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Omg another one... It's also short but I think these are the size a normal one shot should be... I just usually make long ass ones.. But oh well. Also praise the lord for music! Without it I wouldn't write so fast or get so into my writing.
-Jack's POV-
Bang! Bang!
I hear the fire of guns behind me as I run, jump and wall run from roof to roof trying to reach my destination.
"Hey you! Get back here! You're not supposed to be up here!" I hear someone yell as more bangs ring out. I move left and right dodging the bullets as they fly past me... I keep running as I get further and further away from the noises... I finally jump onto one roof then I'm not they're problem anymore because it's not their property. I hop across several other rooftops before I'm at the place I want to be... I sit on the edge of the building looking down at the ground from very high up. I feel a hand on my shoulder then I feel myself getting pushed off the edge... It all happens so quickly but someone grabs my hand and pulls me back up... Because I was pulled so quickly my face hits something or someone. I look up to see a familiar man... I smile then just hug him... I laugh at what he just did.
"Saved your life" he smiles.
"Oh Mark... I haven't seen you in a while... I'm glad were aloud to have a break" I say as I press my lips to his.
"I know... I've missed you so much... Why do we have to be apart for what we do?" Mark asks as he presses his forehead to mine.. His hand on my chin.
"Let's just enjoy the time we have together" I say as I snake my hand up under his shirt.
"Oh that kind of enjoy" Mark grins as he pulls me into a deep kiss again... His tongue pushes into my mouth and I feel it run over the top of my mouth.
Me and Mark break and crouch as fast as we can... Good they missed us.... I look around then my eyes land on a group of men with guns.
"Let's run" Mark says.
"Where to?"
"Your place" he says as we both start running. My instincts kick in... It's like auto drive.. I don't need to think about it I just know where I'm going... I look to my left. I think Mark is the same because he is making the exact same movements as I am... Jump, slide, run, wall run, jump, roll, duck. We continue running for a good four minutes before we can't really hear the gun fire anymore or see anyone behind us.
"Don't stop! You never know what could happen!" I say as we round a corner. Around the corner there are several guys with guns... I think quick and one by one I start knocking them out... Mark does the same... Bang! I look over at Mark to see him frozen with a scared look on his face and one of the guys pointing his gun at Mark... I look at him and assume the worst but Mark looks at me then gives me a signal with his eyes. I run at the guy then I kick him out and stomp his chest in... I feel a hand on my shoulder.. I turn only to have Mark hug me tightly... I hug back.
"I'm okay... Although that was scary... I thought I was dead at first" Mark says as he lets go of me.
"Okay.. we're close to my place so let's just get there then we're safe" I say as we start running again. We run for another 5 minutes until we reach a taller building with a metal bar going down the side of it... I jump up onto the bar then I start climbing up to the top.... When I get up to the top I step up to the edge that is facing out to the city. The wind blows at a steady pace while the sunset can be seen throughout the city... It's really beautiful... I feel Mark wrap his arms around my torso... I turn around then I press my lips to his.
"This is perfect" he says as I bury my face in his chest... I inhale his calming scent.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
-The End-

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