Smut Shots

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There's only 2 smut shots here but they're kinda longer than I planned and plus I want to do more fluff shots because I thought they were adorable!!

-Mark's POV-
Me and Jack are at the Maker party with a ton of other YouTubers... We're just hanging out with Felix and several others who we have just met... We've been here for a few hours now. I look to Jack next to me... Nobody knows we're together yet so we have to keep the affection down which kills me... And he's been teasing me the whole time... He's gonna get it later... I mean really get it. Jack then looks at me and leans into my ear.
"Wanna get out of her and have some real fun?" He whispers seductively.
"What are you a hooker?" I chuckle at him.
"No... I'm a slut... There's a difference... But I'm your slut" he whispers... I cross my legs a little trying to hide the bulge that's starting to form in my pants.
"How are we gonna play this?" I ask.
"Well Felix knows so just tell him... He knows not to tell anyone" Jack points out. I look to my left.. I tap on his shoulder then I lean into his ear.
"We're gonna go now just so you know" I say.
"Ok... I'm gonna pretend it's not obvious what you're gonna do" Felix and I laugh.
"Don't tell them" he nods at me as me and Jack get up then leave without anyone asking questions. We walk through the crowd... I follow Jack... We head into the hallway that leads to the bathrooms.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"I said were gonna have fun right? And having fun consists of having sex in either a closet or the bathroom" he grins as we head into the bathroom.
"What about people coming in?" I ask.
"I don't care about them... All I care about is you" Jack smirks as he pushes me into a stall then locks it... I take over by pinning Jack to the wall his hands grab the top of the stall and mine pin his there. I fit my mouth to his as I grind against him... he moans and I slip my tongue in his mouth... I then move my mouth to his neck where I kiss, suck and bite his neck making him moan.
"Mark... Stop teasing... F-fuck me already" he moans quietly. I turn him around and push him against the wall... I then push his jeans and boxers down to his knees where he takes his shoes off and steps out of his pants. I drop to my knees and I spread his legs apart as I lick at his entrance... He starts moaning like crazy... I spear my tongue inside of him.
"Mark... F-fuck" he moans quietly trying not to be too loud...I smack him on the ass as I stand back up.
"Try not to moan names so that people don't know it's us" I say as I unbutton my pants then I push my jeans and boxers down to my knees... I spit in my hand for makeshift lube... I then push into him. Jack's moans get louder so I cover his mouth with my hand as my other one finds the top of the stall along with Jack's... I start pounding into him causing him to slam into the wall. I hear the door open but I don't stop... I then hear laughing... It's Felix... I smirk then I uncover Jack's mouth and immediately he moans.
"Fuck.... Mark" he moans like the little slut he is.
"I don't need to go to the bathroom all of a sudden" Felix laughs as he exits the bathroom. I cover Jack's mouth again as I speed up my thrusts... I can feel myself getting closer to my orgasm... I also thrust harder and deeper into Jack so that he won't walk tomorrow.
"Uhhhh... Jack... Fuck.... Jaaaaaaaa" I moan as I cum into him.
"Mark... I'm gonna.."
"Hold just a bit longer" I say as I pull out then I turn him around and get on my knees again.. I pump him then I fit my mouth around the tip... He cums into my mouth.
"Fuck... " he sighs as he leans back against the wall... I stand up then I smile as he pulls me to him... He presses his lips to mine "that was so hot"
"You like fucking in public places you dirty little bitch" I chuckle.
"Yeah" he sighs "but this wasn't nearly public enough"
"I swear if we get arrested one day... It's gonna be your fault"
-The End-

