The Bite

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This is longer and may be confusing in some parts but oh well.
-Jack's POV-
"Mark come on! Hurry!" I say as I jump around all excited to go into the new pizzeria that is open to YouTubers exclusively for the next week... Then it will be opened to the public!
"Ok ok... Calm down... There will be other YouTuber here y'know... Don't you want to make a good impression?" Mark asks as I grab his hand and practically drag him into the restaurant.
"Screw them... I'm too excited to care!" I say as we enter to see the three animatronics on stage "there they are!"
"Uhhggg... Even scarier in real life... Those are the first one all right" Mark says as I pull him over to Pirates cove to see Foxy peeking out of the curtains with the 'out of order sign' in front.
"Jack I would stay back if I were you" Mark says as he grabs my shoulders.
"Calm down... They won't do anything" I say as I place a hand on foxy's head "see"
"Ok well let's go see the office" Mark says as he takes my hand and pulls me to the office... When we are walking there we see Felix and Marzia in the office already... They don't see us so we decide to scare them... We crawl just under the view of the window then the next time he flashes the light we pop up.
"Rawr!" We yell as we bang on the window... Felix screams like a girl while Marzia just jumps.
"Fuck you guys!" Felix screams as the door opens and he runs out at us... We hold our ground and fight back... Felix gives up "oh! Mark!" He says like he remembers something... Marzia hands him a gold crown then Felix gets down on one knee and hands it to Mark.
"Did you get this?" He asks then he takes it and looks at it... There's engravings on it it says 'The King of Fnaf' and underneath it says 'Markiplier'.
"No actually Scott Cawthon had it made for you... Someone at the front told me to give it to you when you get here" he laughs.
"Really!? Senpai noticed me!" Mark fake cries.
"Rude much" I pout as I walk into the office... Mark comes in wearing his crown "oh I'm sorry... Here you go lord Markiplier" I pull out the chair for him to sit in.
"This office is small" Mark says looking around... I then take out my phone and I tell him to turn and look at me he smiles and I take several pictures of him because he is such an amazing person to photograph... Y'know him being willing. I post them to Instagram and Twitter... Everyone is laughing at him.
"All YouTubers here please come to the front for pizza and to listen to the animatronics" a person on the speaker says.
"Pizza!" I yell as we head for the party room... When we get there, there is a bunch of other YouTubers there already and are talking... We grab pizza and several people ask about the crown but we eventually grab seats at some tables in the front.
"Hello boys and girls how are you doing today?" Freddy asks.
"Good" we all answer.
"Let's introduce ourselves but many of you may know it already" I look over to see managers getting confused looks... Ok... Weird "well first off I'm Freddy Fazbear"
"I'm Bonnie" Bonnie says in a slightly higher voice than Freddy's.
"I'm Chica" Chica says in a high pitched girl voice.
"And Ar... I'm Foxy the Pirate" Foxy says from behind us in the cove... He moves so he's standing out of the curtains. I look over at Mark to see him starting to freak out so I grab his hand reassuringly.
"Okay... Now! Lets preform you at song!" Freddy says as they start... The song is decent and will probably be stuck in our heads for the next several days.. But it ends after a couple minutes "now... We need a volunteer... How about you!" Freddy says pointing at Mark.
"No.. I'm good" Mark says.. But me and everyone else beg him to go up "fine but if I die it your faults!" Everyone laughs as he gets up on stage and stands beside Freddy.
"How's it going Mark" Freddy asks... His face immediately goes pale as Freddy says his name without him telling him. I know then something is wrong... What's happening?
"3... " they begin counting "2.."
"Oh shit" Marks eyes widen then Freddy chomps down on the back of Mark's head.
"MARK!!" I scream as I try to run after him but Felix holds me back... Tears stream down my face as I see Freddy smile with blood in his teeth "you Freddy Fuckbear! I'm gonna destroy you!" By now Felix is carrying me out of the restaurant as fast as he can "NO MARK!" I continue to scream through my tears... Then everything blurs as I start to feel myself faint. Next thing I know it's night and there's cops and an ambulance... Lights flashing... I'm sitting against Mark's car... Felix is talking to a cop then he points at me... The cop comes over... I don't move one bit.
"Hey.. Jack. Right? You okay?" He asks... I then begin to cry again.. I shake my head.
"No... Why did this happen?" I ask as I begin balling my eyes out again... The cop shakes his head then leaves... Then Marzia comes over to me.
"Hey Jack... I uh was filming Mark when it happened and I was just now... Um do you want the videos to put them up on yours and Mark's channels instead of explaining what happened?" She asks me... I just nod.
"Yes... I won't be on YouTube for a while" I say as my back slides off the car so I'm just laying there on the ground.
"I'll edit it for you... I'm sure every other YouTuber that was here will be talking about it anyway so you'll be covered" she says as she leaves me to stare blankly at the sky... Tears staining my face and my eyes red and bloodshot... I stay like that for a good half an hour before Felix and Marzia come over to me.
"Jack... Do you want us to stay with you while we're here?" Felix asks.
"Want us to drive you home?"
"Are you gonna go home?"
"What are you gonna do?" He asks.
"Lay her and die" I say my voice hoarse and monotone.
"That's not an option" he says.
"Drink myself to death, slit my throat, go back in and let them take me.... So many options" I say just wanting to die.
"Jack no... I know what you're feeling but Mark wouldn't want you to go this" at him name I break down again... I get up and I punch the window of the car then I punch the door all while Felix and Marzia try to stop me... It takes two police officers to hold me back... I just end up crying again.
"Boy.. Go home and sleep... It'll help" one cop says.
"No it won't... You don't understand I lived with him... I can't see the house because I'll just cry all night... I might even harm.. Myself." I sigh "Felix can I stay with you guys?"
"Um I don't if there's room.... Oh what about Matthias could you stay there? With them?" Felix suggests... I nod then I walk myself over to the car then I remember I need his keys. Felix hands me the stuff they collected from Mark I am about to break down again but I take a deep breath and I get in the car... I pull out my phone then I DM Matt on Twitter since I don't have his number.

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