Sweet Dreams are Overrated

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-Jack's POV-
"Goodnight Jack" My friend Mark says to me... Mark is staying at my place tonight but there's one thing.. My parents are out tonight. Why would they leave two 6 year olds at home alone... At night!! They said they can trust us... It's not us getting into trouble I'm worried about... It's............. Them.
"We're not going to sleep tonight... No matter how tired you are" I say as I clutch my flashlight and I look around the room.. Shaking.
"What? Why?" He asks so oblivious to the horrors we're to face tonight.
"C'mon... We stay here" I say as I slide off the end of the bed and onto the floor... Mark stands beside me "stay beside me"
"O-okay" Mark starts shaking. Just then something runs from the right door to the closet... The closet door is now partly open.
"Make sure you follow me step by step.... They get mad if you play the game wrong... When they get mad they only give you few warnings... And with each warning they... Do something... To you" I shake as we move forward to the closet. I take a deep breath then I hand Mark the light.. He points it at the closet as I place a hand on either door... I open it slightly only to see the bottom half of a metal body... I close and open it again to see the small fox plushy that you want to see.. I take back my flashlight then we walk straight back to the bed. I then point at the left door.... We head over then just as Mark is gonna open the door i stop him quickly... I then lean forward and listen... No breathing... I open the door and shine the light down the hall only to see Bonnie move just out of sight.
"Why are they so restless already? The first couple of hours they normally take it easy on me..." I sigh as we head back to the bed... Then we move to the right door quickly and I look down the hall to see Chica.
"What are they? And why are they here?" Mark asks looking freaked out.
"They are animatronics and Mark... From now on just follow and do what I say because we have to pick up the pace or they'll get us" I say with a look of worry on my face... He nods as we start racing around checking all the doors and every once in a while we look back on the bed to the the little Freddy things... They're so weird... They're not even scary.
"Closet" Mark says then we head towards the closet... We have a routine going after only two hours. We move up towards the closet and I hand Mark the flashlight like always.. When I open the door foxy pops out and basically barks at me because I close the door and he's tamed... Mark gets scared and runs backwards but he goes towards the right door.
"Mark" I cringe because he went of the path that we are to use... A tear runs down my face as he freezes and sees that he did wrong.
"Uh oh" Mark's eyes widen as the door behind him opens and a big, black, scary, bear animatronic peaks around the door... He has big claws and teeth that have blood on them... Probably some of mine.
"Hey Fredbear... How's it goin?" I ask with a nervous chuckle... He just growls at me. I hear the closet door open behind me and out walks foxy who is shaking his head as if going 'tisk tisk' to Mark... I also see Freddy and his fredlings come out from under the bed along with Chica and Bonnie coming out of the other door.
"Guys... Please give him a chance... And if not I'll take the punishment for him" I stand up straight as I say the last part.. They all look shocked at my words... Then Fredbear grins as he throws Mark to the bed and I remember something... My face goes into horror at what I did to myself.
"That was my last punishment" I gulp "I'm dead" I shake as they surround me.. Growling, snarling and laughing evil demonic laughs. I grip my flashlight so tight that I'm surprised it didn't break... I point it at each one of them... I've seen them so many times but they are still terrifying especially when you are in your last moments of life. I look back at Mark to see him laying I think unconscious on the bed... He probably fainted from the horror. I just shut my eyes tight and I let my tears fall as I await death... Or pain... Probably ripping, tearing and breaking... Why'd I have to tell myself that?! I then realize... It's been a while... Why haven't I felt anything? Also I don't hear anything anymore... I slowly open my eyes to see them all standing there but as soon as I breathe out they all jump at me screaming like they normally do... I scream as I feel scratching and my leg snaps but then nothing. I open my eyes to see I'm in the starting spot of the game with Mark awake and beside me with the flashlight... I look down to see I'm okay? What was that pain?
"Why didn't you kill me?!" I scream... I then see the right door open and someone enters... Me and Mark both scream only to see its my mother.. My fathers comes in after.
"Ma!" I cry as we both run up to her and hug her tightly.
"What happened? What's wrong? You have scratches and bruises on your face.. Are you okay?" My ma asks.
"There's monsters! They come every night your gone but.... But tonight they were really rude... I-I was gonna die!" I ball my eyes out... So does Mark.
"You guys are okay now... Calm down and let's put you back to bed... You must be tired... We won't leave you alone anymore"
"You promise?" I ask.
"I promise.. There will always be some adult  in the house with you at night... No matter what" my ma reassures me "now.. Get some sleep... Goodnight guys"
"Luv ya" I say as they leave... Me and Mark both sigh with relief that that's over. Just then we hear a low demonic chuckle come from the closet... Our eyes widen then we both scream.
-The End-

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