Do you Love me?

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Ok so.... Really short! Sorry... This is probably my shortest one shot with 657 words! Holy fuck! Normally they're at least over 1000 words! Whatever it's cute... It's fine I like it!
-Jack's POV-
I wake up to find Mark still asleep with his arms wrapped around me and his head on my chest... I start playing with his hair then he slowly wakes... But what I don't expect is for his hand to grab my butt... I Yelp.
"Mark... What... Are... You" I say between breaths... Mark is kissing my V-line "No Mark... Not now... We did it last night and a few others times yesterday... I'm sore and tired I need a break" Mark pouts at me before he lays back and sighs.
"Fine" he says a little grumpily "want coffee?" He asks lightening up a little.
"Yes please" I nod as he gets up puts boxers on then heads downstairs "what's gotten into him?" Then a scary thought pops into my head.. I get a ball in my throat and tears brim my eyes. What if Mark doesn't love me anymore? What if he wants me just for sex or my body? I start to shake at the thought of this being true... If so has he lied all the times he's said 'I love you' in the past week or more? I get up and I head to the bathroom.. Passing Mark as I do... I tried to make is look like I just needed to go but I went too quickly.
"Jack? Baby? You okay?" I hear Mark ask from outside the door.
"I'm fine" my voice cracks.. I cringe.
"That certainly does not sound like you're okay... I'm coming in" Mark says as he opens the door to see me in tears sitting on the edge of the tub "what's wrong?" Mark sits beside me and takes my hand.
"Mark? Can I ask you something?"
"Be honest... Do you still love me?" I ask slightly shaking.
"Of course I do... I love you so much.. Why are you asking this?" He asks as he pulls me closer into a hug.
"B-Because with you constantly wanting to have sex... I was scared that you just wanted me for my body" I cry more into his chest.
"That is far from the reason I've been acting the way I am and to be honest I have no idea why my libido is so god damn high... I just guess I've just been really horny for the past week or more but I do... Still love you so so much.. And I would never use you even if I did stop loving you... But that's never ever gonna happen" Mark whispers in my ear.. I close my eyes as a calming shiver runs up my spine making my exhale stutter.
"I love everything about you... Your body, your personality, your family, your voice... I love the way you care way to much about others and way too less about yourself but I love taking care of you so it works... That's why we work so well together... You care too much about me and I care too much about you... You're so funny, you make me happy and nobody has made me this happy since..." Mark hesitates to continue.
"Since who?" I ask as I look up at him... He smiles at me with tears now in his eyes.
"Since my dad" his voice cracks as he closes his eyes... I move my hand up and wipe the tears away from his eyes then I place a kiss on his cheek "you believe me now?"
"Definitely... If you're lying then you're one hell of an actor" I laugh.
"Just know that I love you so so so much no matter how many times I say it... It's true every second of it" he presses his lips to mine.
"I love you too... To the moon" I whisper with our foreheads pressed and my hands on the sides of his face while his are on my hands.
"Everything's alright" Mark smiles as he picks me up and carries me to our bed... I giggle and squirm the whole way... Now I definitely know he loves me... "So so much" I smile as he grins at me.
-The End-

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