The Homeless Kitty

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Abuse Warning! Sorry that this story doesn't have a great ending but I got tired of it and just wanted to end it so... Here.
-Jack's POV-
"You... I want to adopt him" the guy standing in front of the cage says pointing at me... I sigh as I look at the guy... Another alcoholic by the smell.. Also a smoker and snorts crack... Great. Why am I legal to own as a pet you ask? I have no idea... I mean... I'm a Neko so yeah I'm part cat but I don't need to be treated as one. The cage is opened after they come back from filling out papers... The guy puts a leash on my collar since I have a collar that I wear with every owner it's the only thing I own.
"Let's go kitty... What's your name?" The guy asks as he roughly pushes me into the passenger seat.
"Name me whatever you want" I say as I put my seatbelt on.
"Your name will be.... Bitch" he snickers "now Bitch... Suck my dick while I drive" I sigh why is that always the first thing they ask for... I'm probably really good at giving blowjobs by now or just any sex since I'm used as a slave 100% of the time... I'm surprised I don't have any kind of STD or STI. I take off my seatbelt as we pull out of the parking lot... I lean down then I unzip his pants... I suck him off and by then we're at his place.
"Ok let's go Bitch" the guy says as he grabs my leash and drags me out.... Since its night he goes to bed and leaves me to roam around like a normal cat does at night since I can see. I go out the back then I climb up onto the roof where I sit there hugging my knees... watching and listening to everything and everyone... My ears flick to the right as I hear footsteps passing by the house... My eyes land on this man.. He has shorts black hair that slightly hangs into his face... He just looks beautiful all together and I can't describe him. His eyes meet mine as he smiles... I smile back... He then continues walking by.. Uhhh... This is gonna end like all my other homes... Either I get mad and attack my owner or I'm gonna run away to a different shelter... I've been with way too many new owners. I was born in Ireland but I got on a plan and came to L.A. Which is where I am now... I've been here for about 20 years so I was a little kid when I got here. I spend about a week basically getting raped and being a sex slave all while getting beaten... One day I finally snap. I am in the bathroom putting cleaning up some cuts and bruises from our previous rape session.
"Bitch! I'm mad get in here I need to break something!" He yells at me... I just hide in the bathroom for as long as I can until he finds me.
"Don't you fucking dare hide from me!" The guy yells as he kicks me hard in the chest I feel like I broke a rib then he grabs my arm and snaps it off his knees... I scream in pain as my ears flatten and tears roll down my face.
"Cry baby" that's when I snap I lunge at him and clamp down on his arm while digging my claws from my not broken arm into his neck... I also basically shred his chest with the claws on my feet... He yells then hooks the leash on my collar. He throws me into the back of the car and he starts driving... I sigh in relief when I see the animal shelter I was at only a week ago... I bust the door open before the car stops then I run in with the guy chasing after me.
"What happened to you Jack?" The girl that took care of me asks... By the way that's what my name from birth was but I keep that to myself unless I want to share it.
"I'm bringing him back he bit and scratched me" the guy says.
"But he's been hurting and raping me all week" I cry as I move closer to the girl.
"Sir please go"
"Gladly" he says as he leaves.
"Why isn't there someone decent that will take you" she sighs as she takes me back into the veterinarian's room where she fixes up the animals.
"I don't know... The only decent person I've been with was my ma but she gave me up" I sniffle as the vet comes in to see me.
"Hi Jack... Well this isn't a new sight" she sighs as she takes my arm I yelp because of the pain "it's the fourth time you've broken this arm... Soon it won't repair because there will be nothing to repair"
"I can only hope to find a good owner soon" I sigh as she gives me something to put me under "oh by the way I think I may have a broken rib too"
"Okay I'll check tha.." Then I'm out.
-Mark's POV-
I walk into the animal shelter with my camera out vlogging.
"I'm gonna ask for some of the animals that have been through a lot and need some loving" I say to the camera "ok... I'm gonna cut to maybe looking through the animals" I turn off the camera as I approach the front desk.
"Hi there... How can I help you?" The lady asks.
