Special Agent Fischbach (Pt. 2)

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Okay so... this is short but I got inspired to write Septiplier by reading my own stuff. Well this is kinda Septiplier although it doesn't have fluff or shut in it... enjoy??
-Mark's POV-
"Jack! Ahead!" I whisper yell pointing ahead of us as I deek out of the hiding spot with my gun in front of me to chase after our suspect. I watch Jack race in the same direction on the opposite side of some metal beams. We run full speed as we barely keep him in our sights, I watch him turn right so I make a sharp turn ahead and stay on his right running parallel to him. Jack may or may not be following but if not he's safe. This guy is an expert marksman so I have a high chance that I'll get shot here. The room clears up so I get a clear shot and I take it, I shoot and I think I hit him in the leg because he stumbles but disappears behind a big metal container. I creep up so I'm right at the corner of it before I hear a gun shot so I pop out. My eyes find him only to also find his gun trained on me, I fire but so does he. I attempt to quickly hit the floor and dodge it but I get hit in the shoulder so I fall back to the ground.
"Mark!" I look up to see Jack running to me.
"I'm fine just make sure he doesn't go anywhere" I point to the guy, jack reluctantly moves to him and I get up holding my shoulder. I call for backup as he cuffs the guy and gets him up.
"This is Special Agent Fischbach requesting two ambulances to *adress* we caught our suspect but both him and me are shot, him more so than me" I explain into my walkie.
"You got two ambulances on route now" I put it back onto my belt then I look to see Jack holding the guy up since he is very injured, my vision blurs as I feel light headed but I am able to shake it off. About 10 minutes later we have walked towards the front of the building and the ambulances just arrived, but not quick enough. They just get out with stretchers when I get light headed again but this time I can't fight it, I go unconscious and collapse all of a sudden. I open my eyes expecting to see a hospital but.... I'm in the old factory? I look down to see blood gushing out of a wound in my stomach... and in my shoulder, what happened? I look over to see our suspect on the ground, where's Jack then? I feel very weak and lightheaded but I still try to sit up anyway, I spot another body on the ground just a little further down. Then it comes together, I heard a gunshot before I jumped our at him, he shot Jack!
"J-Jack!" I try to call out his name only to cough blood, damn! I dig through my pockets and I finally find my phone, I lay back again as it gives me less pain. I press the first number I find attached to the FBI and I call.
"Mark? Have you caught our suspect yet?" I hear Skinner ask, I cough before I breathlessly speak.
"Skinner, backup to the... old factory *cough* Jack and I... shot...." I sigh and give up on speaking.
"Ok were on our way as fast as we can" he sounds panicked now then he hangs up, I try to stay awake for another 5 minutes then I get pulled under by weakness. The next time I open my eyes I hear shouting then I spot Skinner running towards us in front of a bunch of others, he kneels next to Jack first then comes to me.
"Is he...?"
"Jack is alive and he's less injured than you luckily" he presses a hand to my stomach wound.
"Good" I start coughing so Skinner rolls me over as for me not to drown in my blood.
"Well you got our suspect" he says as he rolls me back over, I then spot jack on a stretcher.
"Mark?!" He calls as his eyes meet mine.
"I'm fine" I cringe as I call to him, my voice really hoarse. Then people lift me onto another stretcher and start carrying me away before once again I pass out. My eyes shoot open to see I'm now in a hospital, this is a strange feeling... being shot. I've never had an injury on the job before, especially not being shot, I wonder what happened to make today different?
"Mark?" I hear a tired voice to my left, I turn to see Jack in a bed beside me.
"Hey" I force a smile "So this is what it's like to be in a hospital"
"Mark? What happened? If you got hurt you must've been off your game" Jack looks concerned.
"Or maybe he had an advantage of hand eye coordination?" I suggest "anyway how do you feel?"
"I'm fine, you got it worse than me" he mentions.
"I'm sorry I got us in here... but on the bright side we caught our suspect" I then frown "although he may be dead"
"He's alive, Skinner came in to update earlier but you were still asleep. He said that he's alive in the hospital like us" he explains.
"Good.. now I think I need more sleep" I yawn, he giggles.
"Ok, sleep tight" he smiles, I smirk at him.
"I love you" I say as he smirks.
"I love you too"
-The end-

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