Birthday Boy (Part 1)

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-Jack's POV-
"Jack?" I hear a soft deep voice call my name.. I slowly open my eyes to see my loving husbands face smiling at me... I smile as I rub my eyes then I wrap my arms around him and he pulls me closer to him "happy birthday baby" he whispers.
"Thank you" I smile as he presses kisses up my neck and all over my face.
"I love you... So what do you want to do for your birthday?" He asks as he presses his forehead to mine.
"Just stay here and cuddle... Then later birthday sex" I smile with my eyes closed as Mark lays onto his back and pulls me on top of him.
"As you wish" he chuckles as he kisses my nose softly.. I giggle... My stomach growls and I pout "maybe food first.." Mark smiles.
"Awe... I don't wanna get up" I sigh as I sit up on Mark then I start sliding off of him.
"Who said you were going anywhere" Mark asks as he pulls me back and lays me on my back while he's on his hands and knees over me. I smirk as I trace the scar on his belly... He smiles at me then he presses his lips to mine and gets up before placing the blankets back over me.
"You should give me a birthday lap dance" I chuckle as I curl up under the blankets.. He laughs.
"Later... Before the birthday sex"
"You realize I'm gonna just name off things I want but put birthday in front of it?" I giggle as Mark presses a kiss to my forehead.
"I know... I'm okay with that" he smiles "ok I'll be right back with your birthday breakfast"
"I love you" I smile as I am peeking at him from over the blankets.
"Jack I love you more than you will ever know you adorable little kitten" Mark sighs as he looks at me from the doorway.. I giggle then he smiles and leaves. I sigh in happiness as I close my eyes... I inhale the sent of the sheets... It smells like a mix of Mark and me... I don't think I've stopped smiling since I got woken up.
"Mark!" I call out... I see Mark come up the stairs.
"What's wrong?" He asks as I put my arms out towards him.
"I want kisses!" I sound like a little kid.
"What do you want me to carry you like a little kid too?" Mark asks as he presses kisses all over my face then on my lips.
"Yay! Up! Up!" I giggle  as I stand up in front of Mark with pleading eyes "pwease?"
Mark sighs "fine" I grin as I put my arms around his shoulders then I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist... I burry my face into his neck as Mark carries me like a little kid downstairs.
"Mark... This is why I love you" I grin as I look at him... He chuckles.
"This is also why I love you... I love when you act like a little kid... I love taking care of you.. My baby boy" Mark explains... I smile as I put my head on Mark's shoulder. I then feel him sit me on the counter... I let go of him as he goes over and tends to the bacon and eggs in the frying pan.
"So... Anything else you want to do today besides lay naked with me the entire day then have sex?" Mark asks me.
"Nah that sounds like the.... Perfect! Day to me... I don't know maybe go for a walk?" I suggest.
"Of course... Anything for my baby boy" Mark smiles as he comes back over to me he puts his hands on my thighs... I start playing with the wedding ring on his left hand... I smile.
"Really I don't need much for my birthday because the best present that I get everyday is having you to hug and kiss also being able to call you my husband" I smile as I tear runs down my cheek.
"Awe Roo" Mark wipes the tear off my face then presses his lips to mine "I don't know where I would be if you hadn't started YouTube" he sighs.
"I would be sitting in my old room with no life playing video games shutting the world out" I say truthfully "YouTube and you have changed my life so much... You guys basically pushed my life onto the right track"
"I'd still be alone and not truly as happy as I am now.. I mean yeah I'd be somewhat happy but I'd have no social life" Mark says as he  kisses my forehead then goes back to the food.
"Well... That's enough sappy crap for now" I chuckle "take me back to bed... Daddy?" I smirk as he turns and raises an eyebrow at me.
"Of course baby boy" Mark comes over then I latch onto him like I did before as he carries me upstairs and puts me back into bed "I'll be up in a few with your food"
"Ok daddy" I giggle.
"You're playing in dangerous territory boy" Mark threatens.
"Daddy are you gonna spank me?" I grin as I roll over so my ass is facing him.
"Oh I'm gonna do more than that... How about you eat before we play" Mark suggests as he heads down to the kitchen... Calling him daddy is a big kink of his. I lay there for a couple minutes before Mark comes back up with a plate of food.. I sit up in the bed as I take it.
"Thank you babe"
"What not thanks daddy?" Mark looks surprised.
"Nah... I love you"
"I love you too"
-To Be Continued-

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