The beach

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-Jack's POV-
I look out the window grinning from ear to ear like a little kid on Christmas. Today me and Mark are going to the beach... But I'm mostly excited because today is the first full day I get to spend with Mark.... I'm staying for a full month and I'm super excited about it. Our viewers know about us and support us so when we both said we need time off to spend with each other..... They were fine with that... Although I feel bad about not making enough videos for the whole month. Me and Mark are putting up videos only once a day for this month but we also promised vlogs every once in a while..... That makes it even.
Mark is driving us to a small beach about an hour away because he says not many people go there.... people say It's to 'scetchy' and I think it's because weird people hang around there? I don't know. I don't care as long as Mark is with me.... He will protect me and I will protect him. We finally arrive at the small beach..... I get out and sprint down to the water leaving Mark behind to grab the towels and food that we brought.
"Ok.... I'll just y'know get the stuff myself!" Mark yells to me as I reach the water. The water is clear and beautiful, the sand is nice and soft.... Also I don't see any garbage on the beach which is a surprise. The sky is beautiful and blue, the sun is bright and warm.... Is there anything that I can complain about? I hear footsteps come up behind me.... Mark wraps his arms around my bare chest and he kisses the back of my neck. I sigh... A good kind of sigh.
"What's wrong?" Mark asks me thinking I sighed because somethings wrong.
"Nothing... That was a sigh of bliss and relaxation" I say as I lean my head back on his shoulder.
"Yeah.... Everything is perfect" he says as he lets go of me and goes over to the blanket that he set out for us to sit on. I turn and look around the beach again.
"I thought it would look worse than this by the way you said people didn't like coming here" I say as I walk over to the blanket and I lay down on it.
"Well it certainly looks better than I remember.... I don't know maybe they decided to keep it clean" he says as he lays down next to me. I move so that I'm on my side... My chest pressed against Mark's side with my right arm on his chest... Mark wraps his one arm around under my head giving me a pillow.
"Your so adorable right now" Mark says to me as he takes my picture.
"Hey who said you could take my picture?" I ask squinting at him.
"I just thought I would take pictures to remember this" Mark smiles at me then presses his lips to mine holding that kiss for 20 seconds. When we break I push myself up so that I'm laying on top of Mark with my arms around his neck and my head on his chest.... Mark puts his hands on my back holding me in place.
"Now your definitely adorable" he says to me kissing the top of my head.
"You just can't keep your lips off of me can you?" I say smiling at him.
"No I can't" he smiles back at me. I kiss him on the lips but only for a quick second because I get off of him and I sprint down to the water.... I actually go in this time. I get out a little ways then I hear a splash from behind me, I stop and turn around but I don't see Mark anywhere.... Where is he? I start looking around getting worried so I start swimming in slowly.... Then I feel something grab my hand and pull me under. I open my eyes underwater and I see Mark with a huge grin on his face... I frown at him then I go back up to the surface.
"What's wrong?" Mark asks once he gets to the surface.
"Don't do that..... I was worried for a minute" I say swimming a little closer to shore.
"Sorry I was just having fun" Mark says pulling me into a hug.
"Just don't stay under water for to long unless you tell me okay? I thought you were drowning" I say burying my face into Mark's chest.
"Ok sorry.... Your right I shouldn't have done that" he says kissing the top of my head again. I then get and idea.... I push Mark back and he falls backwards into the water.... When he gets up and smiles at me I grin then I try swimming away because I know he is gonna attack me. I hear him close behind me then I feel him grab my ankles and he pulls me back to him.... I stand up and try to run but he tackles me and we both go under. We both come to the surface laughing so hard.... For about an hour we play In the water then we both head to the beach.
"Hey we should make sand castles" I say to him as I start molding the wet sand by the water.
"We don't have anything to use" Mark says as he sits next to me.
"We have hands!" I yell as I rub my sandy hands on his face.
"By the way I'm recording a video of all of this" Mark says as he points to a camera that's on the blanket.
"Since when?" I ask.
"Since when you first ran off to the water" he says grabbing fistfuls of wet sand.
"Oh ok... Hiiiiii!" I say with a huge smile as I wave at the camera "I guess we could do this throughout the month so that we have videos to put up and people get to see us doing random stuff" I pack a sand ball and I look at Mark.
"Yeah I guess we just put a camera somewhere then just edit that video and put it up" Mark says as he starts making a hole in the sand.
"Hey Mark" I say quietly... He looks up at me then just as he does I throw the sand ball at him... It hits him in the face.
"That's it your gonna get it!" Mark yells at me with a big devious smile. I get up then I run around the blanket several times making him tired.. I go up to the camera then I pick it up and point it at Mark who is sprawled out on the ground out of breath.
"Still full of energy..... You can never kill my energy!" I say to the camera then I put it down on the blanket again. I walk over to Mark and I sit on him, straddling him.... Then all I do is push myself back across his crotch and I get a groan out of him.
"Oh is that what you want?" Mark asks me lifting an eyebrow at me "is that why you came"
"I've wanted you for several years now" I whisper into his ear.
"Ok time to go home" Mark says quickly as he pushes me off and quickly gathers all our stuff together. I laugh and I join him with getting our stuff together. When we are in the car I grab the camera and I start recording.
"Ok well this is the end of our time at the beach for today.... If you liked it punch that like button in the face like a boss, high fives all around..Wapsh, Wapsh.....But thank you guys and..." I stop.
"As always I will see you in the next video.... Bye bye" Mark says as he waves at the camera.

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