"Hi I'm here to adopt a pet but I'd like to look at some of the ones that have had a rough time finding homes" I explain.
"Ok well I actually have one in mind off the top of my head and he probably has had the toughest time out of all of them" she says.
"Ok can I see them?"
"Actually he's in surgery right now..." She sighs as she shakes her head "he just got given back today because he never spends more than a week in a home before he comes back broken and bleeding... He's always abused and raped"
"Wait... Raped.. Is he a Neko?" I ask... She nods.
"and he's the sweetest thing... He wouldn't hurt anyone but sometimes he gets brought back because he bites them from being pushed over the edge" she sighs.
"I'll take him... I promise he will have a good life with me... I will treat him like a friend or child if anything" I say "why are Nekos even legal to own as pets they should be classified as people like us"
"I agree and I already know he's gonna be safe with you... I'd love to come see him in a week if I'd be allowed because if he lasts longer than a week than that would just be amazing" she suggests.
"Yeah if you'd like.. just text me since I already have to give my phone number" I chuckle as I fill out the form in no time.
"Okay you're done so we just have to wait for Jack to get done in surgery" she says.
"That's his name? Jack?" I ask.
"Yeah but the names his previous 'owners' have gave him are not even names" she adds.
"Wow... He's been through a lot I guess... Definitely the right choice" I smile as I see a door open then some lady come out.. She comes out and hands a paper to the girl I was talking to.
"He's Jack's new owner" the girl says pointing to me.
"Well... You look better than the others already... I hope he's happy with you... It will be about 10-20 minutes before he wakes up" the vet, I'm assuming, says to me with a smile.
"I'm gonna try my hardest to make him happy... So what are his injuries?" I ask.
"A broken arm and a broken rib plus he's covered in bruises and cuts" she explains "he's broken that arm four times already and he's broken three other ribs before... He has quite a medical history" she sighs.
"Well that's now in the past... He won't be in surgery for quite a while" I smile "so because he's legally an animal do I still need a leash for him?"
"Yes sadly.. But that's for in public when at home you don't have to treat him like an animal and there are only few who wouldn't" she explains.
-Jack's POV-
I wake up to see a familiar white ceiling... I sigh as I sit up and look at my arm in the sling and the new scar across my left top rib.. I have similar scars tracing my other ribs and down the middle of my chest. I look down to see I'm in sweatpants and I grab a t-shirt that was laying out for me...why I was only in my boxers when I was adopted is beyond me but I do have clothes here that I wear. I look at myself in the mirror... I'm a mess but I'm glad I'm not in my last home anymore... I wish I could just live here but I know that's not an option.. I limp out and to the front where I see Linda (the vet) and Beatrice (the lady at the desk).. Linda turns and sees me.
"Jack... You have a new home already" Linda smiles... I frown.
"I'm not even healed yet" I say.
"Don't worry you'll be happy and safe with him" Beatrice says as Linda moves aside so I can see my new owner... The man I saw a week ago.
"See... Looks like you're happy already" Linda chuckles... I look at my tail to see its straight up against my back signalling that I'm happy... I growl as I put my ears back and my tail drops so it's just hanging.
"Fine..." I say as I see that he has my suitcase with my stuff in it "you really believe I'm gonna be happy don't you?" I raise an eyebrow at them they giggle and nod. I take a deep breath as we head out of the place and into his car.. When I get in the passenger seat I turn to him and I just stare waiting for him to ask the question.. halfway to his place he looks at me questioningly.
"I'm Mark by the way" he says still in confusion "why are you staring at me like that?"
-Mark's POV-
"I already know I'm gonna be happy with you" he says as he seems to relax into the seat.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because you didn't ask the question" he says.
"What question?" I ask.
"Asking me to blow you while you're driving" he explains.
"Why would I do that?!" I ask in disgust.
"You obviously know my history... That's always the first thing my 'owners' asked"
"That's terrible... I'm not gonna use you, abuse you or abandon you... I'm gonna treat you like a friend or child.. Not even an animal... You're gonna feel like a normal person by the end of the week" I state.
