Costume Party

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I know this is late but I erase this a rewrite it because I hated the first version... anyway enjoy SMUT WARNING!!
-Mark's POV-
I sigh as I finish with the last touches to my costume... I am one sexy Devil. I am wearing tight black leather pants with no shirt or shoes.. then I have black horns that stick to my forehead with makeup... they look real too. I have long fake nails, contacts that make my eyes all black and some fake teeth... I look cool but sexy. I am having a Halloween costume party at my place with 20 or more people that hopefully will come... Jack stayed the night and is also getting his costume on right now. I should go down to great everyone... it's 6:00 so they should be any minute... I wonder what Jack is? He didn't give any clues so I don't know... I'm glad he didn't bring Signe... I mean she's nice and all but... I'll admit I'm jealous. I like Jack... and nobody knows... everyone thinks I'm straight... but... I don't even know if I like girls.. I thought I did but my relationships never turned out well.
Knock Knock Knock
I snap out of my thoughts then I get up and head to the door... when I open it I see Felix and Marzia... he looks me up and down.
"Damn Darkiplier... hot and scary" Felix laughs.
"Well I do live in hell" I lower my voice. Felix steps inside slowly as if trying not to startle me.
"Jack!? Please save me from this monster!" He yells as he runs past.
"Aren't you a Wizard?" I ask in my normal voice.
"Oh yeah... Marzia save me!" He screams.
"Can you do nothing yourself?" She rolls her eyes... I laugh.
"Marzia?!" I hear Jack call from upstairs "can you come here?" She heads up to the guest room where Jack is.. me and Felix look at each other. But then I hear more knocks... I answer the door and more people come in... over the next hour people stream in and Jack still hasn't come down yet... I'm kinda worried but Marzia insists he's fine.
"Oh my god Jack!" I hear Mary, Ken's girlfriend scream. Everyone turns to the stairs... I turn and look..  my eyes widen... he's an Angel. He's wearing a girls costume... a plain white long sleeved dress that flows to his mid thigh... he's wearing sparkly white makeup around his eyes and of course a halo above his head.. I grin.
"Did you wax your legs?" Felix laughs.
"I fucking waxed a lot of shit Felix" he says as if it's obvious.. we all laugh "What... I wanted to feel pretty" his eyes land on me then he raises an eyebrow. I move over to him.
"What a coincidence... I'm the Devil... you're and Angel" I laugh.
"Yeah.. I guess I just... wanted to know what it's like to wear a dress but I wanted to go all out... but you look... scary and sexy" Jack giggles.
"That was the plan" I grin showing my pointed teeth. I look over to see Felix vlogging and talking to people... I roll my eyes... well not that anyone could tell.
"Felix!" I growl.. he yelps and turns to look at me like a lost little puppy.
"Why do you have to vlog?" I ask.
"Because why wouldn't people want to see fucking septiplier in they're amazing costumes... well and others" he shrugs as he moves closer.. the camera on us.
"I'll give you 3 seconds to run" I lower my voice and make sure to show my teeth.. he turns and sprints away hiding in a corner somewhere "Good kitty" me and Jack laugh. The party goes on for about 6 more hours before the crowd starts thinning out and it's down to only a few of us.. and I can tell the others are getting tired too.
"Mark.." Jack whispers in my ear as I watch more of them leave "... as little clothes as you have on right now ... I'd like to see you in less" my heart beats fast.... what do I say?!
"Wait till were alone" I growl quietly "then we can do... whatever. We. Want"
"I'm all yours" his breath falters and those blue eyes look into mine. We talk with Felix, Marzia, Ken, Mary, Wade and Molly for another hour or so then they all decide to leave to their hotels.
"Thanks for coming guys... I'm glad you enjoyed it" I smile as I see them out... once they get in their cars and go I close and lock the door before I turn and press my lips to Jack's.
"I'm the Devil and I say you get punished for coming dressed like that..." I growl in his ear as I sucks and bite his neck.
"Oh but there's more" he moans.. I lift him then go up to my room where I lay him on the bed like the little angel he is... he lays with his hands above his head.
"Such a beautiful little angel" I smirk as I lean down and press me lips to his... my hands go up his chest which is now smooth then they go down onto his thighs. I push the fabric of the dress up then it comes off.. he is still wearing the halo though. I look down his body... I raise an eyebrow at the white lace.. panties?
"You were really planning for this weren't you angel?" I lean down and start kissing his waist.. going down as he plays with my hair.
"Mark... please" Jack moans "please daddy Lucifer... I need you"
"Good boy" I grin as I slide off the panties then throw them across the room "you really did wax everything"
"Ohh.. no more teasing"
"That's no way and angel like you should act" I growl as my tongue goes all the way up the middle of his belly... to his chest then I find his lips again.
"Please..." his hands go to the sides of my face as he bucks his hips... I get up off the bed then I strip the tight pants off of me before I crawl back onto the bed... over top of Jack. His fingers go softly down my stomach then they start pushing my boxers down to they're off my hips now he traces my V-line.. I take my boxers off the rest of the way.
"Please fuck me... make me yours"
"I'm guessing you've never been fucked before kitten" I assume... he shakes his head "then I'll be gentle" I reach over to the bedside table then I pull out some lube.
"You don't have to prep... I don't care I just need you" he continues begging.
"I didn't know you were that horny" I smirk as I lube up myself then push his one leg up onto my shoulder before I slowly press into him.
"Ohhhhh.... fuck" Jack moans and arches his back. I lean down and fit my mouth to his as I speed my thrusts... Jack's nails drag down my back. Unexpectedly.. Jack pushes me over so I'm on my back and Jack is on top of me... he's so fucking feminine it's turning me on even more. He giggles...  running his hands up and down my chest... he starts rolling his hips back and fourth.
"Oh fuck yes" I moan as he starts bouncing up and down.
"Mark... I'm.. fuck... gonna cum" he moans.
"Cum for me baby" I say breathlessly as I thrust up against him. A couple more thrusts then Jack sprays his load onto my stomach... I follow cuming into him.
"Oh... God fuck" he groans as he collapses onto me... his face buried into my neck as we both pant to catch our breath. My arms go around the Irishman's small body... his go up to my hair.
"I love you" I whisper in his ear as I nibble on his earlobe.
"And.. I love you.."
"But I'm with Signe... and I can't just dump her" he sighs.
"But what's gonna happen if she finds out you cheated? Just end it before she breaks your heart.." I practically beg.. his eyes meet mine.
"I don't know.... I know you desperately want me... but... we could be a secret?" Jack suggests.
"It's would be hard though... and I don't want to have you all the way across the earth when you could be here" I pout as my eyes fill with tears. He hugs me tighter.
"Shhh.... Mark... let's talk about this later.. but for now let me be your angel.. for the next 5 days" he kisses my nose and smiles.
"Ok.. you're right..." I then grin "Happy Halloween" he giggles and presses his forehead to mine.. he pulls off my horns since they're in the way then throws them.
"Happy Halloween you doofer"
-The End-

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