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SMUT WARNING!!! Oops... Heh... Forgot to put this before. Ahh! First screw up!
-Jack's POV-
I am currently in a taxi on my way to the hotel I'm staying at in England... I'm so excited that I get to go to Insomnia! I also have the chance to meet my hero, my... Crush... Markiplier! Yes I said crush... But I can forget that because I'm just a fanboy, another person that looks up to Mark and he wouldn't like me... He's not even gay! Anyway I'd be okay just to meet him... My mind gets snapped back to reality because the cab driver has stopped in front of my hotel... I get out then I head up to my room and I settle in. I don't realize it but I guess I fall asleep after I get in because when I wake up its 4:00 the next morning. I get up, get dressed then I head out and grab some breakfast quickly... I head to the convention centre but there's absolutely no one there and it starts at 10:00 so I decide to go back to the hotel because I want to wait but not that long... When I get back I sit on the bed for a few minutes before I fall asleep again.
Ring Ring Ring
I get startled awake by my phone... I look at it to see its my mom... I answer.
"Hi mom what do ye want?" I ask.
"So ye were asleep... I called because ye didn't answer any o me previous texts and ye should probably go now or ye won't get in" my ma says.
"Oh shite yeah... Thanks ma luv ya" I say as I hang up then I book it to the convention centre.. When I arrive the line is not too long.. It's fairly long but not bad. I wait for about an hour and a half before I get in then I head straight for the longest line of all... The line for Mark.. I groan at the size of the line. Well good luck patience. I slowly move closer and closer... I wait for about 6 hours before I'm the fifth person back... Mark had gone on a quick bathroom break and will be back.
-Mark's POV-
"Okay.. Let's go.. I'll get through a few more people before the signing ends" I say as I quickly get out there and meet four more people.
"Okay! That's it... We're outta time!" A guy yells out across the line... My heart shatters at those words.
-Jack's POV-
I get a ball in my throat and tears brim my eyes... I was the cut off... I could have been the last person but no... The last person was right before me... Mine and Mark's eyes meet.
-Mark's POV-
My eyes meet this man that looks my age... It looks like he's gonna cry... He's also looks adorable... And attractive. I haven't told anyone besides my family that I'm bi... I instantly fall in love with this poor fan who just got cut off... I watch as him and others turn and walk away some crying some not wanting to cry in public but all disappointed.
"Let's go so we can set this up for someone else" the guard says as he pulls me away then they start cleaning things up... I head back to the VIP area for the YouTubers to go to when I get back there, there are a few just talking.. I take a seat as tears threaten to fall. I sit with my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands... I hate the end of signings.. I Just hate how people go away sad when I try my hardest to get to everyone.
"Mark? You ok buddy?" I hear my friend Yami ask.
"Hmm?" I sniffle then I wipe my eyes "yeah I'm fine... I just hate the ends of signings... Especially when people are crying in front of me as they walk away"
"Oh yeah... I know how you feel.. Um I gotta go but see ya around" Yami says as him and his friends leave. Then an idea comes to mind... Him... I gotta find him.. I head out and I look around in the crowd.. This is gonna take forever where should I start? Maybe I should ask security... I walk up to the guy that was at my signing.
"Excuse me?"
"The green haired man that was the cut off... Did you see where he went?" I ask.
"Last time I saw he went to the washroom but he might not be there anymore" the guy says pointing at the public washrooms.
"Thanks" I head to check there... When I get there it's empty.. Wow that's amazing... Wait! I hear crying in one of the stalls... I look for the right one then I look through the side of the door to see the green haired boy... Well man but he looks more like a boy.
"Are you okay?" I ask hoping he'll recognize my voice... I see him stop crying then perk up... He stands up then opens the stall door.. I stand back with a grin on my face and my hands behind my back.
"M-Mark?" He asks in shock... Oh god his Irish accent! He smiles back and I can see his mind go blank.
"Yes it's me... But let's talk about you... What's your name?" I ask.
"Uhh... Jack.. Erm well Sean but most people call me Jack" he says nervously.
"Well Jack nice to meet you... Hmm.. I'm not gonna bother wasting time so I'll just tell you why I found you..."
"You were looking for me?" He asks... I grin.
"Yeah... Because.. You're so god damn beautiful, hot and I want to be all over you right now" I say without hesitation as I step closer "although I hope you're into guys or I would be making a complete fool of myself" I look at the ground when I realize the position I put myself in.
"You... You're gay?" He asks with blush on his face and wide eyes.
"Well bi actually but only my family knows... And now you" I explain.
"I am internally dying if we're just being completely honest here... Because I've loved you ever since I laid eyes on you" he says looking stunned at what came out of his mouth.
"Good" I say as I push him back against the stall... Pressing my lips to his while my hands are on his hips... His hands are one on my chest one on the back of my neck... When we break I keep my head pressed to his.
"Dream come true" he whispers with a smile.
"Wanna come back to my hotel?" I ask.
"To do what?"
