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-Jack's POV-
I sit on the edge of the bathtub my right hand over my mouth tears in my eyes and the pregnancy test in my left one... How am I gonna tell Mark? Oh um hi babe just wanna let you know for some strange reason I'm pregnant! I'm happy about it yes but the reason I'm crying is because I don't know how to tell Mark and I don't know what he's gonna say or do... I hope he doesn't leave me. No Mark would never! Would he?
"Jack babe? You okay? You've been in there quite a while and we need to go" I hear Mark.
"Yes I'm fine just feeling a little sick" I say which is very true "but don't worry it's nothing I can't handle"
"Is that why I heard you throw up earlier?"
"Yeah... But I'm better than I was earlier so I'm fine it's probably passing now" I say... That's why I bought this test yesterday... A whole week before this I was throwing up and showing symptoms do I looked it up and being pregnant came up... They said its a slim chance but guys can get pregnant if they have the right stuff inside and somehow there's a way to fertilize the egg? I don't fucking know!
"Ok well the panel is in 20 minutes.. Bob and Wade are already there" Mark says as I wipe my tears then I put the test into a sandwich bag then I put it in my back pocket then I look in the mirror. I don't look like I've been crying do I? Nah and if I do I can just say I was rubbing my eyes from being tired or I yawned... Yeah they'll buy that. I sigh then I exit the bathroom.
"Let's go!" I smile as we head to the convention.

~le time skip~

"Alright guys! So shall we start answering questions?" Mark asks the crowd.. Everyone cheers "alright alright alright" we laugh as people begin asking questions for us to answer... We answer random and stupid question for about an hour before somehow we get talking about male pregnancy... Wow god must've given me my chance... Except why to everyone... I wanted to tell Mark first but... Yolo?
"So there's like what 1% chance of guys in the world getting pregnant?" Mark asks.
"I'm not exactly sure but it's very slim and I'm just not sure how everything would operate?" Bob says.
"Jack you okay? You've gotten awfully quiet on this subject" Wade asks with a laugh... I laugh nervously.
I sigh "I'm quiet because... Erm... Mark? I'm in that 1 to 3%" I look away people cheer but Mark just looks at me infusion.
"Mark... I'm pregnant" I say as tears fall down my face.
-Mark's POV-
He.. Uh.. Wha... Huh? He's pregnant?! He's having a child... Wait is it... Mine?
"W-with me?" I ask like an idiot.
"Yes you doofus" he chuckles... I get a barely noticeable smile on my face as I process what he was saying. I then grin wildly as I run over to him then I pick him up and spin him around... I just hug him tightly when I put him back on the ground.
"So that's why you've been throwing up... Why didn't you tell me before instead of telling me you were sick?" I ask as I place my hand on his belly and I press my forehead to his.
"I was scared at how you were gonna react... I didn't want you to leave me" he says quietly.
"I'd never in a million years leave you" I press my lips to his "and now I'm gonna be a daddy" I grin as I crouch down and press kisses to his belly... He giggles "I'm so excited... We're gonna have our own baby" I start bouncing around excitedly the wide grin never leaving my face.
"All I can say is wow... Congrats guys" Bob laughs at me as I again pick Jack up bridle style this time.
"Yeah I'm happy for you" Wade agrees.
"You don't need to be happy because of how happy I am right now I could run around the world a thousand times and never stop smiling once" I say as I continue to press kisses to Jack's face.
"Mark calm down... You're too happy!" Jack laughs... I put him down then I finally calm I stand there with a smirk in my face.
"I'm sorry... I'm okay now" I giggle as Jack wraps his arms around me "oh then y'know what he's the perfect opportunity to ask... Will you.... " I hear everyone gasp with the pause... I smirk "move in with me... Ha! You all thought I was gonna propose! That's not till later"
"How could I say no?" He asks me as he  presses his lips to mine again "this should just be called Septiplier panel"
"Yeah you two go this is all about us now" Mark jokes.
"That's fine with us" Bob says as him and Wade start walking away.
"No guys! Don't leave... We're done here so ask more questions guys!" I say as I point at the mic but there's nobody there... Everyone's still crying from the news "oh sorry... We made people cry... Well it's not our faults that you cry when you're happy"
"Mark be nice" Jack chuckles at me as I sit down in the one chair with Jack on my lap.
"Oh my god I just thought of something... Half the people are literally freaking out because oh my god Jack's pregnant that mean you guys had sex!" Bob laughs as he impersonates what he thinks a fan would sound like.
"That is so true... Isn't it guys?" Jack laughs as he asks them... They all whistle and cheer "you perverted bastards!" I yawn as I am now officially drained of my energy.
"I'm now tired" I sigh as I rest my head foreword onto Jack's back... I feel his one hand on the side of my face "can I sleep?"
"Well... How much time do we have?!" Jack yells at the backstage people. I'm the one with the earpiece so I hear talking in my ear that I wasn't ready for.
"Sorry say that again" I am now paying attention.
"You have about 10 minutes" I hear a guy say.
"We have 10 minutes... Ok that's close enough let's go" I say as I get up then I pick Jack up bridle style and I start walking towards back stage "ok bye everybody! Thanks for coming!"
"See ya!" Jack yells as we make it back stage before he jumps out of my arms and runs off to the bathroom... I take my mic and earpiece out and I sigh. Best. Day. Ever.
-The End-

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