"Thank you so much... Without you taking me someone else could take me and possibly kill me" he says as I see tears running down his face.. I pull into the driveway then I pull him into a hug as he cries into my shoulder.
"You don't have to be scared or hurt anymore" I whisper in his ear.
"I haven't fully relaxed in forever" he says as he pulls back and wipes his tears as I get out and grab his stuff. Then I take him up to the guest bedroom.
"You can relax and sleep here... The bathrooms just passed my room... If you need me I'll be in my recording room.. Oh by the way would you mind being in a video of mine?" I ask.
"Are you a YouTuber?" He asks.
"Yeah... You watch some?"
"Some... Wait I think I know you now.. You're Markiplier... You've collaborated with Felix and Ken" he says.
"You watch them?" I ask... He nods.
"Oh and yeah I'll be in a video... What is it for?"
"I was Vloging saying I was gonna get a pet so I wanna show them my new.. Friend" I grin at him then I see him blush "you can rest for now though.. We can vlog later and it doesn't have to be set up"
"Ok... I'm probably gonna sleep" he says.
"Sweet dreams" I grin again as he closes the door.
-Jack's POV-
I let out a shaky breath... I head to the bed then I take off my pants and shirt very slowly since I have only one arm but I manage. When I climb in a thought runs through my mind... Do I love my owner? No! That's insane! I can't love my owner... It's not right... I mean he's just so handsome, kind, sweet, funny and... Stop Jack! I close my eyes then I fall asleep. I wake up to a soft touch to my ears they flick then my eyes fly open... I see Mark retract his hand so quick.
"I-I-I-I'm s-sorry" he stutters nervously like he did something wrong.
"It's okay Mark.... So why did you wake me" I yawn.
"Oh... I just wanted to see if you'd like something to eat" he avoids eye contact with blush very visible on his face.
"Yeah... I'll be right down" I smile as Mark leaves the room... I get up and put clothes on before I head down to see hamburgers and fries on the counter ready to be eaten... My stomach growls.
"Help yourself" Mark says as he's already sitting at the table eating. I smile am I head over and grab my food then I hesitate before sitting at the table which feels weird for some reason.
"You look like you've never sat as a table before" Mark points out.
"Well... I have just not much... I'm used to eating out a bowl on the floor" I explain.
"Well eat where ever you're comfortable I won't judge you as long as you don't judge me" Mark smiles.
"Judge you for what? You're perfect in every way" I blurt out.
"Oh really? I don't think so" he shakes his head.
"I think so" I say under my breath to myself.
"Nothing" I say as I start eating my burger.
"So after we're done eating do you feel ready to record a vlog?" Mark asks... I nod slowly "or how about we vlog while eating?" My ears perk up.
"Ok... We can get it done and over with" I say as he runs upstairs and quickly grabs the camera. When he comes down he is already talking to his camera.
"Ok so enough talking about what happened and more about about my new.... Friend... I want to avoid the word pet because he shouldn't be classified as an animal" Mark says making me smile "say hello to Jack" he turns the camera to me.. I smile and my ear turn towards him.
"Jack? Would you be comfortable explaining why you look how you do because I know people will be asking but I think it's better if you explain your life to them... I inhale deeply then I exhale... I explain my life up until now.. Towards the very end I get teary eyed.
"I'm s-sorry I can't finish" I cry as I get up and take my empty plate to the sink then I run up to my room. I sit there for about half an hour before the door opens and Mark comes in.
"You okay?"
"I'm better" I nod as I look at him "did you finish the story?"
"Yeah because you literally stopped at the part about your previous owner bringing you to the shelter" he says... I smile but then my smile fades.
"Mark... I don't know if this is right and if I should keep this to myself but... I think I love you" I say as I cringe waiting for him to yell or hit me. I look up then feel his lips crash into mine... We kiss for minute before we break then he looks at me and grins.
"I love you too" he says as he hugs me close.
"Oh thank god!" I laugh happily. We share several more kisses before falling asleep together.
-The End-

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