"I dunno... Talk, cuddle... Do. Whatever. You. Want." I whisper in his ear as I let go of him then I walk out with him trailing not far behind... I try to hide my face as best I can but I get stopped a few times before we actually get outside then we get in a taxi and they take us back to my room which surprisingly we're staying in the same hotel. We get into my room then as soon as the door closes I get pushed against it. Our mouths are fit and our tongues dancing... Our bodies pushed against one another and our crotches creating friction that makes me moan into the kiss.
-Jack's POV-
Oh my god why did I do that... I seem needy then... But.. I can't believe this is happening!? I am making out with Mark Fishbach! His mouth moves from mine pressing kisses down my cheek, my jawline and to my neck where he fines a spot that makes me moan... I get pushed back onto the bed him straddling me.. I pull his shirt off then he pulls off mine.. He stops what he's doing then he looks me up and down my bare chest.. I blush. His hands run lightly over my body.. My head just rests back, my eyes shut and my mouth open... I feel his hands run down and trace my V-line then I feel him slide off of me and onto the floor... I lift my head and prop myself up on my elbows looking at him... He's on his knees in front of me... I moan as he starts palming me through my jeans.
"Please daddy..." I blush and my eyes widen at what came out of my mouth... Mark just smirks and stands up moving his mouth to my ear.
"Go ahead... Call me daddy... Don't hold back" he whispers as he is still palming me... My eyes flutter shut.
"Please daddy... I need... I-I need you" I moan quietly as he moves back to his knees then he unbuttons my jeans then slides both my boxers and my jeans off of me... He stands up then he seductively slides his jeans and boxers off of his hips so I see his V-line then let's his head fall back as he slides them down to his knees... He starts slowly pumping himself... I can't help myself I slide onto the floor on my knees in front of him... I push his hand away as I kiss lightly along his lower stomach. I slide his jeans and boxers down and he steps out of them... I then spin him around and push him into the bed where I stay on my knees and kiss teasingly around his erection trying to get him to beg but it doesn't work. I then take his balls in my mouth as I run my thumb over his tip... He moans as I run my tongue up to the tip where I take him into my mouth as much as I can... I starts bobbing my head up and down quickly... Mark becomes a moaning mess as I suck him off.
"Jack... Stop.." He moans... At that I pull my mouth off and I look at him with confusion "I just didn't want to cum yet because..." He pulls me up so I'm straddling him "I want to fuck that pretty ass of yours" he whispers in my ear.
"Please do daddy" I whisper back... He pulls my lips to his, he sucks on my tongue. His hands go to my hips as we continue to kiss he lifts me up onto my hands and knees over top of him before he slowly pushes me back down... I moan and grunt into the kiss as he enters me slowly waiting every once in a while for me to adjust then after a few minutes I start to move up and down.. Starting slow then picking up speed as it feels better and better. Mark thrusts up against me then he hits a spot that makes me scream.
"Right there daddy! Oh fuck!" I moan as I ride Mark.. My head back and my hands on his lower belly in front of my... His hands gripping my hips tightly.
"Oh god... Sean I'm gonna cum... Uhh.. Seeeaaaannnn.." He moans my real name dragging out the n into a grunt. I feel him fill me with his seed as I spray my load onto his chest.
"Maaaaarrrrrrrr..." I moan. I pull off of him then I just lay on top of him panting and catching my breath... I burry my face in his neck as he runs his hands up and down my back.
"Sean? Will you be mine?" He asks.
"Of course Mark... It's been my fantasy and I never thought I would even meet you" I chuckle "I love you"
"I love you too" Mark kisses my forehead "what time is it?" I lift my head and look at the clock beside the bed.
"Felix is supposed to be here and we're supposed to go out for dinner tonight" Mark sighs as he looks up at me.
"Wait... Felix? Pewdiepie?" I ask... He grins.
"Yeah.. Want to come?"
"I.... I do but... I don't want to embarrass you or myself with how much of a fanboy I am" I sigh as I get up off of Mark.
"You wouldn't embarrass anyone" Mark reassures as he comes up behind me and hugs me "ew... We should probably shower" I laugh as we both now have cum smeared  all over us.
"Definitely" I giggle as we head to the shower and get in together. When we get out I realize I don't have any clean clothes here... Hmm I guess I have to put my other ones on then go back.
"You can wear some of my clothes since I know that's what you're thinking about right now" Mark reads my mind... I smile at him as he sets out some clothes for me.
"You sure?" I ask reluctantly.
"If course... You are my boyfriend now" I smile warmly at those words.
"I've only dreamed of those words coming from your mouth" I sigh as I feel a tear fall down my face... Mark moves closer then wipes the tear away... He presses a kiss to my cheek, then my forehead, then my noes.. He presses his forehead to mine then presses a kiss to my lips.
"And I've only dreamed of finding someone like you to call mine" he whispers.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
"Mark? You decent?" I hear a voice at the door.
"Hold on a sec" Mark says as I quickly get dressed as he puts his shirt on then moves to the door... I just sit on the edge of the bed so it doesn't look like I'm hiding.
"Hey man can I come in?" Felix asks.
"Yeah sure... By the way I want you to meet my.... Boyfriend" Mark says as Felix sees me and smiles.
"Hi nice to meet you.... Wait a minute... Mark... You're gay?" Felix finally realizes what Mark had just said.
