Working Through this Together (Part 2)

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This is the second part of the story! Sorry if it's kinda long or if it starts to suck in the end... I kinda feel like I rushed the end a little bit. For that I made up with a little SMUT WARNING!! Towards the end... It's not that good but it's still smut.
-Jack's POV-
I wake up to see Mark still asleep beside me... I get up and put on my boxers. Then I walk down to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee... I then hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I look back to see a sleepy Ryan shuffling towards me.... I run my hand through my hair but I cringe and groan when my fingers hit the scar that's on the back of my head.
"God fuck!" I say through my teeth.
"You ok?" Ryan asks.
"Yeah... I just jabbed my scar with my finger" I say as I put my hand over the back of my head.
"Ouch" Ryan says as he pours himself a coffee "is Mark not up yet?"
"Nah... I got up as soon as I woke up... For some reason this morning I couldn't just lay in bed" I say as I lean against the counter.
"Same.... So how are you feeling? Y'know with your emotions" Ryan says as he sits at the table.
"Eh... I'm better than I was.... Im like down to once every other day" I say as I take a sip of my coffee. I then hear more footsteps coming down the stairs... I look over to see Mark in only pj pants... I smile at him.
"Good morning babe" Mark says as he comes up to me then wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck then I press my lips to his.... Mark puts his hands on my butt and lifts me up... I wrap my legs around his waist as I hold onto him.
"You guys are gross" Ryan says as he gets up and heads back up to his room.
"Good leave" Mark says quietly as he starts kissing my neck. Mark places me onto the counter so that he is standing between my legs.... He places soft kisses on my chest... Mark runs his hands up my back to the back of my head where his hands run over my scar. With instinct I push him away then I place my hands on the sides of my head.
"Fuck!" I yell as I get off the counter.
"Oh right... I forgot about that... How is it?" Mark asks as he takes a look at the back of my head.
"It still really hurts" I say I grab my coffee then start walking to the stairs "I'm gonna get dressed"
"Fine" Mark says with a sigh.
"Hey... You got this last night... I don't think I can take anymore of your love" I say as I exaggerate my hip movements as I walk. Mark laughs as he pours himself some coffee... I then head up into my room to get dressed. When I go downstairs I see Mark already dressed and at the door with his keys in hand.... I walk over to him then he pulls me into another hug.
"Where are you going?" I ask as I bury my head in his chest.
"To run some errands" he says as he ruffles my hair... I giggle.
"I would offer to come but I have some recording to do" I say as I lift my head so that my eyes meet his.
"Well then you better get that done" he says as he kisses me then turns to head out the door.
"Love you" I say as I stand in the doorway.
"Love you too babe" Mark says with a smile as he gets into his car then pulls out of the driveway.
-Mark's POV-
I start driving to where I want to go.... Few, I dodged a bullet... I'm glad he couldn't come.. That would have been a nightmare to cover up. I continue driving until I reach the jewelry store... I head in and I spot the guy I need to talk to... I walk up to him then he sees me.
"Do you have it?" I ask the guy.
"Yes... Just a minute let me go get it" he says as he leaves me for a moment. He returns with a small black box that he hands to me... I open the box only to see a beautiful gold ring sitting so delicately inside... There is writing on the outside that says 'I love you' on the inside it says 'For my precious Roo'... I've kept putting this off and now it's time.
"Thank you" I say as I pay the guy then I leave. I put the box in the passenger seat then I start driving... I get halfway home when I come to a stoplight... The light turns green for me to turn left so I pull out to turn but as I reach the middle of the intersection some guy comes flying down the turn lane on my left. His car going what looks like 100, hits my side of the car.... It all happens so fast that the next thing I know, I'm out on the pavement my left arm and leg are broken, I have a metal bar through my shoulder and I can't move anything except for my eyes and mouth. I start screaming in pain as I feel more things in my left side that seem like they're broken.
"Help! Please call 911!" I scream as I feel myself slipping from consciousness. Several people run over then everything fades to black.
-Jack's POV-
Why? Why did this happen? It's only been a month after I recovered from my little incident... I sit in the waiting room of the hospital in tears waiting for the news about Mark. I wait for about 2 hours in the waiting room.. Plus the time between when Mark got here and when I came so they have been working on him for about two and a half hours.
"Sean Mcloughlin?" I hear a voice waking me out of my sleep. I look up to see a doctor standing there... I must have fallen asleep while waiting.
"Yeah that's me" I say as I sit up straight.
"Mark is lucky to be alive... The condition he came to us in was very life threatening" he says as he hands me a clipboard. I sigh as I feel tears run down my face again.
"Is he okay?" I ask as I look over the clipboard.
"Well as you can see he broke his ankle and dislocated his knee on his left leg... Then he broke his shoulder and his forearm in his left arm" he says.
"He also broke some left ribs? Did they puncture anything?" I ask with fear lining my voice.
"He did break two ribs in the left side but luckily he didn't puncture anything" the doctor says with a hopeful smile. I nod as I stand up.
"Can I go see him?" I ask.
"Well I suppose you can but he might not be awake" he says as he leads me down a hall to Mark's room.
"Can I keep this just to read more of?" I ask gesturing to the clipboard... He nods to me then leaves me. I head into the room to see Mark almost head to toe with casts.... My heart sinks at the sight... I walk over to a chair that's beside his bed... I sit down then I read over the list again.
-Mild concussion
-Broken Neck
-Broken left shoulder
-Broken left forearm
-Two Broken ribs on his left side
-Dislocated left knee
-Both ankles Broken
-Several fingers Broken
-Deep gash in the side of his face, stab wound in right upper arm, several bruises, scrapes and several deep cuts.
I sigh as I look at every injury when I read it on the paper.... I place my hand on Mark's head, since I can't hold his hand without hurting him.
"Mark..... I'm sorry this had to happen to you... If only you hadn't had to go out" I say as more tears stream down my face "I want to know what was so important that you had to go because most of the time you wait until we both have to go out then we just go out together to create less trips" i hear the door to the room open... I look over to see Ryan and Matt.
"How is he?" Ryan asks as they move over to me.
"They say he should make it... But..... Anything's possible at this point" I say as I hand them the clipboard.
"Oh wow" Matt says as they read the list. We sit there for about half an hour but Mark doesn't wake up so we decide to go home.... I don't want to but I think it's best.

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