaWho5
Bold= Mark Singing
Italics= Sean/Jack Singing
Both= Both Singing
-3rd Person POV-
"Mark?" Sean calls out looking around for his boyfriend. He finds Mark leaning against the old wood fence where a horse used to be kept "Mark I have an idea! I have something to show you, or rather some place"
"Okay, when?" Mark nods as he turns to face Sean.
"Right now, let's go" Sean grabs Mark's hand excitedly as they run off into the nearby forest surrounding the small piece of open land that has a few small cabins on it that Sean used to call his home, yet still does in a way. Mark and Sean eventually come to a slow walk as they make their way through the thick forest.
"It's strange, yet peaceful in hear isn't it?" Sean waves around him. It's dim even though it's mid day, the trees are a canopy that block out most of the light. Then they spot it up ahead, Sean's favorite place on earth. Sean takes Mark's hand then once again starts running towards the light beaming down through the open spot in the tree canopy.
"Woah, it's pretty" Mark gawks as they approach a huge tree stump that's bathing in the light "It's like a spotlight"
"I used to sit here for hours just relaxing and listening to the noises around me yet I wasn't scared because the light made me feel protected" Sean says as he sits cross legged right in the middle of the big stump.
"Why is this the only one cut down?" Mark asks as he kneels beside it.
"I was 10 years old when I heard the chain saws from the house, I came out and I asked them with my Ma why they were cutting it down, they said it was a really rare tree that has beautiful wood that sells for a lot" Sean explains as he turns to see Mark running his fingers around in circles over the rings in the tree stump.
"Our hands brush back in time through centuries" Mark says then smirks up at Sean.
"Oh yeah?" Sean giggles then hops off the stump before he pushes Mark back onto the stump straddling him and pinning him arms down then he sings "I'll see you in the future when we're older And we are full of stories to be told. Cross my heart and hope to die, I'll see you with your laughter lines"
"Changes on our hands and on our faces, oh, oh Memories are mapped out by the lines we'll trace. As you held me down, you said.." Mark sings back with a grin.
"I'll see you in the future when we're older
And we are full of stories to be told. Cross my heart and hope to die, I'll see you with your laughter lines" Sean sings again.
"Ashen faces in cold breeze"
"Ashen faces in cold breeze"
"All the stories you will leave"
"All the stories you will leave"
"I'll see you in the future when we're older
And we are full of stories to be told. Cross my heart and hope to die, I'll see you with your laughter lines.
I'll see you in the future when we're old.
I'll see you in the future when we're old" They both sing out. They look at each other lovingly as they giggle at what just happened.
"Are we in a Disney movie? Because you can be my princess" Mark says before he presses his lips to Sean's.
"God I love you" Sean grins widely.
"Not me?" Mark fakes a hurt look.
"I meant I love you ya doof" Sean sits up.
"I love you to" Mark whispers as he presses another kiss to his boyfriends lips "as for my favorite place on the earth.. it's right here"
"A place you just found today?" Sean looks confused.
"Anywhere you are is my favorite place"
-The End-

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