"Bi actually" he corrects his friend "but yes... I like guys"
"Well that's... Surprising... I mean I am fine with it and everything it's just unexpected... I didn't think you of all people would be into guys" Felix says still looking at Mark in shock. I just smile the whole time... I try not to say a word but I'll have to eventually.
"Do you talk?" Felix asks like I'm an Extraterrestrial.
"Yes I do... I'm just nervous because I'm a fan" I breathe.
"He told me earlier that he's afraid to embarrass me or himself or anyone" Mark puts his hand on my shoulder as I smile at him.
"Bro... You don't need to be nervous we embarrass ourselves on camera for millions of people to see everyday" Felix says reassuringly "there's nothing you could possibly do to embarrass us" I raise an eyebrow and smirk.
"Is that a challenge?" I ask deviously.
"What if it is?" Felix asks lowering his voice like I did.
"Nothing.. I don't care... I won't play your games" I say with a straight face.
"Oh... Ok" Felix says as if it was no big deal.
"Well then should we go out to eat?" Mark asks.
"Food!" Me and Felix both say at the same time.
"I like this guy already" Felix laughs as he puts an arm around me. I look at Mark he looks like he's getting jealous... I laugh then I stand up and move closer to him.... I stick out my bottom lip as I place my hands on his chest.
"Awe poor Mark... Is somebody getting jealous?" I ask as he pulls me closer to his by my hips.
"No... I'm just hungry" Mark fake pouts.
"Hungry for what? Am I right?" Felix chuckles as Mark glares at him.
"Watch it Kjellberg!" Mark growls.
"Let's go get food... Before I become it" Felix laughs as we all head out the door like nothing happened. Me and Mark decide to walk hand in hand since he doesn't care to hide his relationship... The fans will know soon anyway. After eating and a little drinking we decide it's time to go back to our rooms... Felix heads back to his hotel while we head back to ours... I move my stuff to his room then I check out of mine... When I get back up to our room Mark is curled up in the blankets he is looking all adorable since only his eyes and up is showing... I crouch down to his level then I press a kiss to his forehead.
"You are so adorable right now"
"I try" he says. I move around and sit beside Mark... I pull out my phone and I go to Twitter I immediately see tones of other YouTubers talking about a picture that has to do with Mark.. What is the picture?
"Um... Mark? Check your Twitter" I say as he sits up and rubs his eyes while looking worried.
"Why what's going on?"
"People are talking about you and someone else in a picture but I can't find the picture" I explain.
"Hmm..." He mumbles as he scrolls through Twitter "I'm happy for you guys and I fully support? Bob said that"
"Do you think someone took a picture of us?" I ask.
"That's the only plausible answer.. But if so you don't mind right?" He asks.
"No.. I want people to know that you're taken plus maybe my YouTube channel will get more subs"
"You do videos?" He looks at me.
"Yeah.. Well a few not many because I can't... I have a job that takes up most of my time" I sigh.
"Ohhh... Here it is" Mark shows me the picture of us walking hand in hand with Felix beside us.
"It's a cute picture" I smile "well so what do we do.. Are you gonna make a video about it?"
"Yeah... I'll do it now.. Better to do it now before any other rumours are exposed" Mark says dramatically in a deep voice as he tiredly sets up his camera on a tripod in front of the bed... He presses record then claps and falls back onto the bed tiredly. I'm sitting in the background so they're probably able to see me.
"I'm not gonna bother doing an intro since I'm tired... But I'm doing this vlog now anyway because it needs to be done... There are things to explain... Well a picture to explain as most of you have seen on Twitter... If not here! Here it is in front of your face!" Mark says loudly I giggle then Mark looks back at me.
"What are you giggling at?" He asks as he turns around then crawls up beside me and puts his head on my chest "can you hear me from here?"
"Do you want me to move up too?" I ask as I run my hands through his hair.
"Please?" Mark quietly begs... I smile as we both get up and move closer to the camera... I lay horizontal across the end of the bed while Mark is on his back his head on my stomach.
"That's better... Now to explaining... The picture is showing me and him holding hands because we are in fact dating and yes I am Bi" Mark says "this is..."
"I will introduce myself thank you very much... Hi my name Jack! Well it's Sean actually but people call me Jack... I'm from Ireland and I was just a big fan who only ever dreamed of meeting Markiplier or any YouTuber.... So I'm shocked to be where I am right now" I explain as Mark smiles looking at me "oh and Mark is tired if you're wondering why he's not a big doofy doo and actually adorable"
"I'm really tired.. I'm almost falling asleep now so I might just end this... I don't know... This was just a short video to explain to you what's going on... Oh! By the way go check out Jack's channel.."
"Thy name is Jacksepticeye... There's not many videos so far but I'm working on it... I don't have time because of my stupid job but maybe if you check out my videos I will be able to quit my job and do YouTube!" I mention.
"If not you can live with me..." Mark suggests.
"Dude we just started dating I'm not ready!" I laugh at him.
"I know... I just love you so much" Mark says in a quiet voice as he moves closer then presses his lips to mine.
"I love you too" I say just loud enough for the camera to pick it up.
-The End-

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