Birthday Boy (Part 2)

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-Jack's POV-
"Mark! You said you were gonna come back! I'm a baby bird and I'm getting cold!" I yell hoping Mark will hear me from outside.. He was letting Chica out.
"I was just coming back baby bird" Mark chuckles as he is about to climb back into bed with me... I put my foot to his chest.
"Clothes are not allowed on this bed" I smirk as I point at his boxers.
"I was hoping you'd forget when I came back" he sighs with a smile.
"Underwear off" I demand.
"Where are your manners?"
"Take them off" I yell jokingly.
"Are you asking to be spanked? You bad boy" Mark asks seductively.
"We'll ever since I said it this morning it's all I've wanted" I smirk as I push him back so he stumbles.
"That's it" Mark puts me so I'm laying on my belly... I bite my lip as I wait for it... I jump a little as his hands comes into contact with my ass making it burn slightly... I moan as I get hard.. He then presses a kiss to the spot followed by another slap.
"Daddy please.." I whine as he flips me over so I'm on my back again.
"What is it you want?"
"You... Please" I beg as he smirks at me.
"Now you use manners" he chuckles as I get onto my knees and I claw greedily at the waistband on his boxers I pull them down to his knees as he then takes them off completely. I kiss and lick at his v-line as he moans quietly and plays with my hair.... I move down so I'm kissing his erection while I wrap my hand around him... I start slowly pumping him as I look up at him.. He leans down and presses his lips to mine.
"What would you like me to do daddy... I'll make it up to you" I say as I bat my eyelashes then I press kisses to his lower stomach.
"It's your birthday so anything. You. Want." He whispers in my ear... I get up then I push Mark to the bed... I run my hands down his chest as I crouch on the floor and I smirk at him "I'm kinda scared" I laugh deviously.
"I won't bite... Hard" I grin as I lick Mark's taint then up his member and when I reach the top I take all of him in my mouth and I start sucking him. He starts moaning quietly... I take my mouth off him and I move over to the closet where there is a box of stuff I take out the cuffs and I roll Mark onto his stomach again... I cuff his hands together behind his back.
"What are you doing? This won't be the best position for my hands" he says but I shush him and put a ball gag in his mouth.
"Are you a sucker for pain?" I whisper in his ear... He moans quietly and nods "yeah you are" I smirk as I grab the chain between his hands and I pull him up off the bed. I grab a dildo then I shove it up his ass no warning or anything... I push him so he's sitting.. He has a pained look because he's sitting on it... its probably shoved up really far. I then straddle his lap as I put a shock collar around his neck but after its on I also blindfold him so he doesn't know when it's coming.
"Mmhhmhhmh!" Mark tries to protest. I shock him as he jumps slightly and bites down on the ball.
"You like that huh?" I giggle crazily.. Mark nods "what do you want?" I loosen the gag so it falls around his neck.
"Please enough teasing" he breathes.. I smirk as I reach around and unlock the cuffs ... The next thing I know I'm the one on my back with my hands cuffed above my head attached to the headboard "now you're gonna get it you bad little boy" Mark smirks.
"Go ahead" I grind my teeth through a smile as he takes off the collar and puts it on my neck... Along with the gag and blind fold. I then feel A quick shock on my neck that runs through me... I moan as I hear a beep signaling he's turning up the intensity... Another shock that would hurt more to most but it just makes me moan louder.... then I feel Mark push into me and start thrusting. He shocks me every once in a while.. And I feel him biting and sucking on my chest and the parts of my neck where the collar isn't as well as my face... Oh god fuck I can't take this! I cum onto I assume my lower stomach but I can't see.
"So soon? Well hold on longer because I'm not even close" Mark purrs in my ear... I whimper as he just thrusts faster and deeper then another shock... I just feel myself building up again "let's see if I can make you cum again" I feel him smack the inside of my left thigh quite hard.. I bite on the ball. I then feel Mark cum into me while holding the button down the remote... There's an intense shock that continuously goes through me but it's not too bad... I moan louder and louder until I cum again.. I breathe heavily as we both just sit there... I sigh as the ball comes out of my mouth, the collar comes off then does the cuffs.. I just lay there still trying to recover from the experience I had.
"You okay?" Mark asks as the blindfold comes off and I squint from the bright lights.. I nod absentmindedly.
"That was... Fucking amazing..." I say as I look at Mark who is chuckling.
"I'll be right back" he says as he gets up and heads out of the room.. I sit up then I look down my chest to see small bloody bite marks and cum... I also feel my neck.. There's several burn marks from the shocker.
"Holy Jesus... I'm gonna be fucking sore but I'm gonna sleep like a baby" I giggle as Mark comes in with a cloth then he hands it to me "thanks" I wipe myself down then I just throw it to the floor.
"You've got a ton of marks to hide before recording" Mark smirks.
"You asshole... Whatever I'll just let them guess... But you can clearly see bite marks on my face.. The burns are in a perfect line so.. They'll figure it out" I smile as Mark lays on the bed then I lay on top of him.
"Happy birthday babe" Mark grins.
"Best fucking birthday ever"
-The End-

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