-Jack's POV-
"Uhh.. Fuck Mark.. Faster!" I moan as he pounds into me.. I'm laying on my back my legs spread wide... With each thrust I get closer to my climax.
"God... Fuck... I'm so close!" Mark moans as he grips my hips tight and thrusts harder and deeper each time. With one more thrust I cum onto my lower stomach followed by Mark spilling his load inside of me... He collapses onto me then pulls the blanket up over us.
"Oh... Holy fuck that felt good" I breathe as Mark rests his head on my chest... I wrap my arms around him.
"God yes... That was the first time in how fucking long?" Mark sighs.
"Well" I pause and think "12 years"
"Christ... No wonder we were both so stressed" Mark laughs.
"Yeah well we probably can more now.. We just couldn't before" I point out.
"Thank the lord.... Your ass is so tight from not being fucked at least twice a week" he chuckles.
"Hey Dad, Pa... Could I.... Oh Christ fuck... Sorry" I see Christina walk in the immediately turn and walk out.
"It's fine... What do you need?" Mark says as he both just sit up.
"I was just wondering if I could stay at Brittany's house tonight" she asks hesitantly as she comes back in blushing slightly. Me and Mark look at each other I then lean into his ear.
"If she's gone we can have as much fun time as you'd like.. Where ever we want" I whisper... Mark smirks at me.
"Ew... I don't need words to know what you're planning" she turns around awkwardly... We both roll our eyes.
"You're 14 deal with it" I laugh.
"Can I go or not?"
"Of course" Mark says.
"Ok thanks... I'm gonna grab my stuff I'll let you know when I leave... So you can get back to... Whatever you were doing" her face gets more disgusted as she continues the sentence... She heads out of our room. I laugh as Mark wraps his arms around me then pulls me down so I'm laying on my back with my head on his chest... His arms are wrapped around my head.
"Mark! Mhmhmmm" my words get muffled by his arms... He removes one arm but I'm still trapped and I still can't speak.
"Shhhh" I hear him hiss in my ear... I wonder what he's talking about at first but then I feel him push three fingers into me... I jump and squeal a little but I calm down as he starts pushing then in and out. I moan quietly as I bite on Mark's arm.
"Ok, I'm gonna..... Go.... Now" I hear Christina say as Mark stops what he's doing but doesn't take his fingers out... He unwraps his arm from around my head and I take a deep breath.
"Ok... Text or call either of us if you need anything or are in trouble" Mark says because if I open my mouth I might just moan.
"Ok love you" she smiles as she leaves... We wait for a few minutes before we hear the front door close.
"Uhhhggg... You fucker" I moan as he starts going faster again... Then he just pulls his hand out completely... I whimper at the loss of friction. I watch as Mark gets up and heads downstairs... I frown and pout as I sit on the bed on my knees but I'm lowered so my feet touch my butt.
"Maaaaarrrrrk!" I call out.... I frown then I huff and pull the blanket over me laying with my back to the door.
"Awe babe... I was hoping you would follow me" I hear Mark say as he crawls back onto the bed.
"But I'm warm here.. It's too cold without the blanket" I say as I give Mark puppy dog eyes.
"Oh you" Mark chuckles as he crawls under the blanket with me and hugs me tightly pressing kisses down my spine "fine we'll stay here and have fun" Mark then moves down and disappears under the blankets.
"What are you...." I Yelp as my legs get forced open but my eyes then roll into the back of my head as I feel his tongue lick up and down my taint "oohhhhh.... H-holy ffffffff...." I hear him chuckle at my reaction I then feel him move upward running his tongue all the way up my body until he gets to my mouth... He fits his mouth to mine and sticks his tongue down my throat. I wrap my legs around Mark and my arms go around his neck as I flip us over so I'm on top of him... Our foreheads are pressed as we kiss passionately... I moan into the kiss as I reach behind me with on hand and line up Mark with my entrance.. I lower myself down onto him.
"Yeah.. Ride me baby... You're so god damn sexy" Mark purrs in my ear. I start rocking slowly back and fourth as Mark grabs my tongue with his lips and begins sucking on it... Oh I'm in fucking heaven right now... I let out a shakey breath. I start bouncing up and down faster and faster... I feel Mark drag his nails down my back probably leaving cuts but oh does it add to the pleasure.. I dig my nails into Mark's chest.
"Jack... I'm gonna.... F-fuck...." Mark moans but I silence him by kissing him... I feel myself getting close as well. I pull on his bottom lip with my teeth as I feel Mark cum inside of me... I bite down hard on his lip as I cum onto his chest... I collapse as I try to recover from probably the best sex I've ever had. As I bury my face into Mark's neck I feel myself drifting off to sleep... I smile as I hear a snore come from Mark.... I sigh then fall asleep.
-The End-

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