Mornings with Jack & Mark

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-Mark's POV-
I wake up to see an adorable Sean watching me while I sleep... I smirk then I kiss him on the nose... He giggles then gets up... I see he is naked. I whistle at him as he sways his hips then walks out... I get up and chase after him... I chase him down the stairs into the kitchen where I pin him to a counter.
"Well this doesn't seem fair" he says as he slides my boxers off... I kick them aside.
"Happy?" I grin at him
"Very" he says as he pulls me down for a kiss then pushes me off.
"I gonna make breakfast..... Naked" Jack says as he poses.
"Damn... It's like the start of a porno" I growl as I sit on a bar stool behind the counter.
"Oh but it will be... Except you're in it" he smirks as he starts making breakfast. With every movement that Jack makes I feel myself getting harder and harder to the point where it hurts and I have to hold myself back from taking care of my problem.
"God.. Jack... Please" I whimper.
"Hmm?" He asks as he turns around to see my expression "oh... I see... Is Markimoo a little turned on?"
"Oh you have no idea" I say as he moves around the counter so he can actually see what the problem is.
"Oh damn... Want me to help you with that?" He asks as he heads back to the stove... He turns it off then moves back over to me.
"Yes, oh god yes" I beg.
"Counter. Now!" He commands... I obey and sit on the edge of the counter. Jack climbs up on top of me then pushes me so I'm laying on my back... He turns around and sits on my chest his back facing me... I moan as he grips my erection.
"Wow Mark..... You're rock hard" Jack comments as he starts jerking me off... I start moaning uncontrollably. I feel myself get close but then he stops... I groan in annoyance... But then he turns around do that he's facing me... He lowers himself down onto me... I groan as his walls tighten around me.
"Oh fuck.... Go... Fast" I groan as he starts riding me... He bounces up and down as I thrust against him. After a couple more minutes I cum into him... Then he cums onto my chest.
"Oh fuck..." I barely get out as I am still recovering from my high. We just lay there for a while not talking or moving... Just listening to each other's breath or heartbeat.
"I'm hungry now" Jack says breaking the silence... We both start laughing. I then push him off of me.... As he goes back to the food he was making.
"Can you please put some clothes on now?" I ask as I wipe my chest with a wet cloth.
"Because if not you're gonna make me hard again" I say.
"What if I want a round two of kitchen sex?" Jack asks as he looks at me.
"Then knock yourself out" I smirk as Jack turns back to what he was doing. I roll my eyes with a sigh... This is pretty much how most our mornings go... I like it.
-The End-

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